Ivanka's Character and Scenario Ideas

IvankaIvanka Member Posts: 236
edited March 2018 in Suggestions and Requests
I've got so many ideas for new characters, scenarios, etc bumping around in my head for this game. Sometimes I jot some down, but I've never gotten around to sharing them before. Which makes it annoying when a new character comes out with similar abilities to one I've already thought of before and I think, now if I tell anyone they'll think that I'm being unoriginal. :disappointed:

For example Killmonger copies several of the abilities I had thought up for my version of **** Captain America, M.O.D.O.K. in some ways is similar to my design for Domino, and I had already designed a really cool game version of Nimrod when I saw that Sentinel was being put in to the game. Among others.

Anyway... this motivated me to actually write some of these ideas down and share them here. It's just for fun. But feel free to steal anything you want and put it in the game if any developers read this. I don't need credit. A job would be cool, though.

As I have time to write these ideas down I'll just continue adding to this thread instead of starting a bunch of different ones.


  • IvankaIvanka Member Posts: 236
    New Character: Vlad Dracula
    Yes, he's a Marvel character. Look it up: http://marvel.wikia.com/wiki/Vlad_Dracula_(Earth-616)
    He should be shown in cool medieval armor with a big-ass sword
    Class: Mystic

    Dracula is immune to Danger Sense.

    Signature Ability:
    Whenever a bleed is inflicted on Dracula, Dracula has a 90% chance to inflict a bleed on his opponent dealing 300-600 Direct Damage over 6-12 seconds, depending on his signature ability level.
    Also, when awakened, when Dracula reaches 1 bar of power he has a 20% chance to immediately gain 80% of a 2nd bar of power.

    Dracula is immune to all poisons of the Battle Realm. He recovers from bleeds 90% faster than normal. In addition, all other debuffs inflicted on Dracula have their duration reduced by 50%.

    For every stack of bleed currently active on Dracula's opponents, Dracula gains +10% ability accuracy, +125 Attack, and each new bleed he inflicts gains +0.3 seconds in duration.

    For each stack of bleed and/or each Mesmerized Counter on the opponent, that opponent's health gains are reduced by 50% and power gains are reduced by 10%. Dracula gains health and power equal to the reduction. These reductions stack and can result in a net loss, but cap at -200%

    As long as the opponent has 10 or more stacks of bleed and/or Mesmerized Counters, Dracula's attacks are unblockable and cannot trigger passive evades.

    All light and medium attacks: 5% chance to inflict a bleed, dealing 15 Direct Damage over 0.1 seconds.

    Heavy attacks: 30% chance to inflict bleed, dealing 666 Direct Damage over 10 seconds.

    For each stack of Reality Warp on his opponent, class disadvantage is increased by +50%

    Special Attack 1: Dracula levitates off the ground and quickly flashes a mesmerizing stare at his opponent. Once the opponent is stunned in this way, Dracula swoops in to suck out their life force.
    The first component of this attack does no damage, but whether it hits or not it has a 100% chance to give the opponent one Mesmerized Counter. These counters do not count as debuffs and they expire after 60 seconds.
    Each mesmerized counter on the opponent reduces ability accuracy by 20% and base block proficiency by 34%.
    If the second component of the attack hits, Dracula steals life equivalent to 50% of his attack and inflicts a bleed dealing 666 Direct Damage over 6 seconds.

    Special Attack 2: Dracula summons a swarm of vampiric bats that fly at his opponent hitting them up to 10 times. This projectile attack is difficult to fully evade. Each hit has a 5% chance to inflict a bleed dealing 666 Direct Damage over 10 seconds. Each blocked hit has a chance to inflict bleed through a block- this chance is equal to the total amount of the opponent's reduced block proficiency.

    Special Attack 3: Dracula transforms into a mist, moving behind his opponent where he rematerializes in vampire form and stabs them through the back with his massive sword which he uses to lift them up in to the air, thrusting the hilt into the ground, impaling his victim. As his opponent wriggles helplessly like an insect impaled on a pin, Dracula caresses their cheek, smiles, then grabbing them by the neck hurls them face first into the wall. Afterward Dracula retrieves his sword.
    This attack has a 100% chance to inflict a permanent bleed, dealing 100 Direct Damage per second in perpetuity.


    with Mordo or Blade
    - All champions gain +155 Critical Rating

    #Blood Brothers
    with Blade
    - All bleeds inflicted by your champions have an increased duration of 0.5 seconds.

    #Unholy Power
    with Mephisto
    - Vlad Dracula's immunity to Danger Sense extends to all of your champions.

    #Soul Collectors - Unique Synergy
    with Morningstar and Guillotine
    Dracula: Opponents of Dracula start each fight with a Mesmerized Counter.
    Morningstar: Morningstar starts each fight with a Soul Capture Counter. Opponents of Morningstar start each fight with a bleed debuff that deals 574 damage over 10 seconds.
    Guillotine: Guillotine's special 3, instead of consuming all of Guillotine's accumulated souls, increases the number of souls she has by 50% (round up). On Alliance War defense Guillotine is less likely to activate her special 1 and special 2 and more likely to activate her special 3.
  • IvankaIvanka Member Posts: 236
    edited March 2018
    Developer Notes for Dracula

    [Developer Note: The point of this character was mostly to counter the ridiculously overpowered Blade. Since we know from experience that players hate having their favorite characters nerfed, the best way to do this is to change the meta by introducing new characters and synergies that alter how effective previously overpowered champs are. I know Kabam understands this we've seen them do it before. So... the most important attributes of Dracula are that he is mystic (can bait an attack by Blade), he is immune do to danger sense, and he punishes champions for bleed and regenerating- something that Blade players will have trouble NOT doing. With the Mephisto synergy he can also extend his Danger Sense immunity to other champions on your team.
    Dracula's awakened ability(s) is mostly meant to make him a more effective defender, particularly against Blade]

    [Developer Note: Concerning Dracula's ability to reduce and absorb some of opponents' health and power gains- this ability multiplies with multiple stacks of bleed and mesmerize but stops at -200%. If either reduction reaches -100% the enemy is gaining 0 but Dracula is gaining everything the opponent would normally. If the reduction is at -200% then when the enemy is supposed to regenerate they are actually causing damage to themselves and Dracula is gaining twice the amount the opponent would normally regenerate. The same thing happens with power. So, for example:
    Wolverine has 1 stack of bleed on him. His regeneration kicks in and he would normally regenerate 100 health per second, but instead he gets 50 health per second and Dracula gets 50 health per second.
    Example 2: Wolverine has 2 stacks of bleed on him. When he regenerates he gains 0 health per second, and Dracula gainst 100 health per second.
    Example 3: Wolverine has 3 stacks of bleed and one stack of mesmerized. When he regenerates he starts losing 100 health per second, and Dracula gains 200. In addition, when struck Wolverine only gains 60% of the power that he would normally. Dracula gains all the power that he would from striking an opponent, plus 40% of the power that Wolverine would gain.
    Example 4: Wolverine has 20 stacks of bleed on him. He loses 100 health every second when he regenerates while Dracula gains 100. Also when struck, Wolverine suffers a power drain, he cannot gain power, and Dracula's power gain from making physical attacks is more than tripled, but if the opponent reaches 0 power then Dracula's power gains are only doubled not tripled. He only gains as much power as the opponent loses.]

    [Developer Note: playing Dracula should feel like a hungry predator honing in on his mortally wounded prey. As the number of bleeds and mesmerized counters on his opponent accumulate, Dracula gets stronger and stronger as his opponent gets weaker and weaker until finally they are completely overpowered. The bleeds his light attacks inflict are at first rare and do very little damage, but once you have put some long bleeds on your opponent or mesmerized them all of Dracula's abilities become more likely to proc, his damage increases, and the bleeds he inflicts get longer and longer as his opponents strengths turn against them and they eventually sink into despair.
    At the start of the fight Dracula's light attacks have a 5% chance to bleed an opponent for 15 damage over 0.1 seconds, but with 5 stacks of bleed or mesmerization, every light attack has a 55% chance to bleed and these bleeds will last 1.6 seconds dealing 240 damage each. With 10 stacks of bleed or mesmerization, every light attack has a 105% chance to inflict a bleed lasting 3.1 seconds and dealing 465 damage. And this is before factoring in Deep Wounds or synergy with Blade. It keeps adding up. ]

    [Developer Note: the weakness to Reality Warp is meant to give Sentry, whose powers are based on the sun, a distinct advantage over Dracula. Dracula's main weaknesses are to sunlight and to any opponent who is bleed immune]

    [Developer Note: on Soul Collector synergy with Morningstar and Guillotine: I just thought it would be cool if Morningstar was a more effective AW defender. If she could easily get to 3 souls as a defender that would be awesome. Right now you can get her up to 2 if you pair her with Guillotine, but Guillotine sucks so bad as a defender I wanted to do something to buff her as well while also giving Morningstar a chance to make it to 3 souls, which she can with the synergy since the bleed continually does damage filling up her Soul Capture]
  • IvankaIvanka Member Posts: 236
  • IvankaIvanka Member Posts: 236
    Domino should obviously be timed to come out to coincide with Fox's Deadpool 2. Unfortunately, since this movie comes out in less than 2 months I'm sure Kabam probably already has a Domino character designed. And I think mine is probably much more interesting but... oh well... too late.

    At least we can be thankful that the Disney/Fox merger hasn't gone through yet and in all likelihood the version of Domino that shows up in MCOC will be the one on the left, since the one on the right just looks all wrong. (no, that's not a race thing, more of a contrast thing. If they wanted to flip the colors they should have picked someone about 30 shades darker than Wesley Snipes, and made the patch on her eye chalk white... instead of.... beige on beige.)

  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,974 ★★★★★
    TrojanX05 wrote: »

    The Count is science? I guess he is in to math...

    Vun Two Three Four Stars Ah Ah Ah.
  • IvankaIvanka Member Posts: 236
    edited March 2018
    Somehow I think I accidentally deleted Domino's profile above. Here it is again:

    New Character: Domino
    Class: Mutant

    [Developer's Notes: when designing this character I wanted to accomplish two things. 1. To really capture Domino's very unique powers from the comics which is a subtle and involuntary telekinesis that she exerts on the world around her making it seem like she is very lucky and her enemies are very unlucky. To do this I wanted playing as her to lead to good outcomes and playing against her to lead to bad; while at the same time the player would never be sure if it was part of her code or just random good or bad luck that was to blame. 2. I wanted to displace Nightcrawler as the most annoying Alliance War defender in the game; his reign seems to have been long enough.]

    Passive Abilities:
    - All opponent's ability accuracy is reduced by 10%
    - Any opponent's abilities that reduce Domino's ability accuracy are 80% less effective.

    Whenever Domino is standing idle and not under the effects of stun or reeling from a previous attack and she would normally be struck by an opponent's attack, she has a 5% chance to automatically perform a well-timed block instead. [Dev. Notes: though this occurs automatically it does not count as an "auto block" and no text should appear on screen announcing it. This can result in a parry.]

    Whenever Domino is dashing back and would normally be struck by an opponent's attack, she has a 30% chance to evade the attack instead. [Dev. Notes: this works even if the player does not have the Dexterity Mastery. It also works at the end of the dash back animation in the brief interval between when a dash would normally evade an attack (with dexterity) and when a champion is able to stand and block an attack, removing some of the vulnerability Domino has to enemies dashing forward to attack her while she is herself dashing back. It should appear on-screen as if her Dexterity triggered, or simply that the opponent missed. i.e. no "evade" text, and no triggering of Unfazed, etc.]

    Whenever Domino's attacks would be blocked by an opponent, there is a 5% chance that her attack strikes the opponent instead as if the opponent were not blocking.

    Luck Phases:
    Domino begins each fight in one of five luck phases. Every 8 seconds the phase changes randomly. [Dev. Note: the phase she begins in is random, the order of phases that she goes through during a fight is random, and the phase she is in is never displayed in words or with a buff symbol, it should be a mystery.]
    Phase 1: Domino's critical rating is increased by +2000.
    Phase 2: Domino's perfect block chance is increased by +75%.
    Phase 3: Domino's ability accuracy is increased by +30%.
    Phase 4: Domino's opponents suffer an ability accuracy reduction of -90%.
    Phase 5 (when playing against AI): When enemies are below 3 bars of power they are 80% more likely to activate a special. When enemies are at full power they are 80% less likely to activate a special.
    Phase 5 (when Domino is the AI): When the player is below 3 bars of power they have a 30% chance to "accidentally" use a special attack every time they press block. When at full power enemy players have a 75% chance to "accidentally" block whenever they try to use a special attack.
    [Dev. Note: if playing against Domino and she is in Phase 5, this means that every time you tap on the left side of the screen (block) there is a random chance that the game will interpret this action as if you pressed the special attack instead. When the player is at 3 bars of power, this interaction is reversed, so when you try to use a special the game may interpret this as blocking.]

    Signature Ability:
    Whenever Domino's opponents [human or AI] perform any action there is a 1-8% chance depending on signature level that this action be replaced by a different, random action. This ability is completely unaffected by other abilities of Domino or her opponents that either enhance or reduce ability accuracy.
    [Dev. Notes: the different actions are: block, special attack, dash back, dash forward, attack, heavy attack. This means at full signature level if you are playing against Domino every time you input anything there is an 8% chance the game will act as if you input something else. Whenever you press block there is an 8% chance you could, for example, dash forward instead. 8% might be a little high... would have to test it to see just how annoying you'd want to make her. When a player is using Domino against an AI this means that the AI will randomly do unpredictable things.]


    #Fortuitous Plot Twist!
    with GwenPool: This synergy makes it so that when fighting in arenas you are guaranteed at least one Easy match-up.

    she should obviously have some kind of synergies with Cable, and another with Deadpool. Didn't think of anything really interesting, yet.
  • IvankaIvanka Member Posts: 236
    Signature Ability:
    Whenever a bleed is inflicted on Dracula, Dracula has a 90% chance to inflict a bleed on his opponent dealing 300-600 Direct Damage over 6-12 seconds, depending on his signature ability level.
    Also, when awakened, when Dracula reaches 1 bar of power he has a 20% chance to immediately gain 80% of a 2nd bar of power.

    There should also be a 15% increase in the chance for the power gain to trigger for each Mesmerized counter on the opponent. I forgot this line.

    The thinking is that after you or the AI uses special 1 repeatedly to mesmerize the opponent, reducing their block proficiency, it becomes more and more likely that you will jump from 1 bar to 2 bars of power- where if Drac has stacked multiple mesmerized counters on the opponent then he'll be able to make them bleed a lot with his special 2, even through a block.

  • IvankaIvanka Member Posts: 236
    Oh yeah, I forgot I had some other synergies for Domino written down. One is a Rob Liefeld joke, too.

    Additional Domino synergies:

    with Cable, Deadpool, and Deadpool (X-Force): With all your stuff organized in a hysterically superfluous number of pouches, your champions can quickly find just the right item they need, increasing its effectiveness! (all potions and revives used on champions in teams that include this synergy are 25% more potent)

    with Joe Fixit: All of your champions have +10% ability accuracy
  • IvankaIvanka Member Posts: 236
    edited March 2018
    New Character: Venom (Mac Gargan)
    Class: Cosmic

    [Dev. Notes: I always thought the original Venom design in MCOC was a big missed opportunity. This is one of the most popular and powerful villains in the whole Marvel universe. He is a very classic overpowered character design: very strong but at the same time he has some well-known weaknesses. His signature abilities include (among many others) immunity to Spider Sense and his own Spider Sense which is superior to Spider-Man's, and his well-known weaknesses are vulnerability to fire and sonics. But the original MCOC Venom and Agent Venom don't capture any of this. Also the Venom symbiote has the unique ability to take on, copy, and even improve upon the powers of any host it has bonded with meaning that over time it could become virtually unstoppable. The game's attempt to encapsulate this power by stealing a few buffs to me falls way short of what this character deserves. With the Sony Venom movie scheduled for October now's the time for a complete redesign!]

    This is the Venom Symbiote as bonded with Spider-Man villain Mac Gargan, also known as the Scorpion. He's basically a bigger, badder, stronger version of the Eddie Brock villain everyone knows but more or less the same. In the comics he wasn't always drawn with a scorpion tail but I think that would be a nice touch in the game just to differentiate him more from Eddie Brock Venom.

    Passive Abilities:

    Venom learned all of his former host Spider-Man's tricks including the ins and outs of the wall crawler's "spider sense." As such, Venom can strike without alerting his target's reflexes bypassing defenses. All of Venom's attacks nullify his enemies' passive evade abilities. Venom is also immune to and does not trigger his opponents' Danger Sense. However, these abilities are ineffective against Mystic champions.
    [Dev. Notes: Spider-Man, Nightcrawler, Ultron, etc. cannot evade Venom's attacks. But Mordo's Astral Evade still works, preserving the class advantage balance. Additionally, Venom does not trigger Blade's Danger Sense]

    When Attacked:

    Venom also developed a Spider-Sense of his own, making him even more adept at evading incoming attacks than Spider-Man. Venom has a 35% chance to evade all incoming attacks. This chance is increased by 20% against projectile attacks.
    [Dev. Notes: if Venom (Mac Gargan) were to fight Venom (Mac Gargan), neither of them would be able to make use of their evade]


    The Venom symbiote is vulnerable to fire and sonics and also can cause or exacerbate degenerative conditions in its host.
    Incinerate, Neurotoxin, and Degeneration damage is all 200% more effective against Venom. In addition, while suffering from an Incinerate, Neurotoxin, or Degeneration debuff Venom is unable to activate his passive evade.
    Finally, Venom takes 50% more damage whenever under the effects of a stun.
    [Dev. Notes: incinerate and degenerate are obvious parallels to the fire and degeneration that Mavel's Venom is susceptible to. There are no debuffs in the game exactly similar to sonic damage, though. The closest things are Quake's seismic attacks and aftershocks, Archangel's special 3, Hulk's thunderclap, Black Bolt's special 3, and maybe Storm's thunder attacks. One thing I noticed all of these attacks have in common: they leave your opponent stunned. So I added the vulnerability to stun both for flavor and also because such a potentially powerful character with a strong evade would need to be gimped in some way.]

    Special 1: Venom shoots out a flurry of webbing created from its own composite material. This attack can stun an opponent and is difficult to evade. After using this attack Venom temporarily suffers from a weakness debuff as he regenerates his lost mass.

    Special 2: Venom stabs his opponent with his long scorpion tail, pulls them closer where he takes a bite with his venomous fangs. Each component of the attack inflicts poison.

    Special 3: the Venom symbiote injects itself into the body of its enemy, attacking them internally at a cellular level. If Venom has been awakened, he gains a Parasitic Inheritance buff and the corresponding abilities. Venom cannot gain Parasitic Inheritance counters from Mystic champions as the symbiote is unable to encode their metaphysical powers into its genetics.

    Signature Ability: Parasitic Inheritance
    [Dev. Notes: this might be a little too ambitious. I liked the idea of persistent counters introduced into the game with Mephisto and Morningstar. I wanted to take that a step further. Instead of carrying over from fight to fight within a quest, Venom should be able to retain these abilities permanently, even carrying over between quests, wars, etc]
    - Each time Venom (Mac Gargan) uses his special 3 against a non-Mystic opponent, he gains a persistent Parasitic Inheritance Counter. These counters last forever and carry on between quests.
    - Venom can acquire a maximum of 1-6 Parasitic Inheritance Counters, depending on his signature level. (Level 1-3: 1 counter. Level 4-15: 2 counters. Level 16-40: 3 counters. Level 41-66: 4 counters. Level 67-98: 5 counters. Level 99: 6 counters)
    - When Venom starts a fight, if he has 1 counter he gains a permanent armor buff. If he has 2 counters he gains a permanent physical resistance buff. If he has 3 counters he gains a permanent energy resistance buff. If he has 4 counters he gains a permanent fury buff. If he has 5 counters he gains a permanent cruelty buff. If he has 6 counters he gains a permanent regeneration buff.
    - For each Parasitic Inheritance Counter that Venom has, he also stores one ability from each of the last 1-6 champions he has fought and used his 3rd special attack against.
    [Dev. Notes: So... every champion in the game except for Mystic champions can give Venom a unique special ability to add to those he already has built-in. Venom at signature level 99 can store up to 6 of these abilities. Every time a player (or AI in Alliance War defense) uses Venom's special 3 against a non-Mystic champion, a new ability is added and if he had already stored 6 different abilities, then the oldest one is forgotten. Some examples of stolen abilities in the next post.]
    - Extreme trauma can cause the Venom symbiote to lose some of its genetic memory. Each time Venom loses more than 20% of its health from a single attack, it also loses one Parasitic Inheritance Counter as well as the corresponding ability gained from that counter.


    with Agent Venom, Deadpool, and Venompool

    with Venom, Carnage, and Spider-Man (Symbiote)

    with Spider-Man and Spider-Man (Stark Enhanced)

    with Iron Patriot and Green Goblin

    #MutualHatred - Unique Synergy
    with Green Goblin and Electro
    Venom (Mac Gargan): Venom's passive evade chance is increased by 5%
    Green Goblin: Opponents of Green Goblin suffer -15% defensive ability accuracy
    Electro: Increase the duration of Electro's stuns by +50%
    [Dev. Notes: members of the Sinister 12, a team united by its hatred of Spider-Man, these synergies are all designed to give these champions an extra edge in match-ups with Spider-Man]

    Parasitic Inheritance abilities detailed in a following post
  • IvankaIvanka Member Posts: 236
  • IvankaIvanka Member Posts: 236
    edited March 2018
    Venom (Mac Gargan) Parasitic Inheritance Abilities:

    Each time Venom uses his special 3 attack against a non-Mystic opponent, he gains and permanently stores one of their abilities. He can remember up to six such abilities at a time (the six most recent unique opponents that he has hit with his special 3)

    [Dev. Notes: most of the time these abilities will be some variation of the target's signature ability. But sometime that obviously wouldn't work. Here are some examples]

    Spider-Man: Venom's passive evade triggers +10% more often.
    Wolverine: When attacked Venom has an 8% chance to regenerate.
    Daredevil: Venom's passive evade triggers +20% more often when evading projectiles.
    Venom OG: Venom's critical rate and critical damage increases +10% when his opponent is bleeding.
    Abomination: Attacks that make contact with Venom's body have an 8% chance to poison the attacker.
    Agent Venom: Venom gains a passive ability to shrug off debuffs 10% of the time.
    Angela: Nullify abilities against Venom have a 20% chance to fail.
    Black Widow: Reduce Venom's opponent's defensive ability accuracy by 25%.
    Archangel: Each stack of poison on Venom's opponents reduces their ability accuracy by 10%.
    Black Panther: Venom's attacks have an 8% chance to cause the target to bleed.
    Black Panther (Civil War): When stunned Venom can remove one armor up buff to reflect the stun back at his opponent.
    GwenPool: Venom cannot lose more than 90% of his health to a single special attack.
    Hyperion: Venom gains 1% of a bar of power every second for each active buff he has.
    Blade: by holding block Venom can regenerate lost health by expending stored power.
    Iceman: Venom starts the fight with an Ice Armor buff.

    etc. etc. ... get creative. go wild. Venom is often pretty crazy in the comics.
    one unique ability for each non-Mystic champion in the game, with up to 6 being stored at one time.
  • IvankaIvanka Member Posts: 236
    This would give you something else to do with your duel credits... find that perfect combination of 6 buffs and then go out and duel those 6 characters to create the ultimate Venom hybrid. Could be fun, and cool. None of the abilities should be quite as powerful on their own as the character being copied but... it should be possible to come up with some cool and interesting combinations.
  • IvankaIvanka Member Posts: 236
    Another good reason to put Venom (Mac Gargan) in the game I didn't mention, aside from the upcoming Sony movie and the missed opportunity of the original design: similar to Vlad Dracula he, as designed, changes the meta of AW and gives you another good defender to stand up against the trinity (Blade, Ghost Rider, Stark Spidey). Anyone into games that evolve over time can tell you that when something becomes so good that 80-90% of the players are using the same thing, this is bad for the game. If you look at top alliances, 80-90% are brining Blade, Ghost Rider, and Stark Spidey to AW attack and it's easy to see why.

    Venom (Mac Gargan) has his poor matchups. He can be defeated by Archangel, Iceman, Dormammu, Dr VooDoo, and Mephisto, among others. But he's a good match vs every member of the trinity.
    Blade cannot use his danger sense bonus against him.
    Spider-Man (Stark Enhanced) will suffer class disadvantage, and also have no use of his passive evade.
    Ghost Rider is probably the best matchup of the three, but still not very strong overall with no reliable way to shut down Venom's evade.
  • KromestoneKromestone Member Posts: 81
    You got a lot of great creativity in there, but then again, not sure kabam is gonna even look at it.
  • KromestoneKromestone Member Posts: 81
    Because they have got their own plans
  • IvankaIvanka Member Posts: 236
    Kromestone wrote: »
    You got a lot of great creativity in there, but then again, not sure kabam is gonna even look at it.

    Yeah I know. ::shrug::

    Like I said, this is just for fun. But if they want to use my ideas, that's cool, too. Lots more coming...

  • IvankaIvanka Member Posts: 236
    edited March 2018
    A member of my alliance commented on my design for Vlad Dracula saying that he should not be immune to Blade's Danger Sense as Blade is a vampire hunter.

    I answered him this way:

    yes, Blade is a vampire hunter. But he's just a half-vampire himself. In the Marvel universe Vlad Dracula is the most powerful vampire to ever live, possibly excluding his maker Varnae, and also lord over all vampires and can even control other vampires with his powers. This is why he has the ability to counter Blade's Danger Sense.

    Blade and Dracula have fought in the comics before and though Blade was able to defeat him, it was never an easy fight and he always had help from other super-powered allies such as Doctor Strange, Spider-Man, and the Avengers. In a one-on-one confrontation Blade is no match for Dracula.

    In the game, as designed, Blade should still be able to take on Dracula and win, but it would be a particularly tough fight for him and this is by design. If the player controlling Blade performs a well-timed block or uses any of his specials against Dracula, he will cause a bleed. Bleeds against Dracula are very ineffective and also reflected back on the attacker. Once he starts bleeding, Blade's regeneration will be turned against him, draining his health and healing his enemy.
  • IvankaIvanka Member Posts: 236
    New character: Thanos (Infinity War)
    Class: Cosmic

    I assume that there is going to be a Thanos redesign released in time for Infinity War in May... and.. based on the assumption that if this is true then you would have already finished the design and thoroughly play tested it it's not worth it for me to submit any of my own ideas.

    Just wanted to say... I hope we get this version of Thanos:


    Rather than the version in the game already which, while closer to the comics, looks like one of those "super deformed" characters from parody anime. And just a bit ridiculous. So... normalish human proportions Thanos? Rather than the wide-as-he-is-tall Thanos? That would be cool. So would some unique and interesting powers having to do with all 5 infinity gems.
  • IvankaIvanka Member Posts: 236
    edited March 2018
    New Character: Nimrod
    Class: Tech


    Nimrod is a robot constructed of futuristic high-tech materials highly resistant to damage. As such it is fully immune to bleed, poison, shock, coldsnap and frostbite. It also cannot be magnetized.

    [Dev. Notes: I wanted to make Nimrod immune to most debuffs favored by mutants in the game. I chose not to make him immune to incinerate since currently the champions that use incinerate are mostly cosmic, mystic, or skill champions.]

    Class advantages and disadvantages of fights involving Nimrod are doubled.

    At the start of each fight Nimrod immediately and automatically scans his opponent to determine if they should be classified as mutants. [Dev. Note: thus earning double class advantage and some other bonuses below] There is a 100% chance that this scan will trigger a positive result against a mutant, and a 50% chance that this scan will trigger vs science champions (treating them as mutants for the rest of the fight).

    [In game text for a positive scan:
    ... Unlawful physical form detected.
    Criminal Infraction: Unsanctioned use of mutant powers.
    Sentence: Death.]

    When Attacked:
    15% chance to activate an Armor Up buff.

    Special Attack 1
    Nimrod attacks its opponent with a blast of concussive energy that does physical damage and can cause an armor break. At the same time it surrounds itself in an energy field, giving itself an Armor Up buff and a Power Suppression Field buff.
    The Power Suppression Field buff lasts for 20 seconds. While active, any enemy near Nimrod suffers 50 Damage per second for every active buff on them and also has -25% reduced defensive ability accuracy.
    Mutants instead suffer 100 Damage per second for every active buff and a -75% reduction in their defensive ability accuracy.
    The Power Suppression Field has no effect on Cosmic champions.

    [Dev. Notes: this suppression field was meant mostly as an answer to Nightcrawler, who is still among the most annoying champions to fight in the game, but of course it also works great against Colossus, Wolverine, etc. - champs usually strong against other defensive accuracy reducers like Black Widow. It can also work against some science champions like Spider-Man and Electro who, at times in the comics, are grouped together with mutants by the Sentinels who target all super-powered humans.
    At the same time it does not punish Cosmic champions for the large number of buffs they have, preserving the class advantage wheel.]

    Special Attack 2
    Nimrod fires multiple disintegration blasts at its opponent dealing energy damage to them. Against inorganic opponents these blasts have increased damage and also apply a heal block debuff.

    [Dev. Notes: the original Sentinels in the comics had disintegration beams that only worked on inorganic material. In the game the extra damage and heal block should apply to robot champions and perhaps to some others like Morningstar if you wanted to make another tag for "Inorganic"]

    Special Attack 3
    Nimrod unleashes a barrage of destructive weapons against its opponent. The opponent goes running for cover. There are a number of explosions followed by a great cloud of dust and debris. Nimrod emerges through the dust cloud searching for its prey. The opponent tries to sneak up on Nimrod from behind, lunging at its back. At the last second Nimrod turns, raises an arm, and unleases an intense blast of plasma engulfing its enemy's body in fire, burning the flesh from their bones.
    In addition to the base energy damage this attack deals, it also deals additional Direct Damage (once per fight) equal to 150% of all health the opponent has gained since the beginning of the fight. This extra damage has no effect on bleed immune champions.
    At the end of the special 3 animation an incinerate debuff is applied. This debuff deals incinerate damage over 30 seconds while also reducing block proficiency and perfect block chance.

    [Dev. Notes: I wanted this special 3 to be an homage to the death of Wolverine in the Days of Future Past comic. The heal reversal effect should be ineffective versus bleed immune champions such as Ultron and Morningstar as, though they can heal, they have no flesh to burn off]

    Nimrod also has the capacity to self repair when damaged. The greater the damage taken, the stronger the repair response will be.
    - Once per fight, if Nimrod loses any health equal to less than 10% of its max base health, it initiates a self-repair gaining 2% of its max base health over 20 seconds.
    - Once per fight, if Nimrod loses health equal to 10% of its max base health from a single attack, it initiates a self-repair gaining 5% of its max base health over 20 seconds. This replaces any weaker healing effect triggered at the same time or currently active.
    - Once per fight, if Nimrod loses health equal to 20% of its max base health from a single attack, it initiates a self-repair gaining 15% of its max base health over 20 seconds. This replaces any weaker healing effect triggered at the same time or currently active.
    - Once per fight, if Nimrod loses health equal to 30% of its max base health from a single attack, it initiates a self-repair gaining 45% of its max base health over 20 seconds. This replaces any weaker healing effect triggered at the same time or currently active.
    - Once per fight, if Nimrod loses health equal to 60% of its max base health from a single attack, it initiates a self-repair gaining 100% of its max base health over 20 seconds. This replaces any weaker healing effect triggered at the same time or currently active.
    - Once per fight, if Nimrod loses health equal to 85% of its max base health from a single attack, it initiates a self-repair gaining 200% of its max base health over 20 seconds. This replaces any weaker healing effect triggered at the same time or currently active.


    #AntiMutantAgenda - Unique Synergy with Sentinel
    Nimrod: Nimrod's mutant classification scan has a +25% chance to trigger at the start of the fight against non-Tech champions.
    [Dev. Notes: it will classify Science champs as mutants 75% of the time and Mystic, Skill, and Cosmic champs 25% of the time.]
    Sentinel: Double the amount of Analysis Charges Sentinel gains during a fight.

    He should also definitely have some kind of unique synergy with Cable.

    And perhaps something with Scarlet Witch or Storm.
  • IvankaIvanka Member Posts: 236
    New Character: Nimrod
    Class: Tech


    Nimrod is a robot constructed of futuristic high-tech materials highly resistant to damage. As such it is fully immune to bleed, poison, shock, coldsnap and frostbite. It also cannot be magnetized.

    [Dev. Notes: I wanted to make Nimrod immune to most debuffs favored by mutants in the game. I chose not to make him immune to incinerate since currently the champions that use incinerate are mostly cosmic, mystic, or skill champions.]

    Class advantages and disadvantages of fights involving Nimrod are doubled.

    At the start of each fight Nimrod immediately and automatically scans his opponent to determine if they should be classified as mutants. [Dev. Note: thus earning double class advantage and some other bonuses below] There is a 100% chance that this scan will trigger a positive result against a mutant, and a 50% chance that this scan will trigger vs science champions (treating them as mutants for the rest of the fight).

    [In game text for a positive scan:
    ... Unlawful physical form detected.
    Criminal Infraction: Unsanctioned use of mutant powers.
    Sentence: Death.]

    When Attacked:
    15% chance to activate an Armor Up buff.

    Special Attack 1
    Nimrod attacks its opponent with a blast of concussive energy that does physical damage and can cause an armor break. At the same time it surrounds itself in an energy field, giving itself an Armor Up buff and a Power Suppression Field buff.
    The Power Suppression Field buff lasts for 20 seconds. While active, any enemy near Nimrod suffers 50 Damage per second for every active buff on them and also has -25% reduced defensive ability accuracy.
    Mutants instead suffer 100 Damage per second for every active buff and a -75% reduction in their defensive ability accuracy.
    The Power Suppression Field has no effect on Cosmic champions.

    [Dev. Notes: this suppression field was meant mostly as an answer to Nightcrawler, who is still among the most annoying champions to fight in the game, but of course it also works great against Colossus, Wolverine, etc. - champs usually strong against other defensive accuracy reducers like Black Widow. It can also work against some science champions like Spider-Man and Electro who, at times in the comics, are grouped together with mutants by the Sentinels who target all super-powered humans.
    At the same time it does not punish Cosmic champions for the large number of buffs they have, preserving the class advantage wheel.]

    Special Attack 2
    Nimrod fires multiple disintegration blasts at its opponent dealing energy damage to them. Against inorganic opponents these blasts have increased damage and also apply a heal block debuff.

    [Dev. Notes: the original Sentinels in the comics had disintegration beams that only worked on inorganic material. In the game the extra damage and heal block should apply to robot champions and perhaps to some others like Morningstar if you wanted to make another tag for "Inorganic"]

    Special Attack 3
    Nimrod unleashes a barrage of destructive weapons against its opponent. The opponent goes running for cover. There are a number of explosions followed by a great cloud of dust and debris. Nimrod emerges through the dust cloud searching for its prey. The opponent tries to sneak up on Nimrod from behind, lunging at its back. At the last second Nimrod turns, raises an arm, and unleases an intense blast of plasma engulfing its enemy's body in fire, burning the flesh from their bones.
    In addition to the base energy damage this attack deals, it also deals additional Direct Damage (once per fight) equal to 150% of all health the opponent has gained since the beginning of the fight. This extra damage has no effect on bleed immune champions.
    At the end of the special 3 animation an incinerate debuff is applied. This debuff deals incinerate damage over 30 seconds while also reducing block proficiency and perfect block chance.

    [Dev. Notes: I wanted this special 3 to be an homage to the death of Wolverine in the Days of Future Past comic. The heal reversal effect should be ineffective versus bleed immune champions such as Ultron and Morningstar as, though they can heal, they have no flesh to burn off]


    Nimrod also has the capacity to self repair when damaged. The greater the damage taken, the stronger the repair response will be.
    - Once per fight, if Nimrod loses any health equal to less than 10% of its max base health, it initiates a self-repair gaining 2% of its max base health over 20 seconds.
    - Once per fight, if Nimrod loses health equal to 10% of its max base health from a single attack, it initiates a self-repair gaining 5% of its max base health over 20 seconds. This replaces any weaker healing effect triggered at the same time or currently active.
    - Once per fight, if Nimrod loses health equal to 20% of its max base health from a single attack, it initiates a self-repair gaining 15% of its max base health over 20 seconds. This replaces any weaker healing effect triggered at the same time or currently active.
    - Once per fight, if Nimrod loses health equal to 30% of its max base health from a single attack, it initiates a self-repair gaining 45% of its max base health over 20 seconds. This replaces any weaker healing effect triggered at the same time or currently active.
    - Once per fight, if Nimrod loses health equal to 60% of its max base health from a single attack, it initiates a self-repair gaining 100% of its max base health over 20 seconds. This replaces any weaker healing effect triggered at the same time or currently active.
    - Once per fight, if Nimrod loses health equal to 85% of its max base health from a single attack, it initiates a self-repair gaining 200% of its max base health over 20 seconds. This replaces any weaker healing effect triggered at the same time or currently active.


    #AntiMutantAgenda - Unique Synergy with Sentinel
    Nimrod: Nimrod has a +25% chance to classify non-Tech opponents as Mutants at the start of the fight. [So Science champs would be classified as Mutant 75% of the time, while Skill, Cosmic, and Mystic champs would be classified as Mutants 25% of the time.]
    Sentinel: Gain twice as many Analysis Charges in every fight.

    Nimrod should also definitely have a unique synergy with Cable.

    And probably one with Scarlet Witch and/or Storm.
  • IvankaIvanka Member Posts: 236
    ... what gives? I posted a new character... it was fine... I edited the post.. it was fine... I edited it again... and then it said "your comment will appear after it has been approved."

    Very odd. Assuming this was a glitch. I reloaded the page. Then posted the same exact thing as before. It posted. No problems. I was reading over it and noticed a single-letter typo toward the end (I wrote "as" instead of "has")... I edited the post to fix this... when I tried to post it, it says "your comment will appear after it has been approved."

    So I tried a 3rd time to post the same thing.. and now I can't post.

    From experience, I know that this "your comment will appear after it has been approved" message is basically code for: "your comment will NEVER appear. Nobody is reviewing these posts. Ever. But for some arbitrary reason your account or post has been flagged by some bot as being suspicious and there's nothing you can do about this.

    Is editing your own post considered suspicious behavior to whatever bots are employed by this site?
  • IvankaIvanka Member Posts: 236
    New Character: Nimrod
    Class: Tech


    Nimrod is a robot constructed of futuristic high-tech materials highly resistant to damage. As such it is fully immune to bleed, poison, shock, coldsnap and frostbite. It also cannot be magnetized.

    [Dev. Notes: I wanted to make Nimrod immune to most debuffs favored by mutants in the game. I chose not to make him immune to incinerate since currently the champions that use incinerate are mostly cosmic, mystic, or skill champions.]

    Class advantages and disadvantages of fights involving Nimrod are doubled.

    At the start of each fight Nimrod immediately and automatically scans his opponent to determine if they should be classified as mutants. [Dev. Note: thus earning double class advantage and some other bonuses below] There is a 100% chance that this scan will trigger a positive result against a mutant, and a 50% chance that this scan will trigger vs science champions (treating them as mutants for the rest of the fight).

    [In game text for a positive scan:
    ... Unlawful physical form detected.
    Criminal Infraction: Unsanctioned use of mutant powers.
    Sentence: Death.]

    When Attacked:
    15% chance to activate an Armor Up buff.

    Special Attack 1
    Nimrod attacks its opponent with a blast of concussive energy that does physical damage and can cause an armor break. At the same time it surrounds itself in an energy field, giving itself an Armor Up buff and a Power Suppression Field buff.
    The Power Suppression Field buff lasts for 20 seconds. While active, any enemy near Nimrod suffers 50 Damage per second for every active buff on them and also has -25% reduced defensive ability accuracy.
    Mutants instead suffer 100 Damage per second for every active buff and a -75% reduction in their defensive ability accuracy.
    The Power Suppression Field has no effect on Cosmic champions.

    [Dev. Notes: this suppression field was meant mostly as an answer to Nightcrawler, who is still among the most annoying champions to fight in the game, but of course it also works great against Colossus, Wolverine, etc. - champs usually strong against other defensive accuracy reducers like Black Widow. It can also work against some science champions like Spider-Man and Electro who, at times in the comics, are grouped together with mutants by the Sentinels who target all super-powered humans.
    At the same time it does not punish Cosmic champions for the large number of buffs they have, preserving the class advantage wheel.]

    Special Attack 2
    Nimrod fires multiple disintegration blasts at its opponent dealing energy damage to them. Against inorganic opponents these blasts have increased damage and also apply a heal block debuff.

    [Dev. Notes: the original Sentinels in the comics had disintegration beams that only worked on inorganic material. In the game the extra damage and heal block should apply to robot champions and perhaps to some others like Morningstar if you wanted to make another tag for "Inorganic"]

    Special Attack 3
    Nimrod unleashes a barrage of destructive weapons against its opponent. The opponent goes running for cover. There are a number of explosions followed by a great cloud of dust and debris. Nimrod emerges through the dust cloud searching for its prey. The opponent tries to sneak up on Nimrod from behind, lunging at its back. At the last second Nimrod turns, raises an arm, and unleases an intense blast of plasma engulfing its enemy's body in fire, burning the flesh from their bones.
    In addition to the base energy damage this attack deals, it also deals additional Direct Damage (once per fight) equal to 150% of all health the opponent has gained since the beginning of the fight. This extra damage has no effect on bleed immune champions.
    At the end of the special 3 animation an incinerate debuff is applied. This debuff deals incinerate damage over 30 seconds while also reducing block proficiency and perfect block chance.

    [Dev. Notes: I wanted this special 3 to be an homage to the death of Wolverine in the Days of Future Past comic. The heal reversal effect should be ineffective versus bleed immune champions such as Ultron and Morningstar as, though they can heal, they have no flesh to burn off]


    Nimrod also has the capacity to self repair when damaged. The greater the damage taken, the stronger the repair response will be.
    - Once per fight, if Nimrod loses any health equal to less than 10% of its max base health, it initiates a self-repair gaining 2% of its max base health over 20 seconds.
    - Once per fight, if Nimrod loses health equal to 10% of its max base health from a single attack, it initiates a self-repair gaining 5% of its max base health over 20 seconds. This replaces any weaker healing effect triggered at the same time or currently active.
    - Once per fight, if Nimrod loses health equal to 20% of its max base health from a single attack, it initiates a self-repair gaining 15% of its max base health over 20 seconds. This replaces any weaker healing effect triggered at the same time or currently active.
    - Once per fight, if Nimrod loses health equal to 30% of its max base health from a single attack, it initiates a self-repair gaining 45% of its max base health over 20 seconds. This replaces any weaker healing effect triggered at the same time or currently active.
    - Once per fight, if Nimrod loses health equal to 60% of its max base health from a single attack, it initiates a self-repair gaining 100% of its max base health over 20 seconds. This replaces any weaker healing effect triggered at the same time or currently active.
    - Once per fight, if Nimrod loses health equal to 85% of its max base health from a single attack, it initiates a self-repair gaining 200% of its max base health over 20 seconds. This replaces any weaker healing effect triggered at the same time or currently active.


    #AntiMutantAgenda - Unique Synergy with Sentinel
    Nimrod: Nimrod as a +25% chance to classify non-Tech opponents as Mutants at the start of the fight. [So Science champs would be classified as Mutant 75% of the time, while Skill, Cosmic, and Mystic champs would be classified as Mutants 25% of the time.]
    Sentinel: Gain twice as many Analysis Charges in every fight.

    Nimrod should also definitely have a unique synergy with Cable.

    And probably one with Scarlet Witch and/or Storm.

    If I add more text to the end of this post will it allow me to post it? I don't want to break any forum rules but I assume no moderator will ever bother to look in to this and I'll have to figure it out on my own so this is an experiment.
  • IvankaIvanka Member Posts: 236
    edited March 2018
    Wow that's dumb. It worked.

    So my guess is... the bots check for people making the exact same or similar posts. And editing a post is treated the same as making a new post (that seems like the really dumb part, if this is true). So... if you go in 3 or 4 times to correct typos on a post you just made... you might get automatically banned from making similar posts.

    While a good feature to catch spammers... this really should NOT trigger when you are editing a single post.
  • IvankaIvanka Member Posts: 236
    And.. that single letter typo is still there. :dizzy: haha... I'm afraid to edit now so I'm just going to leave it.
  • Jh_DezJh_Dez Member Posts: 1,310 ★★★
    For Dracula
    I suggest an ability similar to DS
    When opponent is bleeding Dracula gains health steal buff that grants him health as long as he keeps attacking a bleeding opponent
    This would give him long term survivability and at the same time giving counters and balance
  • Jh_DezJh_Dez Member Posts: 1,310 ★★★
    You're making domino overpowered
    And her ability is luck not telekinesis
    If she's in a collapsing building and she tries to escape she would survive due to high luck
    But if she stands still she will die
    That's how her ability works
    And that rules out her staying idle
    If she stays idle her abilities won't work

    I get where you're going with that and I think a good way of implementing that aspect of her abilities Is that if when she successfully intercepts, she gains a crit buff
    But if her opponent attempts to intercept she has a chance to auto block and whenever she dashes back she can't be hit
  • IvankaIvanka Member Posts: 236
    Jh_Dez wrote: »
    You're making domino overpowered
    And her ability is luck not telekinesis
    If she's in a collapsing building and she tries to escape she would survive due to high luck
    But if she stands still she will die
    That's how her ability works
    And that rules out her staying idle
    If she stays idle her abilities won't work

    I get where you're going with that and I think a good way of implementing that aspect of her abilities Is that if when she successfully intercepts, she gains a crit buff
    But if her opponent attempts to intercept she has a chance to auto block and whenever she dashes back she can't be hit

    but.... in the context of the game nobody is standing there just waiting to get beat up. If you miss a block (because you didn't hit block soon enough, in game terms you are still standing idle), we can say it's because your timing was off. Domino is lucky in that when she tries to block, or do anything, it's likely that she will succeed. And when her opponents try to do things it's likely they will fail.

    I didn't want the player to know that something was up. I *assume*... unless you just put the phone down to go to the toilet... that if you get attacked you are going to try to either block or dash back. Sometimes when you dash back you block by accident because you were a little too late. And sometimes when you try to block, you get hit because you were a little too late.

    If you're playing as Domino... that's going to happen less often. And you won't know if it's because your timing has improved or if it's because of Domino's abilities.

    Re: Dracula's lifegain... your idea makes good sense and I like it. But I really wanted to come up with ways to punish Blade users. So... if you are bleeding or mesmerized, and standing there holding block... you're going to start losing health and healing Dracula.

    Thanks very much for the feedback!! :smile: I'm not in charge of designing anything but it's fun to think about and it gives me the opportunity to explain what I was thinking if something wasn't clear.
  • IvankaIvanka Member Posts: 236
    edited March 2018
    Also Domino's mutant ability is subtle subconscious telekinesis which makes it seem like she is very lucky. But yes she has to be trying to do something for it to work. I think trying to win a fight counts. :smile:
  • Jh_DezJh_Dez Member Posts: 1,310 ★★★
    Also Domino's mutant ability is subtle subconscious telekinesis which makes it seem like she is very lucky. But yes she has to be trying to do something for it to work. I think trying to win a fight counts. :smile:


    But still your idea of dominos power really gives the feeling that the player is tag teaming with AI lol
    In that standard it would be unfair
    Keeping it limited to auto block and crit buffs plus intercept and evading all attacks while dashing back would achieve a form of balance

    Her Sig could be
    "When her health is low, domino knows that its do or die trying.
    Her attack and crit chance steadily increased and all her blocks at low health is a perfect block While her opponents attack and accuracy decreases at the same rate"
  • IvankaIvanka Member Posts: 236
    edited March 2018
    Jh_Dez wrote: »
    Also Domino's mutant ability is subtle subconscious telekinesis which makes it seem like she is very lucky. But yes she has to be trying to do something for it to work. I think trying to win a fight counts. :smile:


    But still your idea of dominos power really gives the feeling that the player is tag teaming with AI lol
    In that standard it would be unfair
    Keeping it limited to auto block and crit buffs plus intercept and evading all attacks while dashing back would achieve a form of balance

    Her Sig could be
    "When her health is low, domino knows that its do or die trying.
    Her attack and crit chance steadily increased and all her blocks at low health is a perfect block While her opponents attack and accuracy decreases at the same rate"

    eh... your idea is not bad. But it completely misses what I was going for with my design, which was that the player would never be completely sure if he was playing well, just having great luck with RNG effects, if the AI was being stupid, or if Domino's ability was helping him.

    And when playing against Domino, never being sure if you were just playing very poorly, being unlucky, accidentally pressing the wrong thing, or if it was Domino's ability messing you up.

    Plus I *love* the signature ability idea I came up with. :blush: I know it's really quite powerful. And would be annoying as hell to play against. That's why I said 8% might be too high. But maybe it could be 1-4% or something like that.... you'd have to test it out in the game to see just how annoying it was.
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