Is Awakened 5 Star Elektra Worth Taking to 3/45 Over a 4 star Iceman/Blade to 5/50?

I feel like I wouldn't have a lot of use for Elektra besides Arena Maybe questing. I have Blade at 4/55, Morningstar 4/55, Etc etc. I have all the gods as 4 stars except Hyperion and Doc V. I wanna take iceman or 4 star blade to 5/50, but I just duped Elektra and I wanna start ranking 5 stars more. what do you guys think? Is Elektra worth taking up? Explain why you chose your vote in the comments below!
Is Awakened 5 Star Elektra Worth Taking to 3/45 Over a 4 star Iceman/Blade to 5/50? 63 votes
Blade… yes
Iceman is still needed for 5.4.5 Mephisto unless you got duped Rulk
You do know Iceman has way more utility than Blade
He shuts down evade champs and coldsnap them to death whereas blade just relies on danger sense to do all the work for him
Generally > than 4* but.....
If you’re in need of an immunity champ iceman is the way to go.
If you’re in need of blades services, go for it. Though Elektra almost does what blade does with a debuff....
Figure out what you need and make the decision.
Worth over Iceman: no
Worth ranking over blade: yes
Not if you have Quake
Ah well that's cleared that one up lol
How can you parry a stun immune AW boss?