It's a small chance to regen a varying amount based on damage dealt and souls gathered so it's very swingy. She's awesome with Flare since the massive damage boost lets her heal huge amounts when it triggers. Because the healing is based on damage dealt it also means the healing is basically not affected by liquid courage. The poison reduces healing by 30%, but since she's doing 30% more damage and the healing is based on damage, it works out about the same while having more attack.
I have her at 5/50 and it's mediocre. It heals a lot if it procs (especially on medium attacks and specials), but it rarely procs. You can go through the entirety of AQ and not get a single proc. So you shouldn't rely on it. It's one of those 'nice things to have', but I wouldn't define her as a healing champ like wolvie or rogue or anything.
Don't even think she's worth a mystic awakening gem.
I like that you don't have to do anything special, just keep hitting them. It may not be real reliable but it happens for you and when it does it is usually pretty decent health steal amounts.
I have her at 5/50 and it's mediocre. It heals a lot if it procs (especially on medium attacks and specials), but it rarely procs. You can go through the entirety of AQ and not get a single proc. So you shouldn't rely on it. It's one of those 'nice things to have', but I wouldn't define her as a healing champ like wolvie or rogue or anything.
Don't even think she's worth a mystic awakening gem.
I have her at 5/50 and it's mediocre. It heals a lot if it procs (especially on medium attacks and specials), but it rarely procs. You can go through the entirety of AQ and not get a single proc. So you shouldn't rely on it. It's one of those 'nice things to have', but I wouldn't define her as a healing champ like wolvie or rogue or anything.
Don't even think she's worth a mystic awakening gem.
That’s VERY hard to believe.
Happened a few times actually, not just once. But believe what you want lol
It's definitely a bonus; and saves you a few options; but that's about it. Compared to the improvements gained by other mystic champions (DV, SW, DS, Dorm, etc) Guillotine gains less from being Awakened than they do.
Also, unless you're watching carefully for it, it's very easy not to notice it's actually happening. But it does work perfectly reliably; and definitely improves Guillotine for questing.
There was this one time I was on 20% hp in AQ and I healed straight up to 100% from one SP2. Other times it heals pretty decent but sometimes it just doesn't at all through an entire fight.
I have her at 5/50 and it's mediocre. It heals a lot if it procs (especially on medium attacks and specials), but it rarely procs. You can go through the entirety of AQ and not get a single proc. So you shouldn't rely on it. It's one of those 'nice things to have', but I wouldn't define her as a healing champ like wolvie or rogue or anything.
Don't even think she's worth a mystic awakening gem.
That’s VERY hard to believe.
Happened a few times actually, not just once. But believe what you want lol
10% chance means roughly every 10 hits it should proc. So how many fights did you do? 2-4? An entire aq. I would guess about 5. 5 at roughly 30 hits from guilly. (I don’t know the rank of yours, or your prestige).
At 10 hits there is a 35% chance it won’t proc once. And a 65% chance that it would have. At 20 hits, 12 out of every 100 fights. It wouldn’t have proc’d Yet. Now at one fight ~30. It has a 96% chance it would have happened at least once. At 150 hits. It’s only a 1 out of 100,000,000 chance it would not have happened yet. So yeah. I don’t believe you.
What’s more likely. Is that it had proc’d once or twice during that time for a small gain and you missed it.
It's 10% chance to hp steal 50% dmg done for every 4 souls
Correct, but generating souls should not be an issue. I would imagine most people that would use her for AQ or AW run with some mastery setup that includes deep wounds, assassin and glass cannon to maximize the damage she is dealing.
She's my go-to for AQ. I can run the full cosmic line from start to boss in map 5 with only her, and I'll finish with close to full health.
Her health steal is quite variable though. She has a better chance when fighting against cosmics, but she health steals from anyone she faces.
Because it's based on damage dealt, she obviously heals more against lower-tiered champs. On day 1 of AQ, she's dealing a ton of damage and generating a lot of health, but by day 4 she isn't and it starts to look like she isn't stealing at all. She still is, but because her damage output is reduced due to the stronger opponents, she's just stealing a lot less.
Plus, her heal-reversal is one of a kind. She can dominate things like the BP Trial of Heart (regen), Wolverine in ROL, and Magneto in Act 4.
It's not something that you go in depending on, but it's a great added bonus to the rest of her utility. She's been one of my favorite champs for a long time
Don't even think she's worth a mystic awakening gem.
That’s VERY hard to believe.
Is that account sharing?
Happened a few times actually, not just once. But believe what you want lol
No... Just playing on it. Lol
I don't think it is account sharing unless you physically log on into their account.
Also, unless you're watching carefully for it, it's very easy not to notice it's actually happening. But it does work perfectly reliably; and definitely improves Guillotine for questing.
10% chance means roughly every 10 hits it should proc. So how many fights did you do? 2-4? An entire aq. I would guess about 5. 5 at roughly 30 hits from guilly. (I don’t know the rank of yours, or your prestige).
At 10 hits there is a 35% chance it won’t proc once. And a 65% chance that it would have. At 20 hits, 12 out of every 100 fights. It wouldn’t have proc’d Yet. Now at one fight ~30. It has a 96% chance it would have happened at least once. At 150 hits. It’s only a 1 out of 100,000,000 chance it would not have happened yet. So yeah. I don’t believe you.
What’s more likely. Is that it had proc’d once or twice during that time for a small gain and you missed it.
Correct, but generating souls should not be an issue. I would imagine most people that would use her for AQ or AW run with some mastery setup that includes deep wounds, assassin and glass cannon to maximize the damage she is dealing.
So 8 souls is 20% chance. I would sure hope any fight you did never dropped below 4.
Her health steal is quite variable though. She has a better chance when fighting against cosmics, but she health steals from anyone she faces.
Because it's based on damage dealt, she obviously heals more against lower-tiered champs. On day 1 of AQ, she's dealing a ton of damage and generating a lot of health, but by day 4 she isn't and it starts to look like she isn't stealing at all. She still is, but because her damage output is reduced due to the stronger opponents, she's just stealing a lot less.
Plus, her heal-reversal is one of a kind. She can dominate things like the BP Trial of Heart (regen), Wolverine in ROL, and Magneto in Act 4.