Rank down tickets / gold

Kabam we need rank down tickets on store or on new evante
Or give a better way to get gold


  • mum_m2mum_m2 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★
    I agree with the Gold. I like having limited rank down tickets. We dont need them though. We need gold.
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    Well since wolverine (R.I.P buddy) is no longer the AQ monster he once was now we will be fighting sentinals we should at least all get a mutant rank down ticket. I mean it's the least they could do when they retire a fan favorite ?

    They only do rank down tickets for changes to champions, not for changes to AQ or AW. Wolverine will still work, but you will have to adjust the rest of your team to have a Sentineloid killer and you will also have to potentially bring a different mini-boss killer each week.

    However, Kabam should be making AQ free for the first month and awarding everyone potions since we have to adjust to these changes without any increase in rewards.

    Are you saying that if Kabam doesn't do what you suggest then you won't do AQ? lol
  • TheOneAndOnlyTheOneAndOnly Member Posts: 690 ★★★
    xNig wrote: »
    Well since wolverine (R.I.P buddy) is no longer the AQ monster he once was now we will be fighting sentinals we should at least all get a mutant rank down ticket. I mean it's the least they could do when they retire a fan favorite ?

    They only do rank down tickets for changes to champions, not for changes to AQ or AW. Wolverine will still work, but you will have to adjust the rest of your team to have a Sentineloid killer and you will also have to potentially bring a different mini-boss killer each week.

    However, Kabam should be making AQ free for the first month and awarding everyone potions since we have to adjust to these changes without any increase in rewards.

    Are you saying that if Kabam doesn't do what you suggest then you won't do AQ? lol

    No, but I won't be spending the 5 grand I got back as a tax refund on the game though and will have to determine where to spend all future money too. I get they are making a business decision. I just do not think they know how much it will hurt them in the end. There are many larger whales out there just as frustrated.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,803 ★★★★★
    Well since wolverine (R.I.P buddy) is no longer the AQ monster he once was now we will be fighting sentinals we should at least all get a mutant rank down ticket. I mean it's the least they could do when they retire a fan favorite ?
    @Logy79_R38El I don't understand your logic in saying wolverine isn't a viable AQ champ. Most people take wolverine on the debuff immune path DUE to his healing abilities not because of bleed. Who would rank down wolverine any way as he can still help with questing to. You obviously weren't around during the Ultron AQ season when ALL of the Ultron drones were bleed/poison immune. There are SOOOOOOOOOOO many champs that can handle the sentinels that there isn't any reason to be upset by the change. You are just looking for reasons to ask for RDT's and compensation.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,803 ★★★★★
    edited March 2018
    Well since wolverine (R.I.P buddy) is no longer the AQ monster he once was now we will be fighting sentinals we should at least all get a mutant rank down ticket. I mean it's the least they could do when they retire a fan favorite ?

    They only do rank down tickets for changes to champions, not for changes to AQ or AW. Wolverine will still work, but you will have to adjust the rest of your team to have a Sentineloid killer and you will also have to potentially bring a different mini-boss killer each week.

    However, Kabam should be making AQ free for the first month and awarding everyone potions since we have to adjust to these changes without any increase in rewards.

    So what you are saying is we have to have a strategy now and think about who and what to bring instead of doing the same, boring AQ maps over, and over and over.....

    Why should they make it free and give away potions? If you can't beat a sentinel, you should just quit the game now.
  • MadMax79MadMax79 Member Posts: 31
    I wish they gave us an unawakening gem... so we could unawaken some1 we dont want and use the awakening gem on the one we want... but hey there are more chances of Trump and Kim Jong meeting ( oh wait thats happening ) so kabam u r next !!! if they can meet.. u can do it LOL
  • MadMax79MadMax79 Member Posts: 31
    damn they censored word T R U M P .. jesus !!!
  • EvilEmpireEvilEmpire Member Posts: 639 ★★★
    More available rank up materials would be much better than this stagnant meta where guys can’t earn enough to regularly progress. Wouldn’t need rdt’s if t2a weren’t so scarce.
  • Stara99Stara99 Member Posts: 426 ★★
    Meh who uses wolverine in aq anyways
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,803 ★★★★★
    Demonzfyre wrote: »
    So what you are saying is we have to have a strategy now and think about who and what to bring instead of doing the same, boring AQ maps over, and over and over.....

    Why should they make it free and give away potions? If you can't beat a sentinel, you should just quit the game now.
    That isn’t the issue at all. The issue is that resources to upgrade champions are extremely hard to earn in this game. We have spent our resources upgrading certain types of champions to complete the content that currently exists. Some of those champions are weaker against Sentinel. I think it was Kabam Miike who suggested in another thread that armor breaking champions would do well. That’s great, but I don’t know a lot of other places where that debuff does well enough to be worth the resources to upgrade. I don’t have those types of champions leveled up very high. Is Kabaam going to allow me to earn more resources to increase my champion divirsity? Nope. They will change the game again, but not give me the tools to adapt to it. This is why there is always backlash with these changes. They bring it on themselves.

    I think it would be great if they would vary the quests more so that deciding which champions to use was a more strategic part of the game. But if they are going to do that, then they need to make it easier for us to upgrade our champions. We will have to have a large, diverse roster to adapt to different challenges. They will also have to stop hiding nodes like they are doing more often. Kabaam does not seem to think these design decisions through very well. They need to make up their minds about what type of game they want this to be. Do they want this be a strategetic team-based fighting game, or do they want this to be a randomized guess-who-you-are-facing fighting game? I know which one I would prefer.

    I'm sorry but I disagree with everything you just said. The resources are out there but a lot of the people complaining about limited resources are-
    1. To lazy to do the leg work to get them. I.E. grinding arenas or being in active alliances.
    2. Aren't high enough level to earn better rewards.
    3. Aren't running AQ map at least 5x5.
    If you were someone that focused on ranking champs solely on what bosses were in AQ, then that's your fault. There is a lot of different game modes out there and having a diverse roster should have been your goal all along. AQ was meant to go through changes and if you didn't know/realize this, then again it falls on you.
    The sentineliods are shells of the playable one. They are what is faced in uncollected. Their abilities are different than the playable one and the only have SP1/2. The game has to evolve and change. This has been said over and over.
    My ally runs map 5x5. I am overflowing with T4CC except Skill due to R5 5* blade. T4B is out there but you have to be willing to save and then grind to get the full available resources. Same with T1 Alphas. You can get 5 per AQ cycle in addition to 3 day completion event, Arena series event, and 3 day item use event (I believe).
    I agree that a varying quest for AQ would be great but you don't need a huge diverse roster to do compete with all of that. Also hidden AQ nodes hasn't changed since Dorm became the boss. AW changed back to what it was before because the exploit was fixed.
  • charaderdude2charaderdude2 Member Posts: 1,530 ★★★
    What about free rank up gems?
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,803 ★★★★★
    What about free rank up gems?

    Good luck with that.
  • charaderdude2charaderdude2 Member Posts: 1,530 ★★★
    Demonzfyre wrote: »
    What about free rank up gems?

    Good luck with that.

    Yeah lol,I ain't one for rank downs.Also,m8,Thanks,for the Luck!
  • MutantWharf8MutantWharf8 Member Posts: 32
    Don't need rank down tckets but we do need gold
  • Run477Run477 Member Posts: 1,391 ★★★
    Blaargo wrote: »
    We dont.Just dont rank stupid champs.Chill.

    I have always been against rank down tickets (just search for rank down tickets on here and you will see my multiple reasons against them). I still am against them and your response was always my response—if you were patient and didn’t rank stupid champs, you wouldn’t need them.

    I actually now want one—but it’s not bc I ranked stupid champs out of impatience. I took quake (awakened) to r4 bc I had multiple t2as expiring and no one to use them on. I think it’s ridiculous that there is a cap on t2as personally. A lot of people in my ally are running into that issue. There are so few great 5* champs that eventually, as u complete the end game content, you have more t2as than u can deal with bc of limited champ choices. Kabam’s change to featured crysta exacerbated that problem.

    What’s worse, is that I even ranked down quake during that last rank down ticket and then had to re-rank her bc of the stupid expiration clock again.
  • SomeoneElseSomeoneElse Member Posts: 424 ★★★
    Demonzfyre wrote: »
    I'm sorry but I disagree with everything you just said. The resources are out there but a lot of the people complaining about limited resources are-
    1. To lazy to do the leg work to get them. I.E. grinding arenas or being in active alliances.
    2. Aren't high enough level to earn better rewards.
    3. Aren't running AQ map at least 5x5.
    If you were someone that focused on ranking champs solely on what bosses were in AQ, then that's your fault. There is a lot of different game modes out there and having a diverse roster should have been your goal all along. AQ was meant to go through changes and if you didn't know/realize this, then again it falls on you.
    The sentineliods are shells of the playable one. They are what is faced in uncollected. Their abilities are different than the playable one and the only have SP1/2. The game has to evolve and change. This has been said over and over.
    My ally runs map 5x5. I am overflowing with T4CC except Skill due to R5 5* blade. T4B is out there but you have to be willing to save and then grind to get the full available resources. Same with T1 Alphas. You can get 5 per AQ cycle in addition to 3 day completion event, Arena series event, and 3 day item use event (I believe).
    I agree that a varying quest for AQ would be great but you don't need a huge diverse roster to do compete with all of that. Also hidden AQ nodes hasn't changed since Dorm became the boss. AW changed back to what it was before because the exploit was fixed.
    You are free to have whatever opinion you want, but you are making a lot of assumptions without any basis. Your assumptions about me personally are way off.

    1. You have no idea whether the people who are complaining are too lazy or not. You have no idea whether they have completed quests, done the arenas regular, or participate in an active alliance. That’s your opinion. I have done and continue to do all three.
    2. Being high enough to to earn better rewards is part of the problem. Some of the content requires higher levels and champs, but you can’t earn those things unless you can complete the higher content. It’s a catch-22. The rewards are poorly designed. Each level should give you some rewards to earn your way to the next level, but they frequently don’t. The community complains about this all the time, but some people assume they are just whining for the sake of it.
    3. Running AQ map 5x5 isn’t possible for a lot of people, and it’s irrelevant because the Sentinels are going to be at every level. If people have to run map 5 to have the resources to upgrade champions needed to play map 3 or 4, then something is wrong with the state of the game.

    I did not say that I focused on ranking champions for bosses. I did not build my roster based on any aspect of AQ. I don’t know where you got all those wild assumptions from. I was talking about ALL the MCOC content, not just AQ. If Kabaam’s latest change has made armor breaking a priority in AQ, but the other content doesn’t benefit from that, then they need to let us earn our way to a larger roster so that we can have different types of teams for each area. I think this would be a great change, but they can’t have one part of it without the other. Well, they can, but then people are going to complain a lot, as they should.

    If your alliance can run map 5 all the time, congratulations. It doesn’t have any relevance to the fact that many in the community can’t. My own alliance runs a mix because we have a diverse membership. I can handle higher content, but some of my teammates can’t. I am not going to leave my alliance just so I can climb this artificial ladder that Kabaam created. My alliance also has members who are far better than me. They must feel the same way because they haven’t left us for a higher alliance.

    Roster diversity is also hindered by the randomness of champion openings (outside of arenas). I have a decent sized rosters, but a lot of my champions do the same thing. There are a few areas where my roster is lacking simply because I have not been lucky enough to pull those types of champions. My roster was very one dimensional for a long time, not because I chose it, but because that it what I pulled from the crystals. It is another example of Kabaam’s contradictory design strategy. If champion capabilities are important but the champions we get are random, then there is a inherent disconnect, and it is no wonder the players get very frustrated.
  • SomeoneElseSomeoneElse Member Posts: 424 ★★★
    Run477 wrote: »
    Blaargo wrote: »
    We dont.Just dont rank stupid champs.Chill.

    I have always been against rank down tickets (just search for rank down tickets on here and you will see my multiple reasons against them). I still am against them and your response was always my response—if you were patient and didn’t rank stupid champs, you wouldn’t need them.

    I actually now want one—but it’s not bc I ranked stupid champs out of impatience. I took quake (awakened) to r4 bc I had multiple t2as expiring and no one to use them on. I think it’s ridiculous that there is a cap on t2as personally. A lot of people in my ally are running into that issue. There are so few great 5* champs that eventually, as u complete the end game content, you have more t2as than u can deal with bc of limited champ choices. Kabam’s change to featured crysta exacerbated that problem.

    What’s worse, is that I even ranked down quake during that last rank down ticket and then had to re-rank her bc of the stupid expiration clock again.
    That is a big assumption. I personally wouldn’t mind being able to earn rank down tickets, but I don’t care that much. I have some bad champs that are ranked higher than I would like. I was forced to make a choice because of the way this game is designed. I pulled a lot of bad champs early on. I had to rank them up in order to keep progressing in the game. Then I joined an alliance. I had to keep ranking them up because I didn’t have a large enough roster to do AQ and regular quests at the same time. I don’t have any regrets because I wouldn’t have the roster I have today without making those tough choices. Yes, there are people who make foolish decisions and waste their resources, but a lot of us did what we had to do to keep progressing in the game.
  • ss1100ss1100 Member Posts: 365
    Malan wrote: »
    Kabam we need rank down tickets on store or on new evante
    Or give a better way to get gold

    Oii dun make it sound like everyone wants a rank down ticket... Nooo... No rank down tickets
  • Run477Run477 Member Posts: 1,391 ★★★
    Run477 wrote: »
    Blaargo wrote: »
    We dont.Just dont rank stupid champs.Chill.

    I have always been against rank down tickets (just search for rank down tickets on here and you will see my multiple reasons against them). I still am against them and your response was always my response—if you were patient and didn’t rank stupid champs, you wouldn’t need them.

    I actually now want one—but it’s not bc I ranked stupid champs out of impatience. I took quake (awakened) to r4 bc I had multiple t2as expiring and no one to use them on. I think it’s ridiculous that there is a cap on t2as personally. A lot of people in my ally are running into that issue. There are so few great 5* champs that eventually, as u complete the end game content, you have more t2as than u can deal with bc of limited champ choices. Kabam’s change to featured crysta exacerbated that problem.

    What’s worse, is that I even ranked down quake during that last rank down ticket and then had to re-rank her bc of the stupid expiration clock again.
    That is a big assumption. I personally wouldn’t mind being able to earn rank down tickets, but I don’t care that much. I have some bad champs that are ranked higher than I would like. I was forced to make a choice because of the way this game is designed. I pulled a lot of bad champs early on. I had to rank them up in order to keep progressing in the game. Then I joined an alliance. I had to keep ranking them up because I didn’t have a large enough roster to do AQ and regular quests at the same time. I don’t have any regrets because I wouldn’t have the roster I have today without making those tough choices. Yes, there are people who make foolish decisions and waste their resources, but a lot of us did what we had to do to keep progressing in the game.

    I was quoting someone’s earlier statement, but I should clarify something. Most of the people I have seen on here wanting rank down tickets are people who r4ed a 5* ant man or iron man or whatever for “prestige” in aq or bc their ally required them to rank someone for prestige. They made that decision and got rewards for that decision. They could have went to a different ally (just like you could). Then later on, they got better champs and started complaining that they couldn’t rank those champs now with all of the rewards they reaped with their previously ranked champ.

    Your post seems to imply that you have a roster of 4*s and are still fairly new to the game (ie maybe haven’t completed act 5, rttl, or a run of lol)? And you seem to be asking for rtds for 4*s. I have never been opposed to rtds for 4*s or for anything below the 5* r4. It was the t2as that I was always against bc I knew people and faced allies in war that did exactly that—ranked to get rewards and then wanted to keep the rewards but rank down their champs.

    As u can see, I would gladly take an rtd now for my 5* r4 quake but it has nothing to do with impatience. I didn’t r4 a 5* champ for over a year and a half in this game as I waited and waited for good champs. Now I have 5* r4 quake, gp, blade and void. I just wish I could take back quake since she doesn’t get much use except as a mediocre diversity defender. I can beat all content in game that I use her for as a 5* r3 champ or with my 4* r5 quake.

    Regarding map 5x5, it’s realy not that tough to do. I run all 4* champs in aq map 5, but I’m not personally looking forward to the sentinels. I haven’t used a potion in aq map 5 for as long as I can remember. I am not sure I will continue to have that luxury. But who knows.
  • Primmer79Primmer79 Member Posts: 2,968 ★★★★
    I really really really don't want to see rank down tickets. I also don't want to see "oh we're sorry, heres a bunch of ****."

    I would like more opportunities to earn t1a, t2a, t4b, t5b AND gold. I don't know at what ratios or what events, and I don't want to devalue the gold even further for people who grind arena for it. It almost seems like the game is changing and growing faster than it has before (r5 5*, 6* etc) while leaving players with a small taste and no way to progress/diversify rosters.

    It definitely makes rank ups and the choice to rank up more selective, but its also filing you into a niche. My alliance actually turned away a recruit because his r4s on defense would be duplicates of what we have, so hed be stuck placing a weaker defense than what we were replacing. Between diversity, changes, and progression, rank downs arent the answer, but more resources are, imo.
  • Run477Run477 Member Posts: 1,391 ★★★
    Primmer79 wrote: »
    I really really really don't want to see rank down tickets. I also don't want to see "oh we're sorry, heres a bunch of ****."

    I would like more opportunities to earn t1a, t2a, t4b, t5b AND gold. I don't know at what ratios or what events, and I don't want to devalue the gold even further for people who grind arena for it. It almost seems like the game is changing and growing faster than it has before (r5 5*, 6* etc) while leaving players with a small taste and no way to progress/diversify rosters.

    It definitely makes rank ups and the choice to rank up more selective, but its also filing you into a niche. My alliance actually turned away a recruit because his r4s on defense would be duplicates of what we have, so hed be stuck placing a weaker defense than what we were replacing. Between diversity, changes, and progression, rank downs arent the answer, but more resources are, imo.

    I can’t hardly rank anyone anymore. I’m always short on t1as and t4bs. I do the t1a arena and t4b arena every time. I also grind arena for shards. Then my 5* champs all just sit there at r1 bc I cant justify the FIVE t1as it takes to rank them to r2.

    My gold has also disappeared. I had over 7.5 million gold at the start of the year. I’m now down to 3.5 million after ranking multiple 5*s to r4 and a 6*

    I’m not even ranking 4*s really anymore—except for Medusa and blade when I finally get them. Maybe Morningstar for aq.
  • Primmer79Primmer79 Member Posts: 2,968 ★★★★
    Run477 wrote: »
    Primmer79 wrote: »
    I really really really don't want to see rank down tickets. I also don't want to see "oh we're sorry, heres a bunch of ****."

    I would like more opportunities to earn t1a, t2a, t4b, t5b AND gold. I don't know at what ratios or what events, and I don't want to devalue the gold even further for people who grind arena for it. It almost seems like the game is changing and growing faster than it has before (r5 5*, 6* etc) while leaving players with a small taste and no way to progress/diversify rosters.

    It definitely makes rank ups and the choice to rank up more selective, but its also filing you into a niche. My alliance actually turned away a recruit because his r4s on defense would be duplicates of what we have, so hed be stuck placing a weaker defense than what we were replacing. Between diversity, changes, and progression, rank downs arent the answer, but more resources are, imo.

    I can’t hardly rank anyone anymore. I’m always short on t1as and t4bs. I do the t1a arena and t4b arena every time. I also grind arena for shards. Then my 5* champs all just sit there at r1 bc I cant justify the FIVE t1as it takes to rank them to r2.

    My gold has also disappeared. I had over 7.5 million gold at the start of the year. I’m now down to 3.5 million after ranking multiple 5*s to r4 and a 6*

    I’m not even ranking 4*s really anymore—except for Medusa and blade when I finally get them. Maybe Morningstar for aq.

    I'm 100% with you. I've slowed down a lot and grown some patience. I would love to see more resources and more ranking as opposed to redoing choices, just let us have more choices.
  • SomeoneElseSomeoneElse Member Posts: 424 ★★★
    Hmmm. No. I’m not that new to the game. I have finished RTTL and ROL. I haven’t tried LOL. I am Uncollected (earned it, didn’t buy it with tons of resources). I am still working my way through Act 5. That is mostly a time and energy constraint. I also have to divide my time between AQ/Quests and Arenas because of the bug that causes me to lag with arena help requests. I have a mix of 4 star and 5 star champions that I use, depending on the content and the tier listing.

    Maybe people keep making assumptions about me because I am defending the lower level players who are making these complaints. I understand where they are coming from because I have been there. It doesn’t mean I necessarily have the same problems. I have moved passed some of it because I progressed. Some of it, like insufficient resources, I don’t think people ever move passed because even the top players I know still complain about it.

    I understand what you are saying, but I don’t know why you care about whether other players get RDTs or why they want them. How does it affect you? If I got them, I would use them to rank down some 4 star rank 4 champs that I had to use a long time ago. It would mostly recover some T4BC that I would use to rank up some of my 5 stars. If other people want to use them to rank down champions they don’t want anymore, it doesn’t affect me in the least.
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