Boss rush 6*

Time to increase the dificulty and rewards for boss rush! Enough 4* gems crystal! make a real challenge that offers 5* gems crystal!
Maybe with inifiny war coming, could be a great timing for that kabam
Maybe with inifiny war coming, could be a great timing for that kabam
6 fights starting at 2M HPs and escalating with Maestro/ Collector Level AI toss in Bane Caltrops and Mesmerize on every node.
This way players who don’t have the rosters will know to waste their time.
Rewards could be 1/2 of T5B, 1000 6* shards 2500 gold and 7500 5* shards because you know we can’t have Kabam just giving stuff away, you gotta earn it
Im sure its fair you are wanting a challenge but you have to remember that not everyone is at your level in the game...
Let's have three difficulties,'Vanilla'(Unnoded)Premium and 3* cystal,4* shards
Master:Nodes4* crystal,5* shards,Title
Uncollected:5* shards,6* shards,Another,Rarer Title.
And non mystic,non dimensional beings.
U can counter all those alone with Quake
Having 100% of the community complain beats 99% complaining about the “privileged” 1%.
You know how many "players" complaing about that Magneto in boss rush?
You know the community likes to cry about every single annoying challenge right?
Let them cry we need harder content