Seeking Motivated players for Season 2

*The pic above is just a glimpse of what we are about. For more info, scroll down and read on!!!
🔥Alliance🔥 Organized and skilled, we are looking to improve our roster and standings. Our leadership team strives to remain objective in all that is brought to us and values the input of our members. While most of use are North American based, we have several players scattered throughout the UK and other countries. We do utilize ClanHQ app for our source or operation.
🔥Members🔥 We are looking to replace a few of our lower skilled and less active members to help us acheive our goals for season 2. We are looking for skilled, active members that play smart to get the job done with minimal ko's and item use.
🔥AQ🔥 We do not run map 6 as we do not believe the time, resources and effort to do so are adequately rewarded. Our current prestige starts at 6k+.
🔥AW🔥 We will finish top 100 in G1 bracket. We were in P3 but some our lower skilled players were unable to follow through on their lanes and it cost us dearly. Our goal for season 2 is P3+.
🔥Events🔥 As T1Alphas become more scarce, we have committed to earning them in each 3-day event with out having to impose minimums.
If you have any questions or interests, please contact any listed in the pic! We look forward to hearing from any and all players interested!
Still under a year of play, can handle 5x5 in a ~12m.
best of luck in your search for a new ally though!
whether it be....
- slighlty lower donations
- no map 6
- better aw rewards
- or maybe even less grind
our alliance is a great place to be! veey objective leadership team and a group that is hungry to succeed. still looking for 5-6!!!
In game name is fftusis
We are still looking for 5-7 active and skilled players over 6k prestige!
no event minimums and our donations just got a lityle easier!