Which champ should I awaken and Rank up (to R5)?

So.... I have a 4-star generic awakening gem. And currently my best choices are Scarlet Witch & Archangel.
I can Awaken any one of them and I have catalysts to Rank 5 both champs but due to the limited resources I'll Rank 5 only one champ (most probably the champ I awaken).
If I awaken SW, I can take her sig lvl to 80+. If I awaken Archangel, I can take his sig to 50+.
My other champs (at high ranks): 4-star duped Starlord, 4-star unduped Ghost Rider, 4-star duped Gwenpool, 4-star duped Iceman, 5-star duped Ultron, 4-star duped Hyperion, 4-star duped Captain America WWII, 5-star unduped Angela, 5-star unduped Hawkeye.
Masteries : Mystic Dispersion 0/5, Deep Wounds 3/5.
I can Awaken any one of them and I have catalysts to Rank 5 both champs but due to the limited resources I'll Rank 5 only one champ (most probably the champ I awaken).
If I awaken SW, I can take her sig lvl to 80+. If I awaken Archangel, I can take his sig to 50+.
My other champs (at high ranks): 4-star duped Starlord, 4-star unduped Ghost Rider, 4-star duped Gwenpool, 4-star duped Iceman, 5-star duped Ultron, 4-star duped Hyperion, 4-star duped Captain America WWII, 5-star unduped Angela, 5-star unduped Hawkeye.
Masteries : Mystic Dispersion 0/5, Deep Wounds 3/5.
Which champ should I awaken and Rank up (to R5)? 31 votes
AA is good unawakned and he becomes godly when awaken. He will still melt down a lot of opponents.
I would agree that sw is probably one of the best all rounders in the game still (even post 12.0 nerf). Her power control, nullify, regen and utility will easily clear act 4 and lots of act 5.
Aa has great damaged unawakend but his sig ability still relies on bleed. He is worth awakening at some point (sig level 47+ will give a 100% reduced ability accuracy after 3 neurotoxins). If champs are bleed and/or poison immune there are normally better options for the fight.
Summary: scarlet witch with a crit team sig 60+ will still walk through most content. You may wish to put 3+ in md at some point to speed up getting to l2s but not needed.
Here’s my 4*AA, 5* Ghost Rider, and 4* Blade