Are sentineloids a good idea for Alliance quest or should we stick with symbiods?

Kabam has decided to make half of the alliance quest map sentineloids rather than symbiods, practically making poison and bleed champs useless. Is this something we want?
Are sentineloids a good idea for Alliance quest or should we stick with symbiods? 142 votes
1. They all have the same special moves.
Once you've learned the dexterity timing for them then you should be good. No more fighting one mystic symbiod who pops off Dr. Strange and Scarlett which specials only to fight the next one and, WTF where did the Black bolt special 1 come from??? He's not even mystic and ugh holy **** cap. Marvels special 2? Are we sure this is a mystic symbiod?
2. Their abilities are always the same and never change.
You can figure out what each does and then fly right through them. Easy to look up online study and get used to.
3. They are huge.
Doesn't seem like a big deal but it is. Symbiods seem to move soo fast because when they dash forward they crouch low to the ground thereby decreasing their profile and causing the eye to loose track of them for a split second. However, sentinels when they dash forward raise their arms for a swing down attack which raises their profile and is easier for the eye to catch making it easier to intercept, part or block...
1. Poison and bleed immune.
No explanation needed there.
2. That skill is a ****.
The skill sentinels ability to shrug off debuffs almost instantaneously means you're basically fighting a debuff immune sentinel.
3. Time to adjust.
It's going to take time to get used to evading their specials which will be a must because after it gets 20 charges on their adaption mechanism their abilities activate through blocks which means incineration damage and when it hits 40 the specials are unblockable. Oh and I think they are going to have special 3 active. Fun fun.
I just don’t understand the logic behind substituting sentinels for symboids against the idea of wanting to see increased diversity in the game on the part of the developer. In AW specifically, the mode was designed to make us fight a battlefield of diverse champs, but now with a whole bunch of sentinels, “AQ diversity” (if there is such a thing) becomes very minimalistic and less balanced...which should never be the case seeing as we have more than enough playable champs already in the game to cover every AQ node.
Downside 4:
Other changes include adaption forcing awkward combos LMLM or MLM to avoid letting them get armor boosts and becoming increasingly difficult to land crits on with Crit Resist all the way up to needing Jane(Duped)/Angela/Karnak to pierce or having Hype/Phoenix or Nebula/Medusa (possibly various Skill AAR as well) or having Duped StarkSpider and being an obscene Crit/Damage/Shock dealer all in one…
I would like to say that I agree with you on comparing Symboids vs Sentinels.
But out of curiosity, will Sentineloids be exactly the same as Sentinels???
Don't get me wrong, I'm NOT trying to ask a stupid question or trying to be funny.
Just hope Kabam isn't going to create a diff variants of "Sentinels" and call them as "Sentineloids", and start granting them diff kind of powers mimicking various champs the way Symboids did.
When ultron was the boss he had his drones. They were the same as the sentinals. The rewards were less then they are now. Why should they be better for something that already happened.
I believe we all know the special attacks of symboids
Mutants just became useless against sentineloids because regardless of their class, they'd gain analysis charges faster if opponent is a mutant
And the specials of symboids was far too easy to evade unlike the sentineloids
All what you said probably applies only to you
Sentinel Specials are easy to evade.
You are trying to find excuses to a non existent problem.
Considering the fact that I explored uncollected difficulty with 4* champs and had little to no problem with the sentinels
Then being in aq is overkill where you'll find nodes that cause poison and bleed.
And do I have champs that are poison immune and can cause armor break, I don't think so .
And dude compare evading symboids specials to evading a sentinels sp2
Which is more difficult?
Also if in the situation the sentinel reaches max analysis charge, blocking is a no no cuz you'd get debuffs from doing so
That is a lot of stress and did they increase the rewards? Um no
Do you see anyone that armor breaks and is poison and bleed immune there, I doubt.
One of my champs became useless the other two are good for just cosmic sentinels. Ultron doesn't hit hard
And are they increasing the time from 3mins to 5mins? No
Increasing rewards? No
Issuing rdt for quick changes in setup ? No
When does this new system come into work ? April
Is there enough time to start changing teams in the event there's no rdt, and with work or school for some? No
That doesn’t just apply to these two sets either. You could agree the same for the standard champs. Why do we need 4 Groots, 4 Hoods, 4 Agent Venoms etc? Why do both minibosses need to be the same champ? Why do some fights go Vision - Iron Man - Vision or Psylocke - Cyclops - Psylocke?
There are enough champs to make every fight unique but Kabam seem intent on just repeating the same core group repeatedly.
My biggest gripe is that they are all bleed and poison immune, and that is really gonna limit the characters to bring in. There go my GP and AA as useful champs in AQ. It's really going to be rough on the psn and bleed paths because it really limits who you can use.