Resource issues causing big problems

Blax4everBlax4ever Member Posts: 683 ★★★
People are quitting the game over things like gold, alliances are fracturing over donations

People are quitting the game and their alliances are posting recruitment ads saying they need 6 and 7 players

If we are playing the game wrong maybe Kabam should put out a resource guide on what players should expect over a given time period.


  • MinionofGothamMinionofGotham Member Posts: 17
    What it is obviously and unfortunately is kabam makes resources scares so you have to buy them. It’s a racket and ppl who don’t have the money to spend get tired of it. I’m probably gonna quit myself bc of all the problems the game has. Then you add the hoarding of resources that kabam does. So by the time kabam puts the resources up for sale you’re so desperate for them you’ll pay the ungodly prices they use.
  • Blax4everBlax4ever Member Posts: 683 ★★★

    Gold and Battle Chips are huge issues when it comes Alliance donations.

    I fully understand the need to create scarcity to drive up value, but Gold is a unbiqutious resource in the game there is no need to hoard it from players.

    If they want us to grind arena for gold OK but remove it as a requirement on maps.

    Literally players have said they are leaving alliances because they can’t make weekly donations and rank up their champs.

    Other alliance members who have the time to grind out resources get upset at the members who don’t make the donations and they end up leaving because they have no interest in being anyone’s mule.

    So what’s happening is players are going to alliances doing no cost maps screwing up the lower tiers in AW and AQ, or they quit the game and their alliance pilots their account, they sell their account to another person or they sell all of their champs and burn all of their resources.

    This will cycle will only get worse if something isn’t done
  • MilkthewhalesMilkthewhales Member Posts: 81
    Agreed the gold situation particularly is a total joke the payouts haven't changed in the 2 years I've been playing the game. Similar situation for ISO. Simple solution here is to sort out the quest crystals, those things are a joke for mid to end game players. Make them payout decent gold and useful ISO and a lot of these problems could go away.

    Call it uncollected quest crystal or whatever plus adjust payouts of all the daily events and monthly events, they exist for a world of 3 and 4* champs when in fact were living in a 5 and 6* world now.
  • Blax4everBlax4ever Member Posts: 683 ★★★

    Those are great suggestions

    Yes the increasing the payout in quest crystals is a great idea and doesn’t require anything radical and would be a great supplement to help people who can’t grind arena for hours on end.
  • beyonder8421beyonder8421 Member Posts: 881 ★★★
    I am a 6k+ prestige player that cannot join an alliance. Reason? I am saving gold to rank 5 one five star. It takes 580k just to rank up (can only imagine it takes more than a million to level up). So that means no alliances for me until this is over.

    I understand Kabam making one resource more problematic than the others to block progression. But what I cannot understand is other players ignoring this issue just because they don't need to level up 5 and 6 stars.

    According to the numbers:

    It will take a while until I can join an alliance again.

    I think saying people are quitting the game because of this is an exaggeration, but I did quit games in the past if progression was too slow (TMNT: Legends). I think because this is mostly affecting users with big rosters, it will not be a big issue for Kabam or for the majority of the players. I understand making gold more available would make progression faster, but no one is asking for free gold either. Just put a price on it Kabam.

    Disclaimer: Gold Crystals are a joke.
  • Blax4everBlax4ever Member Posts: 683 ★★★

    Read the recruitment boards, I have friends who have quit. If they wait until quitting becomes a trend it will be too late.

    BTW good work on your arena to gold cost benefit analysis

    IMO the gold thing is different from other bottle necks because you need it buy AQ Maps which is a game feature that is not solely about personal progression. People like yourself are choosing to either stay in alliance and not rank up their champs or leave the alliance. Neither of which is good for the game or the community overall.

    And yes Gold Crystals are a joke
  • beyonder8421beyonder8421 Member Posts: 881 ★★★
    Problem is, when you are ranking up 4 stars, you do not realize there is a problem with gold. As I was able to afford map 5 and still rank up champions all the time. I decided to stop ranking up 4 stars a few months ago to save alphas for 5 stars. But now I have an overflow of alphas and no gold (and a lot of great 4 star champions at rank 1 or 2).
  • TheHoodedDormammuTheHoodedDormammu Member Posts: 1,448 ★★★
    There should be a gold realm every sunday
  • Dexman1349Dexman1349 Member Posts: 3,060 ★★★★★
    Regarding donations: between AQ map 5 and AW, those are essentially a break-even with prizes and costs. If you're running a 5x5 ally, you should be getting plenty of rewards to cover the donations. From there, I can keep any BC's and gold I earn outside of AQ.

    Roster size or not, you have to be disciplined to only rank up who you need. There's a reason why I have 20 4* champs at R1. I could take 3 of them to R3 right now if I wanted, but I don't need them ranked up and the gold is better spent elsewhere.

    Just because you have a champ you can rank up, do you need to actually do it? It's called resource management.
  • Blax4everBlax4ever Member Posts: 683 ★★★
    I’m still ranking 4* champs over my 5* champs because my pulls have been less than spectacular, but I’m a lot more systematic with it now.

    I used to rank up on Class achievement events, now i only rank up on 22hr events if they coincide great if not oh well. If ranked up everyone I’d go broke again

    I only rank up if I have more than 700k Battle Chips. I never let gold fall below 2M. I only open crystals when I’m ranking up so I don’t end up with expiring iso from dupes.

  • beyonder8421beyonder8421 Member Posts: 881 ★★★
    Dexman1349 wrote: »
    Regarding donations: between AQ map 5 and AW, those are essentially a break-even with prizes and costs. If you're running a 5x5 ally, you should be getting plenty of rewards to cover the donations. From there, I can keep any BC's and gold I earn outside of AQ.

    Roster size or not, you have to be disciplined to only rank up who you need. There's a reason why I have 20 4* champs at R1. I could take 3 of them to R3 right now if I wanted, but I don't need them ranked up and the gold is better spent elsewhere.

    Just because you have a champ you can rank up, do you need to actually do it? It's called resource management.

    Yes. I ranked up Magik (now 4/55) because I needed a power locker on Act 5. And because of that now I can take one champ to 5/65. Why would I rank up someone I do not need to rank up? I am very picky, especially because we are talking about 5 stars, those resources are not free, just by t1a alone they take too much. So I am ranking up according to the content I am facing. Thanks to that, I didn't have to use potions this month in uncollected mode.

    The "only rank up champs you need" is a tricky argument. The lack of gold makes it harder to rank up good champs while your resources are expiring. An increase in the items cap would also help a lot if Gold is going to be a bottleneck. I have 17 T4CC crystal waiting to be opened some day :p
    And once you get to the point where you only want to level up 5 and 6 stars, gold flies away.
  • Blax4everBlax4ever Member Posts: 683 ★★★

    Yes if you are completing all three BGs in AQ all you need do is donate the rewards back, but if you start ranking up Champs, you’re going to run into a problem
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,461 Guardian
    Blax4ever wrote: »

    Read the recruitment boards, I have friends who have quit. If they wait until quitting becomes a trend it will be too late.

    Quitting is always happening. People quit every day because the game is too hard. People quit every day because the game is too easy. People quit because they think the game is pay to win. People quit because there aren't enough ways to pay to win. Evidence of quitting alone isn't enough to make something a problem. It has to rise to the point where it becomes more important than all the normal reasons people quit every day that you can't really prevent without making the game worse for a different segment of players that will then quit in higher numbers.

    If you add more gold, the bottleneck will shift somewhere else and people will start quitting because that bottleneck is something they consider too severe. And I've seen every single bottleneck claimed to be the most important special one on these forums in the past. I haven't yet seen an argument that trumps them all: they all seem equally valid, which also means they are all equally invalid.
  • Dexman1349Dexman1349 Member Posts: 3,060 ★★★★★
    I have personally faced each and every resource shortage at one point or another in this game. Each time, I've seen people screaming for something to be changed so that shortage can be addressed. It just passes the buck to the next resource.

    I've run out of ISO, I've run out of gold, and I'm always fighting to get catalysts. I've even held onto resources because the champs in my roster weren't worth it.

    I'm at a point now where literally every champ in my roster is max level for their respective rank. This means the big bottle neck for me are catalysts. Because the upper tier cats are slow earning, it allows me to stockpile other resources like ISO (over 2k in the stash) and gold (1.5m earned in the last month not counting donations).
  • Blax4everBlax4ever Member Posts: 683 ★★★

    I agree with all that you said except and in one of my post I clearly explain that I understand the reasoning behind the other shortages, but gold is different because it effects an Alliances ability to pay for maps which threaten the cohesion of the alliances themselves.

    Not everyone has the time to grind the Arena for gold if the bottle necks show up where it only effects players individual progression OK cool, we can’t all have 50 5* Champs at 4/55.

    For every person short on their Map donations another player has to cover it

    If it wasn’t for the Halls of Fortune event I wouldn’t have come back to the game
  • Dexman1349Dexman1349 Member Posts: 3,060 ★★★★★
    edited March 2018
    Blax4ever wrote: »
    I agree with all that you said except and in one of my post I clearly explain that I understand the reasoning behind the other shortages, but gold is different because it effects an Alliances ability to pay for maps which threaten the cohesion of the alliances themselves.

    Not everyone has the time to grind the Arena for gold if the bottle necks show up where it only effects players individual progression OK cool, we can’t all have 50 5* Champs at 4/55.

    For every person short on their Map donations another player has to cover it

    If it wasn’t for the Halls of Fortune event I wouldn’t have come back to the game

    But you miss the point that the player makes a conscious decision to spend gold earned via AQ on something other than resetting AQ. You are then placing your own roster above the needs of the alliance.

    If you do nothing in the game beyond only playing AQ (no solo quests, no war, no ranking, no arenas), once you complete each full 5-day round of AQ you will have enough for donations to restart the next 5-day round.

    If you are running AQ and don't have the resources to donate, it's because you spent them on yourself.
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  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,461 Guardian
    Blax4ever wrote: »

    I agree with all that you said except and in one of my post I clearly explain that I understand the reasoning behind the other shortages, but gold is different because it effects an Alliances ability to pay for maps which threaten the cohesion of the alliances themselves.

    I read that, but that argument isn't unique. People have said similar things about battlechips, and people have also said in the past that the lack of T4CC was so dire for advancement it threatened the entire game as a whole.

    The gold shortage is a product of more rank ups, and the case for ranking up quickly also connects to the need to build prestige and more powerful rosters to help one's alliance. If we increase the amount of gold in the game, it won't help everyone, just the players running into the bottleneck, and they will immediately use that gold to do more rank ups, which will still leave them short for gold for donations until the amount of gold rises to the point where it isn't a bottleneck for rankups altogether, where upon another resource will become the barrier to rank ups. And people will say, as they did back then, that the bottleneck damages alliance cohesion because they are unable to rank up fast enough to keep up with the rest of the alliance.

    I haven't heard an argument that makes gold both unique as a bottleneck and uniquely damaging to the game and to alliances. I'm not saying there's no damage associated with the bottleneck, I'm simply not convinced that damage won't just move somewhere else in a never-ending chain as we try to remove bottlenecks. Even the gold and tier 1 alpha bottlenecks were *created* by removing other bottlenecks in the game first to try to address those bottleneck issues.
  • VuskaVuska Member Posts: 175
    There should be a gold realm every sunday

    Agree... Very agree and true.

    and Bc realm as well..
  • beyonder8421beyonder8421 Member Posts: 881 ★★★
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    Blax4ever wrote: »

    I agree with all that you said except and in one of my post I clearly explain that I understand the reasoning behind the other shortages, but gold is different because it effects an Alliances ability to pay for maps which threaten the cohesion of the alliances themselves.

    I read that, but that argument isn't unique. People have said similar things about battlechips, and people have also said in the past that the lack of T4CC was so dire for advancement it threatened the entire game as a whole.

    The gold shortage is a product of more rank ups, and the case for ranking up quickly also connects to the need to build prestige and more powerful rosters to help one's alliance. If we increase the amount of gold in the game, it won't help everyone, just the players running into the bottleneck, and they will immediately use that gold to do more rank ups, which will still leave them short for gold for donations until the amount of gold rises to the point where it isn't a bottleneck for rankups altogether, where upon another resource will become the barrier to rank ups. And people will say, as they did back then, that the bottleneck damages alliance cohesion because they are unable to rank up fast enough to keep up with the rest of the alliance.

    I haven't heard an argument that makes gold both unique as a bottleneck and uniquely damaging to the game and to alliances. I'm not saying there's no damage associated with the bottleneck, I'm simply not convinced that damage won't just move somewhere else in a never-ending chain as we try to remove bottlenecks. Even the gold and tier 1 alpha bottlenecks were *created* by removing other bottlenecks in the game first to try to address those bottleneck issues.

    I agree with you. The bottleneck will move into another area.

    My main concern is the amount of time one has to dedicate to this game to get the gold needed. I think anything that relies on doing arenas every day at least 30 series, is what doesn't sit well with some players. Main reason is that we are not doing those arenas for the rank rewards, just to get lucky with the arena crystals. And those arena crystals are... not very good at giving gold. If the gold was at least 25k, I would be fine with it. But 15k is miserable.

    Now, I have been away of alliances for more than a month now, so that may be my cause and consequence for these issues. Most people agree that you get your investment back from AQ. Is this always true? Or are there maps that simply do not reward the same amount of gold after a week?
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,461 Guardian
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    Blax4ever wrote: »

    I agree with all that you said except and in one of my post I clearly explain that I understand the reasoning behind the other shortages, but gold is different because it effects an Alliances ability to pay for maps which threaten the cohesion of the alliances themselves.

    I read that, but that argument isn't unique. People have said similar things about battlechips, and people have also said in the past that the lack of T4CC was so dire for advancement it threatened the entire game as a whole.

    The gold shortage is a product of more rank ups, and the case for ranking up quickly also connects to the need to build prestige and more powerful rosters to help one's alliance. If we increase the amount of gold in the game, it won't help everyone, just the players running into the bottleneck, and they will immediately use that gold to do more rank ups, which will still leave them short for gold for donations until the amount of gold rises to the point where it isn't a bottleneck for rankups altogether, where upon another resource will become the barrier to rank ups. And people will say, as they did back then, that the bottleneck damages alliance cohesion because they are unable to rank up fast enough to keep up with the rest of the alliance.

    I haven't heard an argument that makes gold both unique as a bottleneck and uniquely damaging to the game and to alliances. I'm not saying there's no damage associated with the bottleneck, I'm simply not convinced that damage won't just move somewhere else in a never-ending chain as we try to remove bottlenecks. Even the gold and tier 1 alpha bottlenecks were *created* by removing other bottlenecks in the game first to try to address those bottleneck issues.

    I agree with you. The bottleneck will move into another area.

    My main concern is the amount of time one has to dedicate to this game to get the gold needed. I think anything that relies on doing arenas every day at least 30 series, is what doesn't sit well with some players. Main reason is that we are not doing those arenas for the rank rewards, just to get lucky with the arena crystals. And those arena crystals are... not very good at giving gold. If the gold was at least 25k, I would be fine with it. But 15k is miserable.

    Now, I have been away of alliances for more than a month now, so that may be my cause and consequence for these issues. Most people agree that you get your investment back from AQ. Is this always true? Or are there maps that simply do not reward the same amount of gold after a week?

    Map 5 more or less returns approximately the amount you'd have to donate to fuel Map 5 for a full alliance. Map 6 I believe burns more than you can get back from Map 6 itself. But Kabam did explicitly state that Map 6 costs were deliberately set to a high level that made them infeasible to run constantly for most alliances. They are basically a currency sink for alliances with enough currency to run them, so running out of *anything* while running Map 6 is literally working as intended.
  • Deadbyrd9Deadbyrd9 Member Posts: 3,469 ★★★★
    I haven’t donated gold in months in my alliances. One of our top grinders donates gold for me and I donate loyalty and or bcs. It’s one of the easiest ways to get your donations in is to cover a different resource for an alliance member that has plenty of gold. I have 7 rank 4 5*s so I don’t have much gold so that’s why I swap resource donations
  • SnaggleSnaggle Member Posts: 226 ★★
    @Kabam Miike Are you going to address this issue? Do your job, even though you don't most of the time.
  • Dexman1349Dexman1349 Member Posts: 3,060 ★★★★★
    @Snaggle What exactly are you expecting Miike to address? Calling him out to do something that he cannot do other than acknowledge gold is an ever decreasing resource.

    If you're going to call someone out to do something, don't be a d*ckhead about it.
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  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,461 Guardian
    Snaggle wrote: »
    @Kabam Miike Are you going to address this issue? Do your job, even though you don't most of the time.

    @Kabam Miike's job is to moderate the forums. His job is not to respond to demands for answers to questions, he has exactly zero ability to change anything in the game nor assign developers to change anything in the game.

    He can, as all moderators can, refer the game developers (of which he is not one) to forum posts for them to read and decide what if anything to do. But his primary job is to moderate forum posts, which is to say his job is to find posts that do not abide by the rules of the forums and take disciplinary action on people who violate those rules. That is his job as a forum moderator.
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