Blades Nerf is here, sort of

Looks like there will less and less new champs for Blade to demolish with his Danger Sense ability since new champs like Corvious Glaive don't have a Villain tag, instead the have the new #Thanos Army. I'm not complaining, just simply stating that facts. It seems like a good solution to the nerf Blade outcry Kabam has been facing.
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They were honest is this thread to their credit. Blade himself has not been changed.
Says a dude in a forum. GGWP
Get over it
Nah man the big picture is they keep doing these indirect nerfs instead of just balancing or fixing broken concepts. This game is just a mountain of bandaids, who even knows what’s underneath it all.
A huge pile if cash obviously
I know. Money is!
Bro just stop already. This IS the balance.
You're making it very obvious to everyone that you rely solely on blade to get you through everything by how upset you're getting over something so trivial. "wahhh my blade can't steamroll the new Champs you release"
Blade was a nerf to mystic wars, he's already extremely OP as it is in that regard, kabam is doing the RIGHT THING by NOT giving every new champ the villain tag. If blade was able to steamroll every new non hero champ that comes out the only people in the game who'd be happy would be people like you who rely solely on one champ to navigate the game.
That's not fun. Learn to use other champs.
That version of Hyperion isn't a villain and never was. Clearly based on Hickman's version, which was Thor's best friend in that run.
There was also the Hyperion of Squadron Supreme who wasn't a villain. This isn't the Hyperion of the Squadron Sinister
There should be a balance that doesn't render tags moot. Sabertooth is a villain. A simpler fix would be to not let Danger Sense effect mutants since class mismatch. That would let us keep ST as a villain without 'nerfing' blade or mistagging. Only other mutant villain is mags, and he should also not be effected by Danger Sense since he's magnetizing Blade anyway.
So you would rather they just went and hit Blade big time instead of having new tags? Which I mean there won’t be that many let’s be honest.
Just want to make sure, your for Blade having a huge nerf over a character who has a tag which means blade can still be good but not amazing against?
This is the correct answer. This how they do things at Kabam.
To one degree or another, this is how they do things everywhere. And the game development community is full of players who thought they would be the ones to change that, only to discover their bright ideas were not so bright when viewed in direct sunlight.