Regarding the future of mcoc

Taking away featured 5* is not only unfair to newer players, but sets off an imbalance in the contest. Because now all the godly players of 2017 and early 2018 will have all the crazy good champs. But theres gonna be little to no way for the newer ones to get access to good 5* (Dont even get me started on gmc crystals, seriously dont). I think nobody will have any interest in the game, because all the good champs are unattainable. Like how do you beat the collector with a team of 5* spider gwen, venom, colossus you get the point. Its really an unfair way of doing things.
You could pull them from 5* basic crystals.
If nothing changed in the game, then sure newer players would get to save up for the old style featured crystal. Which they would eventually get one of in a couple of years, because if nothing changed the availability of 5* shards would be such that newer players wouldn't have any. It took me over a year to get my first basic 5* crystal, and if nothing changed it would have taken me over 18 months to get my first featured one. And then I would have a one in five chance of getting that featured. It would have taken on average about four and a half years to pull my first actual featured champion, some time in 2020.
Newer players are entering a game where 5* champion availability is five times higher than when they first arrived, and still getting more available. Newer players got their first 5* champion from the freaking calendar for free faster than I got my first one. In every conceivable way newer players are playing a game where it is far easier to create a strong roster than at any time in the past. Act 4, which I struggled to finish, is easily in the reach of a player within their first month or two of play. RoL, which I worked my way up to finishing, is now a speed bump. 5* champions are now a given for everyone to have. If all of that is not enough for a newer player, this is not the game for them.
Seriously .. this ...
It used to take good 4-5 months to collect shards needed to obtain a 5* crystal let alone a featured one.
Did you complain that newer players has it soo easy and how its disadvantage to older players when they basically handed out a 5* crystal in login calendar?
Did you complain about modok labs and black panther trials rewards and how older player didn't had those ways of getting awesome rewards?
Appreciate what it is right now because rewards used to suck big time ..
But somehow they made a game you can play for free and still compete at the upper tiers of the game.