Blayde Wars

GeoradGeorad Member Posts: 64
Wchat s up with game balance? With blayde and his synergies or you has him or you are nothing. You nerfed gp, ds, sw and many others... he can even regenerate on map5 aq boss... He killing the game im my opinion.


  • SperaSpera Member Posts: 152
    I tried so hard to get blayde ,sadly only got 4* BLADE ... oh well 😌
  • Mmx1991Mmx1991 Member Posts: 674 ★★★★
    With the release of champions like Gladiator Hulk, Blade, and Bishop, it's obvious that Kabam is actively trying to get away from the Mystic War meta. So we should be happy.

    But....current war is a joke.

    1. Outsourced mercing every war - and btw, are teams always going to outsource their wars to a merc for the rest of time? Might as well just quit.
    2. New map is terrible.
    3. There is 145+ diversity at the top tiers, and fighting a row of diversity champs isn't fun, it's not a "war".
    4. And the non-diversity champs get mowed down by Blade anyway, so that's not fun either..

    Aw has lost it's touch. Honestly, as bad as it was to fight a string of Magiks, Nighcrawlers, and Hyperions, pre-12.0, AW overall was much better back then. Wars actually meant something. Now they don't.
  • roastedbagelroastedbagel Member Posts: 350 ★★★
    Blade isn't game changing

    Enough said

    OK but if he wasn't game changing then you wouldn't see 10 people out of 10 in your opponent lineup being "Blade, GR, X" lol

    Look I have him and use him too but don't piss on my back and tell me it's raining.
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  • Apocalypse189Apocalypse189 Member Posts: 1,135 ★★★
    I admit I use him in war with Ghost Rider and while his Danger Sense is changing the defence
    I don't believe for 1 Second that it is as good as other champions abilities.
    Sadly it's all now (One Blade slays all wars) And It shouldn't be like that, but it is

    Blade isn't the answer to all events and he never should be. Back when Scarlet Witch was dominating everything, blade isn't. That's a fact because he has no control over any Villain or Mystic without GR or Mephisto. He's only regarded as OP when paired with those champions on the same team. There are plenty of different champions in the game, with each champion comes their advantages, secrets and disadvantages but each and every one is unique. So no Blade isn't Overpowered
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    ArmandStar wrote: »
    GP was never nerfed.
    Reduced Gwenpool’s chance to proc a Bleed on her Heavy attack to 5%

    It’s a nerf, agreed. But a minor one, it doesn’t reduce her power in the game to below god tier. She still slays. It just got rid of an exploit where you could repeat heavy while opponent gains no power
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  • tutyimutyitutyimutyi Member Posts: 326
    If they want to describe it like an exploit,they do it.the cheater ai is not an exploit.funny.if they do not want to describe it as a nerf,they give an other name for it,so no RD tickets.blade is really good with his synergi team,but still cannot deal with soo many opponents,like bleed immune and evaders.also pretty difficult to heal him up against agressive opponents.sw was just too strong against all the heroes on all the nodes.
  • BigPoppaCBONEBigPoppaCBONE Member Posts: 2,450 ★★★★★
    Alliances already switched their awd to more heroes and matchups that don’t favor blade in higher tiers. While many do bring blade,gr, stark spidey they actually use stark spidey for most fights if he’s high ranked. I dumped blade and bring medusa instead.
  • Cujo999Cujo999 Member Posts: 117
    ArmandStar wrote: »
    yeah, i read about the exploit, but the fact remains that even if minor, it was still a nerf (and maybe not so minor, i think the pre-nerf chance was 50% , going from 50% to 5% isn't a small difference)

    i just read yet another topic on rankdown tickets, and it reminded me, those are supposed to be for when a champ gets nerfed, soo... i think we still haven't gotten the ticket to compensate for Gwenpool's reduced chance ;)

    We got the rank down tickets for the holidays shortly after the GP fix/nerf.
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  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    ArmandStar wrote: »
    yeah, i read about the exploit, but the fact remains that even if minor, it was still a nerf (and maybe not so minor, i think the pre-nerf chance was 50% , going from 50% to 5% isn't a small difference)

    i just read yet another topic on rankdown tickets, and it reminded me, those are supposed to be for when a champ gets nerfed, soo... i think we still haven't gotten the ticket to compensate for Gwenpool's reduced chance ;)

    I was talking more about how it doesn’t reduce her value as a champion. To me, the percentage decrease is irrelevant as long as the ability in question doesn’t impact on their use as a champion.

    For example, a nerf of blade’s chance to bleed on parry from 100% to 0% wouldn’t be a huge nerf because people don’t use blade to bleed on parry.
    But a nerf of Captain America’s perfect block chance from 60% to 15% would be a huge nerf because he relies on that immensely. That’s a big part of his utility
  • ContestOfNoobsContestOfNoobs Member Posts: 2,147 ★★★★★
    I've had blade for months now. I rarely use him. Hes really not all that to me.

    lol where are u in your point of the game?

    he is very usefel from master war to even all people in silver tier war
  • Nerfed2DefNerfed2Def Member Posts: 292 ★★
    If your complaining about Blade you don’t have him to know he’s not that great. For AW Magic and mystic killing, he’s doing as intended. You can’t keep placing the same champs and not expect to find the same counter. Time to adapt or get eaten sons.
  • Atticus9090Atticus9090 Member Posts: 521 ★★
    Not to be a grammar **** here, but you misspelled a couple words in your post. Lol
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  • EvilEmpireEvilEmpire Member Posts: 639 ★★★
    Blade just seems like a way for them to nuke the MD problem they created without actually fixing the broken concept. Tbh I still like my iceman better but blade is pretty nice whenever you can get his DS active.
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