Buff Older Champs

Hey Everyone CosmicRay14 here! so I was talking to my friend a little bit ago and I was wondering if you guys (Kabam) Could buff some of the older champs in the game. I feel like now all the champs that come out are either god or demi-god tier. And that means that some or most of the older champs can't be used for anything. I don't know which champs you should buff, I'd have to look and see but I'm too lazy XD.
anyway do you guys think it's a good idea?
anyway do you guys think it's a good idea?
Buff Older Champs 17 votes
Yes That's a good idea
14 votes
No I don't like (Hate) that idea (Why?)
3 votes
They already are on it. They said Rulk and LC was just first to be done .. there is more to come
i agree with this... i feel like they nerfed him way too hard. there are champs better now, than he was pre12.0 nerf. its dumb haha. they think he is too strong then come out with Blade who just beats the game on his own.