4* featured? basic?
For basic it may get to 7 million. For featured 16m. But I honestly don't know if there is so much demand for a 4* blade. Most people seem to have the 5 star already.
The schedule changed, but he originally wasn't slotted until, what, like June? If that remains, he'll go under 5mil, especially after this past final "Featured" 5*.
Since this is the alliance forum, hit me up once he get him, awaken him, and 5/50 him. Same Line and IGN.
hmmmm I wonder that too, no worry you are not asking too early, many will wonder too as many will still need to go for him. I just hope it won't go beyond 7M ..... even 7M is pretty time consuming ...
hmmmm I wonder that too, no worry you are not asking too early, many will wonder too as many will still need to go for him. I just hope it won't go beyond 7M ..... even 7M is pretty time consuming ...
omg! its mrbeast from yt!
4* featured? basic?
For basic it may get to 7 million. For featured 16m. But I honestly don't know if there is so much demand for a 4* blade. Most people seem to have the 5 star already.
Since this is the alliance forum, hit me up once he get him, awaken him, and 5/50 him. Same Line and IGN.
Im saving up boost