Why isn't Sabertooth a villain?



  • Username1583Username1583 Member Posts: 165
    He's a cold blood assassin from how I see it, being on the right side only for the money doesn't make him a hero.
  • beyonder8421beyonder8421 Member Posts: 881 ★★★
    Asskicker wrote: »
    He's a cold blood assassin from how I see it, being on the right side only for the money doesn't make him a hero.

    That's true. However, he occasionally joins X-Teams. I wonder if Magneto Marvel NOW is considered a villain now, as he was part of cyclops' X-Men.

    Magneto changes sides very often, and I think he is considered villain. It's a grey area. In the end, because the champions come from a multiverse, Kabam can decide what is canon and what is not.

    I am pretty sure this was done to counter Blade, not sure it was necessary, as Blade is easy to beat when used by the AI.
  • ThatweirdguyThatweirdguy Member Posts: 675 ★★★
    Aww come on he is a villain
  • XFA_RebootedXFA_Rebooted Member Posts: 1,048 ★★★
    edited February 2018
    Because Kabam never specified which marvel universe, so he could technically be a hero. Like Mordo, it says he is a villain, but in the MCU he is a hero.
  • beyonder8421beyonder8421 Member Posts: 881 ★★★
    Because Kabam never specified which marvel universe, so he could technically be a hero. Like Mordo, it says he is a villain, but in the MCU he is a hero.

    I think someone didn't stay for the end credits.
  • beyonder8421beyonder8421 Member Posts: 881 ★★★
    Bosley wrote: »
    That's soooo stupid. Instead of nerfing champs they come up with dumb stuff like mercenary instead of villain. And don't get me started on the coldsnap immunity. Iceman isn't immune but Sabretooth is? Gimme a break. How many ways can they try to make these new champs a huge cash grab for them. There is absolutely no logic in putting these champs together.

    Things do not always make sense in this game. Coldsnap is one of those. I could understand why Sabretooth could overcome Coldsnap (instead of being immune to it), but if that were the case, Wolverine should have the same type of resistance.
  • Mr_OtterMr_Otter Member Posts: 1,614 ★★★
    Bosley wrote: »
    That's soooo stupid. Instead of nerfing champs they come up with dumb stuff like mercenary instead of villain. And don't get me started on the coldsnap immunity. Iceman isn't immune but Sabretooth is? Gimme a break. How many ways can they try to make these new champs a huge cash grab for them. There is absolutely no logic in putting these champs together.

    Things do not always make sense in this game. Coldsnap is one of those. I could understand why Sabretooth could overcome Coldsnap (instead of being immune to it), but if that were the case, Wolverine should have the same type of resistance.

    Actually… certain cannons agree that his body is fighting the adamantium poisoning meaning his healing factor is limited to fresh wounds. Remove the Adamantium and his body would become somewhere between beast and sabertooth. As he is he’s just a guy with knife knuckles and heals a lot
  • KhanMedinaKhanMedina Member Posts: 927 ★★★
    Can someone from the game comment here? How is Rulk a villain and Sabretooth is not? Taskmaster has more of a case for not being a real villain and just being a mercenary than Creed does.
  • Apocalypse189Apocalypse189 Member Posts: 1,135 ★★★
    Sabretooth is NOT a villain in any way. If you watched the wolverine film he was savage yes but not villainy
    Xmen (first film) ok yes here he acted villainy but was working under magneto so basically he was following orders
  • Apocalypse189Apocalypse189 Member Posts: 1,135 ★★★
    Hope I got that right
  • X_ScottX_Scott Member Posts: 732 ★★★
    All the asgardians and howard the duck should be interdimensional beings, but they're not in the game. Have to assume they do what they do because they want to balance certain champs over being accurate in story.
  • Apocalypse189Apocalypse189 Member Posts: 1,135 ★★★
    Exactly why does everyone have to conform to blades danger sense lol

    It’s like an addiction
  • BosleyBosley Member Posts: 443 ★★★
    I forgot about Ghost Rider. Why isn't he incinerate immune? I mean his friggin' head is on fire for gosh sake!!!
  • CloserByTomorrowCloserByTomorrow Member Posts: 145
    Sabretooth isn’t a villain bc guess what? It’s their game and that’s the way they made it. You people must be new here. I, like most people, accepted a long time ago that this is their game and there’s no point trying to argue anything about it on these forums.

    The creator of Sabretooth stated that he is a psychopathic villain, no question about it. And they would no longer attempt to have him redeem
    Himself or try and become a hero. He’s worked as a mercenary sure. he’s killed for money then on his way home killed twice as much for pleasure. You can make points for and against kabams choice back and forth. But at the end of it all it’s their decision. You don’t like it, kick rocks. No point criticizing the choices they make
  • BahamutBahamut Member Posts: 2,307 ★★★★
    He isn’t affected by danger sense, so Blade can’t steamroll him, so I, personally, am willing to let it slide
  • Username1583Username1583 Member Posts: 165
    Bahamut wrote: »
    He isn’t affected by danger sense, so Blade can’t steamroll him, so I, personally, am willing to let it slide

    I still got him with Blade, but there's no sense on him not being a villain.
  • shchong2shchong2 Member Posts: 2,419 ★★★★
    This is Kabam Universe, everything is is governed by Kabam Logics, based on Kabam Laws, within Kabam Dimension. What's the question again? Guess is doesn't matter as long as Kabam GOD is in charge ....

    LOL, just kidding, joke aside, I do think the bad things he did may out-number the good deeds he did, not sure if this means he is a Villian? Maybe he is just complicated. :D
  • RobinfifthRobinfifth Member Posts: 56
    edited March 2018
    Most people aren't going to pick blade to fight him because he is a mutant and the danger sense would basically make the class disadvantage balance out instead of give blade an advantage. The point is that why the hell is sabertooth not a villain!?!? Forget even about Xmen movies where he is clearly a villain read a comic he is way worse than his movie portrayals.
  • BahamutBahamut Member Posts: 2,307 ★★★★
    Asskicker wrote: »
    Bahamut wrote: »
    He isn’t affected by danger sense, so Blade can’t steamroll him, so I, personally, am willing to let it slide

    I still got him with Blade, but there's no sense on him not being a villain.

    I’m aware that you can beat him with Blade, I’m just glad that Kabam is wising up and making champs that Blade (with synergies) doesn’t automatically curb-stomp
  • X_ScottX_Scott Member Posts: 732 ★★★
    He definitely should be a villain. But Kabam can do as kabam do. The game is basically their own separate universe, to write the stories as they like.
  • ThatweirdguyThatweirdguy Member Posts: 675 ★★★
    The #waronblade has started. We knew it was coming. This isn't awful. He is a villain but whatever. They have Loki as a Mystic, Green Goblin as tech and other inconsistencies. They can do what they wish. There are so many Blade's out there that they have to do something.
  • XFA_RebootedXFA_Rebooted Member Posts: 1,048 ★★★
    edited March 2018
    I don't really care for Fox films that much. 😀
    That's why I didn't know.
    I only liked Logan.
  • ScottryanScottryan Member Posts: 477 ★★★
    Easy to tell who has blade, lol
  • BrightfireHDBrightfireHD Member Posts: 83
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