Let's talk about the game's most boring alliance event...

...you guessed that right, that's the Duel Skirmish!
For your time that you spend on this event (which is about 10-15 mins), you get:
1 x Tier 3 class ISO-8
100 Loyalty
500 Battlechip
2500 Gold
4000 Premium Crystal shards
So basically, for an end-game player, it's something that not really offers too much excitement.
Is it possible, to somehow increase the rewards? Even (4000) 3 star shards would mean a lot. As I know many alliances just abandoned this event, so I speak for lots of players here
I'll just leave DorkyDiggedyDave's video below
Good day!
For your time that you spend on this event (which is about 10-15 mins), you get:
1 x Tier 3 class ISO-8
100 Loyalty
500 Battlechip
2500 Gold
4000 Premium Crystal shards
So basically, for an end-game player, it's something that not really offers too much excitement.
Is it possible, to somehow increase the rewards? Even (4000) 3 star shards would mean a lot. As I know many alliances just abandoned this event, so I speak for lots of players here

I'll just leave DorkyDiggedyDave's video below

However,it has potential to be a little more fun. Rework the point system based on how hard the opponent is and amp up the rewards a bit.
Would stop with the 4* rank 1 battles.
Could even modify it for more points based on the prestige gap between you and your opponent. 2* challenge time!
Man, I would love to see this feature.
I suggested a Duel Again button months ago. Like always, no action was taken on it.
You aren't the first to suggest it, and you won't be the last. Wouldn't it be nice if there WAS a company that took every suggestion from every little person, and gave them cookies when those suggestions were implemented?
- Node removal on day 1 with the boost
- 3 day events ranked reward for a little extra 4* and 5* shards
Rest is nice rewards but nothing you really need to progress your game.
But I doubt any of that will happen, the class one could run each day and guarantee a t2class cat each day etc.
Defo needs a full revamp anyway
Actually, action was taken. They put the search button in another place, so that there are less loading screens. The reduel button wasn't going to happen so they found another way to still give us a faster way to do the duels.