Nebula not reducing the Ability Accuracy of Sentinels [Confirmed; Under Investigation]

So in fighting sentinel, nebula has 5 charges or more, which negates robots abilities. I was able to successfully solo classic Ultron with my r4 nebula. So why does sentinel still have all of his buffs? Isn't sentinel a robot? Any help would be appreciated.

Post edited by Kabam Zibiit on
Read the the bottom comment that I added to the excuses
OK kabam what is this:
I'm waiting?
That bug was fixed quite awhile back...
Trust me I know, I have a 4* Nebula and she was one of my first. I want to say it was the update just after the Thor Ragnarok monthly event with Hela as the main boss... but yeah this is no longer happening (at least not to me) since then. Also check the date on the video... it was last year.
i had 11 electroshocks on me and the sentinel still got his charges after every move\hit i made.
maybe their tag is not #Robot. maybe it's #Thano'sArmy
True lilb. I ranked her specifically for act 5 Ultron. Beat that and thought it was a plus per her description. Asked about it and you see kabams Mike's reply. On my other account I asked what was up with nebula not working on the Sentinels? I said Kabam Mike told me she was working. Of course, I then got a warning and my comment removed by another mod saying he never said that. That's y I opened up this thread. You can. Clearly see his response.
@Kabam Miike Nebula is not reducing Sentinels ability accuracy in AQ while she has 5 or more electroshock charges on her, but she performs normally against Sentinel in quests and duels.
It’s not just Nebula though, Medusa did not reduce Sentinels ability accuracy in AQ while armor shattered is active.
That's not true at all. Medusa shuts down all type of Sentinels and their abilities (except their charges and skill-type Sentinel).
I've been using her in AQ since the changes.
To confirm, I used Nebula against a Map 5 Tech Sentinel and he kept on gaining charges even though I had 8 charges on me.
His special attacks went unblockable after 40, real shame that she isn't working in AQ.
Happens with nebula in aq vs sentinel(oids). Would test with medusa if I could.
If you can, try to submit support tickets with videos of you experiencing the issue. I submitted a ticket last week with a video of Nebula vs Sentinel (aq) and Nebula vs Sentinel (Summoners top champion duel) showing how she behaved differently when playing the different game modes.
Big ups StarFighter