AI faster in 17.2 Update

If an opponent is attacking my block and throws a medium-ending combo, I should be able to immediately strike back, but since the update the AI recovers so quickly that it has both evaded and parried my attack. I noticed this in all modes. Please fix this.
Adapt to the AI's evolving tendencies. Intercepting is not as reliable as it once was, it's often safer to take blocked hits until you bait a heavy attack. AI is now able to parry and evade attacks after finishing full combos (e.g., LLLL, MLLLL, MLLLM), so use immediate counter attacks sparingly. AI is also now able to parry within half a second after evading attacks, so look for better openings to attack like after heavy attacks and special attacks.
Posting video evidence of these things has had no impact on them being changed. It's best to adjust your style of playing to avoid these things.
Kabam are allowed to make the AI more difficult otherwise what’s the point?
First, I have never had this issue before, although others are claiming otherwise. It seems like a change to me with this update.
Second, I’m not debating what Kabam is allowed to do. But never has any player been able to do a full 5-hit combo into an aggressive AI’s block and been able to dodge back before it strikes back. Why should AI have a gameplay ability that players can’t?
Agree 100%, just be up front with the community when changes are made.