My alliance was kabammed

My alliance put up 83m in AQ, this would normally be enough to stay in expert tier. But to our shock we have actually gone down to advanced tier.
We thought that maybe we were given the wrong rewards, but after some thinking we realised that the recent alliance potion sale contributed to this as well as the availability of potions in the calendar(s).
We believe that this is helped to drive up the cutoff for staying in expert tier, because other alliances who don't clear 15/15 in 5 x 5 may have been taking full advantage of the sale and using the potions to clear.
Long story short, we have been kabammed!
We thought that maybe we were given the wrong rewards, but after some thinking we realised that the recent alliance potion sale contributed to this as well as the availability of potions in the calendar(s).
We believe that this is helped to drive up the cutoff for staying in expert tier, because other alliances who don't clear 15/15 in 5 x 5 may have been taking full advantage of the sale and using the potions to clear.
Long story short, we have been kabammed!
Alliance points have been rising over time, and while 83 million would have been safely in Expert tier last year, that is not a safe score now. Because individual alliances don't score the same points every time, and because every AQ week has a different point potential due to different bosses, the cutoff required to stay in Expert fluctuates a bit each week. But the overall trend has been upward.
Our alliance has been doing Map 5x5 since the start of the season. Our score when we basically finish all three battlegroups 5x100% started off around 80 million. It is now over a hundred million. And a hundred million is well into Expert territory, but even that score doesn't look 100% safe for long - it only gets you to a rank of about 2000.
I'm also predicting a jump upward in a couple weeks, as the safe money is on overall average prestige for the average alliance in Expert tier going up somewhat after everyone opens all those Blade crystals.
I'm with DNA and Gwendoline on this. Not sure how dropping means that you got "kabammed". All it means is that other alliances that were close in prestige as yours, increased theirs more than you ally did. Simple as that. If you didn't have any big jumps in prestige, then you are bound to drop down. It's ludicrous to think because kabam had a potion sale that it caused your alliance to drop. Just grasping at straws instead of looking in the mirror.
He is saying he feels that way due to the sale on potions (thus he feels pay to win was offered up by Kabam in this case).
I am not saying he is right... but this is the answer to your question on why he feels "Kabammed".
I don't think that conjecture is likely. Our alliance scored about the same number of points last week and this week, but we ranked higher last week than this week by over a hundred places. There are lots of reasons for those cutoffs to fluctuate as I mentioned before, but if the potion sale significantly increased everyone's scoring that normally don't fully complete 5x5 I would expect our rank to be much lower this week than last week.