i got rogue and doc oc the same day. I also have quake but i don’t like her at all
Is it because of preference or utility? If it's utility, she's bomb. You just need to Charge from a distance, and she does some real Damage. There are counters to her, of course. She's still highly useful. Especially against Champs like Electro and Mephisto where contact can wreck you at times.
Wanted Void (was saving for blade) so i decided to buy a void featured. Got blade so didnt have to save any more. Bought two more void crystals and got carnage and void
Had t2a expiring because most of my roster is junk and I only had 7 t4c of science. Was debating letting them expire instead of taking to r4 an unduped Antman, Rhino, or Spider-Man. A few days before the first one expired I had the fortune of pulling rulk. Now I’m one-shotting Mystic bosses with little effort 😁. He may not be blade but he’s definitely a decent option.
I just got Gwenpool from a 5 star basic & had previously got Ghost Rider from 5 star basic. Every time I got the feature crystals I got garage but those are 2 epic champions
Let's see...Ghost Rider, Archangel, and X23 are top tier pulls in anyone's book.
But I'm happiest about my Captain America. His only weakness is unblockable specials, which I can usually evade. I use him everywhere for block proficiency; I think he's an overlooked champion.
Is it because of preference or utility? If it's utility, she's bomb. You just need to Charge from a distance, and she does some real Damage. There are counters to her, of course. She's still highly useful. Especially against Champs like Electro and Mephisto where contact can wreck you at times.
The rest, besides ultron, x-23 and Drax are garbage arena fodder
Not featured- SL (Still not duped though)
best opening I've ever seen
But I'm happiest about my Captain America. His only weakness is unblockable specials, which I can usually evade. I use him everywhere for block proficiency; I think he's an overlooked champion.
Since then I have pulled DD Netflix, Doc Oc and Black Panther (OG). Waiting for lightning to strike again!!