Cant servive Boss rush Iceman

juST4fUNjuST4fUN Member Posts: 172
My Team 5* BP OG, Gulliotine 4* AA,Hyperion & CW....i dont have Mahpesto or Vulture . None of my champs could servive the initial coldsnap basically i have lost the fight even before starting ..any tips/suggesions to still win using this team?


  • GreenstrokeGreenstroke Member Posts: 291
    How would vulture help?
    Got Groot,Rogue, AV or Kingpin? Could try to shrug it off
  • juST4fUNjuST4fUN Member Posts: 172
    How would vulture help?
    Got Groot,Rogue, AV or Kingpin? Could try to shrug it off

    Sorry vulture is incinerate immune, also no, no,no nope :/
  • borntohulaborntohula Member Posts: 447 ★★★
    Use as many health boost as you can. Do the math before though. Alternatively, use a champ that heals. Better yet, use health boosts AND a healing champ.
  • JaffacakedJaffacaked Member Posts: 1,415 ★★★★
    juST4fUN wrote: »
    My Team 5* BP OG, Gulliotine 4* AA,Hyperion & CW....i dont have Mahpesto or Vulture . None of my champs could servive the initial coldsnap basically i have lost the fight even before starting ..any tips/suggesions to still win using this team?

    What rank are your champs, it's kinda important to know to help. Like others have suggested you should use boosts, attack & health plus a health boost
  • juST4fUNjuST4fUN Member Posts: 172
    Jaffacaked wrote: »
    juST4fUN wrote: »
    My Team 5* BP OG, Gulliotine 4* AA,Hyperion & CW....i dont have Mahpesto or Vulture . None of my champs could servive the initial coldsnap basically i have lost the fight even before starting ..any tips/suggesions to still win using this team?

    What rank are your champs, it's kinda important to know to help. Like others have suggested you should use boosts, attack & health plus a health boost

    AA is duped r4 Sig 30, gully & BP are r2, hyperion & CW are also r4, i have tried with 20% champion boost+ 20% health use.....i am going to try few times with hyperion ....else give up

    Thanks everyone for there suggesions
  • JaffacakedJaffacaked Member Posts: 1,415 ★★★★
    juST4fUN wrote: »
    Jaffacaked wrote: »
    juST4fUN wrote: »
    My Team 5* BP OG, Gulliotine 4* AA,Hyperion & CW....i dont have Mahpesto or Vulture . None of my champs could servive the initial coldsnap basically i have lost the fight even before starting ..any tips/suggesions to still win using this team?

    What rank are your champs, it's kinda important to know to help. Like others have suggested you should use boosts, attack & health plus a health boost

    AA is duped r4 Sig 30, gully & BP are r2, hyperion & CW are also r4, i have tried with 20% champion boost+ 20% health use.....i am going to try few times with hyperion ....else give up

    Thanks everyone for there suggesions

    With those health boost you will definitely survive the cold snap so then it comes down to skill.

    It might be case of this challenge being a bit to much for where your at in the game. Best advice is either spend to best it which is not ideal if you need to spend loads of resources. The other option which is best an something we have all had to to at one point, which is admit it's too much an give up but work on getting stronger an crush the next time an event comes around
  • juST4fUNjuST4fUN Member Posts: 172
    Well if i was not able to do it because i am not skilled enough i would have understoon, but to loose because of unavoidable damage or you dont have specific champions thats a bummer
  • LaylicLaylic Member Posts: 88
    Rogue does well. Makes coldsnap only last a couple seconds.
  • AmonthirAmonthir Member Posts: 754 ★★★
    All you need is a champ who can take 10,400ish Damage and live. That number will be higher if using a Skill champion, and lower if using tech. After you survive that damage, it's a matter of intercepting, parrying well (watching out for some parries to be ignored due to Ice Armor), and slowly working him down. If you can find an easy to reach IceMan in duels or a quest somewhere, practice Evading his L1, as you can't always push him to the more easily evadeable L2.
  • Kabam PorthosKabam Porthos Moderator Posts: 4,676
    Moved this over to the Strategy and Tips section of the Forum.
  • CassyCassy Member Posts: 1,108 ★★★
    Use Venompool, no parry, steal his icearmor with sp1 and heal.
    Works for Me. Takes some time but no potions.
  • Cats73Cats73 Member Posts: 314
    Use your hyperion, pop a health boost, and you should be fine if you play well.
  • LordBaldyBaldLordBaldyBald Member Posts: 265
    It shouldn’t outright kill 3 of those champs. They should live with about 3000. Tbh, you just gotta play that fight better and avoid everything that you can’t parry. That way the only damage you take is the coldsnap. If you’re seriously desperate for healing, Hyp has a little baby heal to use but CW is probably your best bet. If you focus on building armor and surviving, he can’t debuff you anymore or get ice armor
  • JaffacakedJaffacaked Member Posts: 1,415 ★★★★
    juST4fUN wrote: »
    Well if i was not able to do it because i am not skilled enough i would have understoon, but to loose because of unavoidable damage or you dont have specific champions thats a bummer

    Like we've said an I've tested it my self, you will survive the cold snap easily with boosts. Yes it's unavoidable but there are so many ways of either reducing it or just healing up the health you lost.

    Like I said in my earlier post, if it's costing to much just man up an say it's a bit much for me at the moment,. Hopefully by the next time your skills an roster will have improved enough for you to beat that challenge.

    At the end of the day this is a 6* boss rush aimed at the higher tiers of the game
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