Dr voodoo dash back still short [Under Investigation]

Please solve it kabam, voodoo is a great pg but the short dash back makes really hard to play with him. In war you trigger dexterity more time than a normal pg, so against a mystic with MD 5/5 is impossible to fight. This make a nosense for my 6.5kk in lord of the loa arena
Post edited by Kabam Wolf on
Don't stop at voodoo. Arch Angel is the worst of the floating back dashing bugs. Tell the team if they fly their broken.
Device used
Opponents Champion
Details of the encounter
Doctor Strange
It is like the left back is acting like a right back (which the right back was the short dash back). The left was a much longer jump back. You would use the right to avoid a charge and immediate start a light attack to hit the opponent.
Android 7.0
S7 Edge
Galaxy s2 Tab
Note 3
Android 4.4.2
I use an iPhone 6 and a Nexus 6P, both running latest software.
It happens against opponents really, but it's very obvious against champs who have forward moving specials or heavies.
Rocket Racoon's l1 becomes very hard to evade if you're at his face when he launches it (you evade the first part and almost always get caught by that last lunging punch), Cap's l1, nightcrawler's heavy and psyclock's heavy all have similar issues and many others as well. You just have to fight Rocket Racoon back to back once with Voodoo and once with any champ who doesn't have the issue (Starlord for example) and you'll notice that issue when baiting his l1.
Facing AA on map 5 expert tier.
Has happened with SW, DS, wolverine and Miss Marvel (normal). Short dash back against the heavy.
Same thing happens with Hood.and Aboms heavy, same map, same characters. Probably about 25-50% of the time. Theres a split second lag in the animation and either the dash is too short or the heavy reaches too long.
Definitely a game issue. Not my skill level !
It's not just voodoo. also x23 and DS, bw, phx. I don't think it's the character actually. It's more about the game camera lagging.
(1)The attacker scooting forward when I'm out of attacker range mid swing like they can fly or something else stupid. Happens on roundhouse kicks and backflips. Midway thru the attack, the attacker will suddenly scoot severely forward in order to make contact.
(2)The running me down from across the screen when I'm evading/double evading/evading-blocking. The camera zoom limits how far away I can go and when the attacker dashes at me from far away, and I evade, I hit an invisible wall Bcuz the camera isn't adjusting as fast as the attacker is charging. And then I'm not allowed to block nor complete a double evade.
AND (3) complete misses when I swing at the attacker. I swing and instead of connecting, the enemy will glitch away on a minute scale (as if there were two opposing magnets between my fist and their head). This gives the enemy a freebie to unload a six combo on me since he didn't technically have to block. Part 2 to the attacking issue is that when the enemy has moved away and I attempt to dash attack, my champion many times won't register that the enemy is far away and will just swing a missing kick instead of running forward.
And (4)what happened to fixing DS v Hyp issues??? His debuff spells are popping up but Hyp still isn't being affected. This is BS!
The first issue happens every 8-9 matches. The second happens every 4-5 matches. The third happens at least once if not several times a match every other match or so. The last issue is every fight between DS and Hyp.
Some way to earn awakening stones would almost make up for this horrid 12.0 patch job and super glue fix you guys rolled out.
But no, this is not the same issue. The camera angle limitation has been there since the beginning of the game, the interface has a limit on how far to zoom out, you just have to adjust to it. This is in no way the issue being discussed in this thread.
This thread is specifically about Voodoo's dash back distance being short, even in close zoom.
Also, the other issues you mentioned are not related to this thread whatsoever. Please only discuss a specific topic in each thread so that each problem gets its needed attention, don't hijack threads for other reasons.
Back to the topic: Kabam, any updates on the Voodoo issue?
Device: iPhone 6
Opponents: AQ Opponents (Map 5)- tech path, Mystic path with Magik, Hood and Voodoo.
Details: Each time I play AQ, I use Dr. Voodoo. I have never seen an improvement in his dash back, even after the updates.
Some examples
Cable heavy catches voodoo after dodging back
First part of falcon sp2.
2nd part of vultures sp1
2nd part of BPCW sp1
There are plenty of examples where voodoo dash being shorter then others as he is always barely caught in situations where others aren't doing the same dodges
Dash back is too short, got hit with a heavy from venom. Did one dash back and I was still in his heavy range.
Voddo is one of my favorite champs and one of my go to ones but this is just one of these annyoing issues that makes combat even more frustrating especially when you know it's coming and you just can't get completely out of range due to short dash back.
Also it's not just him lots of champions have their dash backs shortened or delayed sometimes which is just freaking annoying and I really wish you would actually fix this game already and upgrade your servers because I'm tired of the bugs and issues and getting my face smashed in because they either won't move or won't move back enough.