5* Blade or Stark Spidey to r5?

HolyDirkness41HolyDirkness41 Member Posts: 89
edited March 2018 in General Discussion
Both are duped with high sig level

5* Blade or Stark Spidey to r5? 54 votes

Stark Spider-Man
Rektorvd016DrOctavius2_2Renegade_DoggyAjavedFluffydragon2Ace_03ExotigamusHugeBeanVladislas22sbb75RapidlyKozelDarkKarinshiShadySMvinniegainzBaseballguy711Drewbe14MutantWharf8TheLegendKCG 28 votes
GabbrosMagicBenton2StarKingSpity68Romario26Adamdrt2006Danicb94SIlverProfessorFallencircuswSWeaponXunknownMaximumCrashFugnastySolrac_2Lt_Magnum_1ThemanofjDangerNoodleMmx1991XFA_Rebootedbibbsondibs 26 votes


  • HolyDirkness41HolyDirkness41 Member Posts: 89
    It’s a tough choice thanks for voting! Please comment on your vote. Thanks again for the help!
  • Dmavs3141Dmavs3141 Member Posts: 3
  • Lt_Magnum_1Lt_Magnum_1 Member Posts: 640 ★★
    Blade's damage output is better than Starky.
  • Adamdrt2006Adamdrt2006 Member Posts: 429
    I picked blade for utility and ease of use also stark takes a while to set up with his poise charges
  • Batpotter1Batpotter1 Member Posts: 348
    Stark Spider-Man
    I prefer Stark Spider-Man but Blade is good too
  • Renegade_DoggyRenegade_Doggy Member Posts: 358 ★★
    Stark Spider-Man
    Blades damage output matches Stark or Red Hulk...

    .... but with danger sense, class advantage

    For fights against immunes, or guys that you don't get danger sense, it will be very long fights.

    However, if you don't care about how long a fight is, Blade would be better (he has regen for petes sake)

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  • Danicb94Danicb94 Member Posts: 97
    It all depends on your needs, i think both are very versatile champions, Spark can evade, drain some power once in a while and hit incredible hard against any champion, he is better for LOL if u want to end fights fast, the only back down would be his prestige, if u don't care about prestige then he is an amazing option, on the other hand Blade is an amazing champ too, useful at any kind of content but his full power comes when danger sense is active, this may be tedious sometimes, especially at LOL, anyway his regen and advantage against mystic champions is a huge factor to consider, also his prestige is insane, that's why i would chose him 1st, most of all because of his prestige
  • vinniegainzvinniegainz Member Posts: 902 ★★★
    Stark Spider-Man
    Blade's damage output is better than Starky.

    No it does not. Even with danger sense + class advantage blade has a tough time keeping up.

    However if you care about prestige than blade is the way to go over spark.

    If you do not care about prestige, then spark 100%. People do not realise how little counters there are in spark (only magneto probably because he magnetizes spark and you have trouble building charges).

    Ask yourself this if it helps get the point across, if there was a hidden champ with hidden node boosts who would you rather bring in, spark or blade? Any skilled player's obvious choice is sparky.
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