Is this the direction of the Contest?

Kabam, please answer as it will save many of us a lot of time and money; is the gold shortage going to be addressed and are these "deals" going to continue in the same direction (we haven't had a decent one in months)?
I spend around $700 per month on this game and a minimum of 2 hours a day playing. I would like to know the answer to the above questions so I can decide whether or not I will continue playing. As it stands, I plan on quitting after the first season of AW ends, primarily because of the gold shortage (grinding arena is neither feasible with my life nor desirable if it were feasible).
And to anyone suggesting buying gold crystals, it's a stupid suggestion and you know it.
As to the "deals", why haven't they progressed with the game? I understand y'all want to make money but do y'all not understand that if you made more desirable offers, you'd make more? And why you don't include gold in rank up offers baffles me. Everyone complains about not having gold and you release offers to rank up champs excluding gold. Genius.
I spend around $700 per month on this game and a minimum of 2 hours a day playing. I would like to know the answer to the above questions so I can decide whether or not I will continue playing. As it stands, I plan on quitting after the first season of AW ends, primarily because of the gold shortage (grinding arena is neither feasible with my life nor desirable if it were feasible).
And to anyone suggesting buying gold crystals, it's a stupid suggestion and you know it.
As to the "deals", why haven't they progressed with the game? I understand y'all want to make money but do y'all not understand that if you made more desirable offers, you'd make more? And why you don't include gold in rank up offers baffles me. Everyone complains about not having gold and you release offers to rank up champs excluding gold. Genius.
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So players keep falling behind the curve.
I believe he said "minimum of 2 hours a day." If he drops $700 a month on it, I'm willing to bet he's playing more than that.
If I have to play more than 2 hours a day to have enough gold to rank up my champs, I quit. Simple as that. I'm sick of this ****.
Correct, but spending isn't enough to progress either. You have to put time and effort in as well. That's what I'm saying. It takes effort to farm Gold.
I've put in tons of time and effort. Only recently moved to 2 hrs a day. Was at 5+. I've completed act 5, every monthly uc eq, play aq and aw, play alpha and t4b arena. What more do they want? Oh yeah, hours and hours of mindlessly tapping away at arena. No. Either gold is fixed or I'm done.
If you can't answer for kabam, officially, don't bother responding. You've made your case (or tried countering mine, at least).
We are all left to speculate as the mods never offer insight but I don’t really get the bottleneck on gold and alphas either. The type of progress your asking for isn’t for a ton of high end rank up material it’s simply to keep up with the new champs your obtaining.
The point he’s trying to make is that he spends a considerable amount on this game and investing 2+ hours a day is a significant amount of time on any mobile game. He shouldn’t have issues with gold which is considered one of the most common resources. I think the problem is if someone is spending a bunch on FGMC’s, they are going to be acquiring a lot more new 3, 4, 5* champs than the average player, so they need significantly more gold to level up everyone.
But maybe you should try considering that not everything Kabam does is perfect. I’m sure the Kabam devs themselves will admit they are not perfect. Sometimes aspects like gold rank-up costs get overlooked in the big picture. It’s a valid point being brought up lately that gold stashes are diminishing faster than being replenished. When you hit 0 gold, progression comes to a halt which doesn’t feel good for the player. It’s these little things of thinking outside the box that maybe this a real issue Kabam could have overlooked that makes you perceived as an unpopular poster here. The point being made behind a bit childish claims of quitting has been coming up a lot lately and is why we have these forums for players to express/discuss their concerns with the game, and they should be able to do so without getting berated all the time.
People are running out of Gold because they're spending larger amounts trying to Rank a higher Rarity of Champ. Simply put, you have to spend time making more if you want to spend higher amounts. That's not going to come from playing the way we choose to play organically. When Gold is increased, it affects the entire system. There are going to be bottleneck resources. Increase the Gold and it will shift to another Resource. The entire shortage issue comes from people trying to Rank their 5*s faster than they're meant to be Ranked. Just because people consider 5*s the new 4*s doesn't mean they are any less valuable, and Ranking cost is set based on Rarity. For that matter, Gold is available in the game. Just not at a rate as fast as people want to progress their Roster. It's not always the fault of the system when you examine spending habits and how people play. Saying we don't have time to Grind and claiming the system is broken is the same as saying it's our job's fault we run out of money because we don't have time to work. In any event, what I was addressing is the fact that it's an ultimatum. "If you don't give more Gold, I'm quitting.". That's not reasonable.
You clearly are not ranking 5 or 6* champs are you. Again your view the whole mcoc world from your rabbit hole
But wages go up with the cost of inflation, this is clearly not happening here.
How can you imply that 5*s are being ranked faster than they are meant to be ranked? Most people are just grabbing 5* shards from the plentiful sources Kabam has been providing. Kabam obviously has given us more 5*, 6* champions than before on purpose. The gold sinks to rank-up those champions is more than before when 4*s were reigning supreme. Like I said before, my feedback on gold bottlenecks are they just don’t feel good for a player. Being short on catalysts and then earning that catalyst through whatever means feels like progression. A better analogy would be “I’m running out of money because the rent is getting higher and higher, but my job is paying me the same amount of money. I could save money by going to live in a trash bag but that doesn’t feel good.”
What's not reasonable is me spending time and a chunk of money on a game that I no longer get joy out of primarily because of a gold shortage. I don't care that you think the system is fine. I'm asking a kabam a question as to whether the gold shortage (which is posted about daily) is going to be addressed. If they choose to not answer, fine. I'll spend my time and money elsewhere.
I just want to know if this is going to be addressed.