Corvus Glaive still dying with full glaive charges

Tested corvus glaive in normal rift with DS to see if his immunity or cruelty buff would nullify. Checking out his immortality, I let him use all his glaive charges, waited out the cooldown and hit him with an L3 once he had all 20 again and his immunity procced but before he could hit me and waste a charge. 
. He died from the one hit. Direct KO from the L3. I assume this isn’t supposed to be what happens.

. He died from the one hit. Direct KO from the L3. I assume this isn’t supposed to be what happens.
Um yes it is
Ds has more attack than him in this matchup and has class advantage too
Anyway, wait until the event quest in 2 days time for him to get his revenge
Try reading the rest of CG's description. Specials and heavy attacks temporarily remove his immunity for a few seconds.
So, working as intended.
Knocked Down is when they actually get knocked down and have to get up from a heavy or special, not the instant you do it. So he should come out of the L3 fate sealed and not dead with either 100% hp and no charges or 1 hp and no charges (depending on how they implement his sig). In any case, the important part is not dead.
So you thought it was a good idea letting kabam know that he's bugged so that they make him OP again when we have to do uncollected when they are already known to add unfair and messed up EXTRA buffs in that mode huh?
Maybe use your head for a change and look 1 step ahead instead of trying to be a damn kabam's pet smartass!
Broken champs aren’t good for anyone. Don’t be that loser. If you can’t handle uncollected without crying unfair, you probably shouldn’t be there.
Just curious about the icon of his ability,
Is this his Glaive Charges? Similar look to recon but in orange
and Is this his Immunity?
The above-mentioned 2 icons seem new.
On older champs, this was RECON but obviously it was red in color for Falcon's ability
On older champs, this was FOCUSED and it was obviously yellow in color
Well I was not aware of this
Yes, orange icon with the number is his Glaive Charge and the purple icon with and arrow pointing down is his True Damage charge.
True Damage might be means his damage will not be reduced by any Physical Resistance and Armor Up buff the opponent has.
This is not a bug
Yeah that’s it. The easy way to make Corvus not have punisher/hela endured is to kill him with a special.
It’s disabled when he is Knocked Down by a heavy or special, yes. He should get up with 1% showing and his immunity disabled. Instead, he just dies.
That’s because he’s currently broken.
Pretty sure its working as intended
The hit that disables it counts as the killing blow else it'll be unfair to champs like Phoenix whose heavy is a single hit
Its not a bug
What? Unless your heavy hits more than once, it’s not fair? SMH. Fairness nonsense aside, the ability description says “knocked down”, currently he just dies without being knocked down. They should change the description to say “cannot die except by any heavy attack or any special attack with or without any additional DOT effect(s)”. Not nearly as flashy.
How is this so hard for people to understand?
The ability uses “Knocked Down” otherwise any multi-hit heavy or special would kill him. It is the easiest indicator that the attack has run its course. As for L3s, Kabam has stated many times that they are considered 1 hit, no matter what the combo counter says.
It's an order of operations question. Can the hit that remove the charges also kill him? As he currently works, the answer is yes, but the OP feels Glaive should get one more hit.
How hard is it for you to understand that the hit that knocks him down is the killing blow based on game mechanic? You want the text in his abilities to be changed fine but stop crying that its a bug cuz it's not.
If it was I'm pretty sure a mod would have labeled this discussion as under investigation.
Rather lemme break it down for you
When corvus gets hit by a heavy, two things happen simultaneously at that instant. One, his immunity is shut down for 3seconds and two, he receives heavy attack damage.
Kabam's design makes it so that his immunity is shut down right before he takes any damage. You aren't a computer so you probably can't notice the delay but if you understand a bit of multi-threading you would grab a little but meh keep whining
Consistency between the descriptions and the reality is all I want. If he will die no matter his active charge status from a sufficiently powerful heavy or special, then what is the point of having the ability in the first place?
You do get +5 internet troll points for being condescending while missing the point, so you can strut a little about that.
The design doesn’t match what the ability says and doesn’t make sense from an action-reaction standpoint. Remember back when recoil damage was applied before the special? Same basic idea.
When did a mod response become the true sign that something was needing correcting in this game?
This is gimpy the same way an L3 eats up all of Killmonger’s indestructible charges despite counting as only 1 hit according to Kabam.
Like you said remember back when recoil damage came before the special?
Apply that in this scenario.
Immunity disables with that first heavy attack hit or special and corvus takes damage right after which kills him since he's practically meant to be dead.
I see no error here even from the current description
My first encounter with corvus in event quest, I already grabbed that to kill him, you need to use a special attack or heavy.
I do get your point tho but your issue is with the text description and not the mechanic
Also I'm not sure if multi threading applies to this case but its the only plausible explanation based on my current school level