Who’s Better Cosmic?

Hellstorm_Hellstorm_ Member Posts: 172
edited February 2018 in General Discussion
They are both 5* and same rank.

Who’s Better Cosmic? 82 votes

dangerblubm3eppsFoxhero007JmanbaldyZiprianoJtaylor23Akarsh383 7 votes
Etaki_LirakoiMattyloSnakeEyes69JOHNOSA1995Golden_GuardianAlfa_PigeonDrOctavius2_2Noob_2yrsDarkstar4387Spity68SaiyanSomeoneElsevg2782NastyEfnNateAxeCopFirebuffajrAfridDanicb94ScottryanwSWeaponX 75 votes


  • Lt_Magnum_1Lt_Magnum_1 Member Posts: 640 ★★
    Even if Pheonix is duped, she is a champ that relies too much on heavies. Her base attack is mediocre and relies on her fury buffs to stack. And it takes about 9 fury buffs for her to rival Angela with one fury buff (with Angela you can normally get 2). Phoenix fury limit is 11.
  • NastyEfnNateNastyEfnNate Member Posts: 551 ★★
    I can’t believe u have to ask this question if u have both champs
  • Hellstorm_Hellstorm_ Member Posts: 172
    I’m just wondering, quality or quantity(prestige)
  • LOИEWOLFLOИEWOLF Member Posts: 128
    Phoenix is nothing in front of Angela... Angela is One of the best Champs even Unduped.. She do hell of a Critical Damage..

    Hope i could help you get what you've looking for.. ✌️
  • Hellstorm_Hellstorm_ Member Posts: 172
    U did if I can add any of u tell me ur username
  • Hellstorm_Hellstorm_ Member Posts: 172
    U did if I can add any of u tell me ur username
  • Darkstar4387Darkstar4387 Member Posts: 2,145 ★★★
    Angela is far superior to pheonix, not that pheonix is that bad she's just not to good either and takes to long to rev up and requires you to rely on heavvies and her regain is dependent on those as well.
  • dangerbludangerblu Member Posts: 47
    Angela's fights are long and her power is better after using sp.1. Phoenix: If you do heavy when you have one bar of power and build to sp.3, you do, massive dmg with her when you have 10 fury. She's very good. And when you're duped and do sp.2 and then get killed you are healing a lot of damage.
  • TKalTKal Member Posts: 534 ★★
    Even if Pheonix is duped, she is a champ that relies too much on heavies. Her base attack is mediocre and relies on her fury buffs to stack. And it takes about 9 fury buffs for her to rival Angela with one fury buff (with Angela you can normally get 2). Phoenix fury limit is 11.

    Angela gets 3 furies tho, not 2
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