Just a genuine poll

GAM3RGUYGAM3RGUY Member Posts: 203
edited March 2018 in General Discussion
So, the question is just easy,it is not a comparison on the basis that who needs to be nerfed and other **** posting going around ,just wanna ask who is more badass.
Hoping it to be good.

Just a genuine poll 89 votes

SW(pre 12.0)
ThatweirdguyJh_DezRiegelWhododo872Shrimkinsvd016SirnoobGbSarkarBendyLeNoirFaineantBitterSteelMegaSkater67sfu_koraxRaganatorHolyDirkness41LoPrestiMLBMikeNeaekPhonieStarkDarkZen 73 votes
Blade (right now)
Vdh2008RandomlyGeneratedadqqedfyvrKojomaotoTwittwitSpider1man11111Animatronics_to3Danny_Ajjohnsbb8MelkerlanneroLeanonymous214IronFist34cx23433JNuclearAkarshIron_spider1 16 votes


  • charaderdude2charaderdude2 Member Posts: 1,530 ★★★
    NOTHING,Absolutely Nothing,Beats the Queen of Crits pre 12.0,lol
    Also,I duped my SW after 12.0,And she's still a beast.
  • WildpantsWildpants Member Posts: 148
    SW(pre 12.0)
    When you can solo act 4 with a sig 99 Blade 3* let me know. Until then, pre 12.0 witch rules supreme.

    You could probably solo act 5 with pre 12.0 3* SW too. Even pre 12.0 BW was better than Blade
  • ShrimkinsShrimkins Member Posts: 1,479 ★★★★
    SW(pre 12.0)
    pre 12.0 SW was more powerful as a 5/50 4* than blade is now as a 5/65 5*.
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  • GAM3RGUYGAM3RGUY Member Posts: 203
    SW(pre 12.0)
    @Ace_03 lol did u read the topic it's just a genuine form asking votes😂
  • Katy_CandyKaty_Candy Member Posts: 175
    SW(pre 12.0)
    Anyone who votes Blade didn't have a pre 12.0 max sig SW.
  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 8,705 ★★★★★
    SW(pre 12.0)
    Sw even undup was better pre nerf than undup blade 100% but when she was awakened nothing could kill her blade dies still whereas sw couldn't die when playing since double regen fury and cruelty stacks made her a monster blade isn't a monster in anyway
  • Ancient__GamerAncient__Gamer Member Posts: 64
    SW(pre 12.0)

    Shes still my go 2 champ
  • IronFist34IronFist34 Member Posts: 386 ★★
    Blade (right now)
    So, since I wasn't around pre 12.0 (well, I was, I just didn't play the game much or know how to like now), what was nerfed from her compared to what's still around now? I hear she's still amazing, just limiting some stuff.
  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,233 ★★★★
    SW is a badass...who is not anymore is BW she is ruined! And as for Blade ? I drop him like a bag of rocks with Arch Angel...don't have blade and not way impressed facing him as AI.
  • PhonieStarkPhonieStark Member Posts: 202
    SW(pre 12.0)
    @IronFist34 , fights were not fights with her. Most of the time she would stun lock opponents, turning them into punching bags. If she didn't stun lock, her regen would basically keep her 100% healthy through the entire fight. She pretty much nullified any buffs that the opponents would gain. In other words, she was a world breaker.
  • Primmer79Primmer79 Member Posts: 2,968 ★★★★
    SW(pre 12.0)
    IronFist34 wrote: »
    So, since I wasn't around pre 12.0 (well, I was, I just didn't play the game much or know how to like now), what was nerfed from her compared to what's still around now? I hear she's still amazing, just limiting some stuff.

    I agree with your last sentence, except the limiting is what changed how she worked. Someone may need to correct me on this, but she proc'd something with EVERY critical hit. Meaning, if you carried a 20% crit team with her, At LEAST one time every combo she would proc something, and it seemed to be more like every other hit, if not every hit. It was not uncommmon to stack 3-4-5 regens and stun for the entire fight, while negating any and every buff. Usually the opponent had 3-4 different debuffs at one time, while you stacked crit and cruelty over and over. I had a decent 4* roster and gave up on act 4 until I could max my 3* SW sig. Once I did that, there were only a few fights I worried about, and it was ridiculous juggs, magneot, or cosmic spidey fights.

    I still like using her, but she is nothing like what she used to be.
  • PhonieStarkPhonieStark Member Posts: 202
    SW(pre 12.0)
    Oh, and also, Dr Strange was just slightly less impressive as she was.
  • SnaggleSnaggle Member Posts: 226 ★★
    Time to nerf.
  • Primmer79Primmer79 Member Posts: 2,968 ★★★★
    SW(pre 12.0)
    Oh, and also, Dr Strange was just slightly less impressive as she was.

    I would probably put the old Dr Strange over today's blade. I would have to think longer about Thor, but he's up there too.
  • IronFist34IronFist34 Member Posts: 386 ★★
    Blade (right now)
    Primmer79 wrote: »
    IronFist34 wrote: »
    So, since I wasn't around pre 12.0 (well, I was, I just didn't play the game much or know how to like now), what was nerfed from her compared to what's still around now? I hear she's still amazing, just limiting some stuff.

    I agree with your last sentence, except the limiting is what changed how she worked. Someone may need to correct me on this, but she proc'd something with EVERY critical hit. Meaning, if you carried a 20% crit team with her, At LEAST one time every combo she would proc something, and it seemed to be more like every other hit, if not every hit. It was not uncommmon to stack 3-4-5 regens and stun for the entire fight, while negating any and every buff. Usually the opponent had 3-4 different debuffs at one time, while you stacked crit and cruelty over and over. I had a decent 4* roster and gave up on act 4 until I could max my 3* SW sig. Once I did that, there were only a few fights I worried about, and it was ridiculous juggs, magneot, or cosmic spidey fights.

    I still like using her, but she is nothing like what she used to be.

    ahh okay that explains a lot! I bet so many users were mad when this happened lol

    I'm just finishing up Act 4 now (well, first run for now for rewards) and I have a decently stacked roster of 4*s, and it's cake for me right now. It's "cake" now because I first had to learn dexterity and parry successfully, and change some of my gameplay that was getting me hit more (which I still succumb to since I basically use my right thumb for everything but block).
  • Primmer79Primmer79 Member Posts: 2,968 ★★★★
    SW(pre 12.0)
    IronFist34 wrote: »
    Primmer79 wrote: »
    IronFist34 wrote: »
    So, since I wasn't around pre 12.0 (well, I was, I just didn't play the game much or know how to like now), what was nerfed from her compared to what's still around now? I hear she's still amazing, just limiting some stuff.

    I agree with your last sentence, except the limiting is what changed how she worked. Someone may need to correct me on this, but she proc'd something with EVERY critical hit. Meaning, if you carried a 20% crit team with her, At LEAST one time every combo she would proc something, and it seemed to be more like every other hit, if not every hit. It was not uncommmon to stack 3-4-5 regens and stun for the entire fight, while negating any and every buff. Usually the opponent had 3-4 different debuffs at one time, while you stacked crit and cruelty over and over. I had a decent 4* roster and gave up on act 4 until I could max my 3* SW sig. Once I did that, there were only a few fights I worried about, and it was ridiculous juggs, magneot, or cosmic spidey fights.

    I still like using her, but she is nothing like what she used to be.

    ahh okay that explains a lot! I bet so many users were mad when this happened lol

    I'm just finishing up Act 4 now (well, first run for now for rewards) and I have a decently stacked roster of 4*s, and it's cake for me right now. It's "cake" now because I first had to learn dexterity and parry successfully, and change some of my gameplay that was getting me hit more (which I still succumb to since I basically use my right thumb for everything but block).

    I spent forever saving my 4* generic awakening and 98 sig stones for her. 12.0 happened and she was nerfed to worse than what she was now. I pulled her 2 days later. Not even worth any of it anymore. Eventually she was put to what she is now, and I used the awakening on her out of stubbornness. I don't regret it, but I'm glad shes decent still.
  • XFA_RebootedXFA_Rebooted Member Posts: 1,048 ★★★
    SW(pre 12.0)
    She is my go to champ, even over GR.
  • Solrac_2Solrac_2 Member Posts: 497 ★★
    SW(pre 12.0)
    Absolutely no comparison, SW was a cheat code at high signature when paired with a critical team. Also, Blade isn't even the best champ in the unholy Trinity.
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    SW(pre 12.0)
    Primmer79 wrote: »
    IronFist34 wrote: »
    So, since I wasn't around pre 12.0 (well, I was, I just didn't play the game much or know how to like now), what was nerfed from her compared to what's still around now? I hear she's still amazing, just limiting some stuff.

    I agree with your last sentence, except the limiting is what changed how she worked. Someone may need to correct me on this, but she proc'd something with EVERY critical hit. Meaning, if you carried a 20% crit team with her, At LEAST one time every combo she would proc something, and it seemed to be more like every other hit, if not every hit. It was not uncommmon to stack 3-4-5 regens and stun for the entire fight, while negating any and every buff. Usually the opponent had 3-4 different debuffs at one time, while you stacked crit and cruelty over and over. I had a decent 4* roster and gave up on act 4 until I could max my 3* SW sig. Once I did that, there were only a few fights I worried about, and it was ridiculous juggs, magneot, or cosmic spidey fights.

    I still like using her, but she is nothing like what she used to be.

    It’s been a while so I may be wrong but I was under the impression that scarlet witch was supposed to proc every crit hit when sig 99 but there was a bug which was admitted by kabam. This bug went on a while and then after 12.0 they changed her description to say a 100% chance to apply between 0 and 8 buffs. They changed the champion to suit the bug.

    But you’re correct about the rest of what you’ve said.
  • vinniegainzvinniegainz Member Posts: 902 ★★★
    SW(pre 12.0)
    Even if you did not have her duped high sig PRE 12.0, it's simple knowing how good a SW is POST 12.0 r5 high sig.
  • AlCapone2727AlCapone2727 Member Posts: 428 ★★
    When you can solo act 4 with a sig 99 Blade 3* let me know. Until then, pre 12.0 witch rules supreme.

    Did all act 4 hard paths (including maestro) with r3 3* switch sig 10
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  • AxeCopFireAxeCopFire Member Posts: 1,115 ★★★
    SW(pre 12.0)
    Not even a valid question
  • ThatweirdguyThatweirdguy Member Posts: 675 ★★★
    SW(pre 12.0)
    A max sig SW with the mutant crit team was unstoppable.
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  • Vdh2008Vdh2008 Member Posts: 966 ★★★★
    Blade (right now)
    Blade when combined with GR and Stark.

    SW on her own was killer, but the trinity referenced above is just as game breaking. And yes, I do have Blade, GR, at Spark.

    I don't want a nerf of any kind, I'm just being honest. That way when the nerf to the synergy comes, I won't be disappointed.
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