Infinity Chaos Event Energy Requirements [Merged Threads]



  • sbb75sbb75 Member Posts: 208
    No path should be more than 70 energy.
    The 3.2 map isn't close to other months. The "short" path to get the 3k for completion is close to double compared to last year.

    @Kabam Miike what data are you considering to say it "doesn't change too much"?
    The energy, time and amount of blank tiles has increased significantly.
    The gold and items along the paths definitely haven't increased.
    The rewards from 3 day completion haven't increased.

    Can someone please explain the purpose of adding all the extra blank tiles? It doesn't increase difficulty or even add symmetry to the design of the map. I'm really trying to find 1 reason how the players benefit, how it makes it more enjoyable to play.

    I feel like the only positive spin/answer of decisions questioned by customers is "It could be worse".
  • colbyscipio987colbyscipio987 Member Posts: 1,027 ★★
    whats the whole point of gaps, if you don't get anything from them. (complete waste of time, just to drag it longer and more time of grinding)
  • SomeoneElseSomeoneElse Member Posts: 424 ★★★
    Because impatient people will spend $$$ to get it done faster.
  • Nick0609Nick0609 Member Posts: 71

    so @Kabam Miike you're telling me that an increase of 300 energy "doesn't change too much"
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  • FivesFives Member Posts: 118 ★★
    It really is just so much fun :) spending a full energy refill ;) and still not having enough to finish one single path of a quest B) because Kabam :* had to fit at least three empty nodes :p between every single fight :D for no reason at all o:)
  • IanMoone89IanMoone89 Member Posts: 590
    btw Uncollected suppose to be on par with Act 5 but this quest is on par with 5.2 collector as boss which is overkill
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,779 ★★★★★
    Barunkk wrote: »
    @GroundedWisdom and @Demonzfyre
    Why do you both always support Kabam's dumbest move?
    In earlier events, On average Heroic had a cost of 1250-1300 but this time it's 1546.
    Now I guess you have been gifted with brain.

    Because it's part of the evolution of the game? The game grows and do does the EQ's. I understand it, but doesn't mean i agree with the energy costs. In my first post in this thread i stated i don't agree with how much it costs to run them. I also understand they are an option and not mandatory for me to complete. I want the rewards so i choose to complete them. I'll buy the energy refills to complete my runs and i don't mind. I also spend less than some because i don't try and complete it overnight. Right now, i don't have anything other than EQ's to work on so i will take my time and use my free energy as much as possible. I have always been a proponent that the energy system needs to change. I would be great if we could stack energy like you can in MFF and MSF. Also a free refill a day like MFF would great too. I have android so i know i don't have a chance at a legends title so i'll keep doing it my way.
  • rockykostonrockykoston Member Posts: 1,505 ★★★★
    Fives wrote: »
    It really is just so much fun :) spending a full energy refill ;) and still not having enough to finish one single path of a quest B) because Kabam :* had to fit at least three empty nodes :p between every single fight :D for no reason at all o:)

    The champs don't like each other , so they stay far apart in event quest. lol

    Honestly, I also dont get the point of having 3 empty nodes between fights, put some chests or other useful items there. Start giving CC or BC from these event quest chests??

    How the fk am I supposed to do the daily quests, story quests and event quests and the same time, if the energy costs are absurd. Already Act 4 takes more than a day to complete one path.
  • mum_m2mum_m2 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★
    IanMoone89 wrote: »
    btw Uncollected suppose to be on par with Act 5 but this quest is on par with 5.2 collector as boss which is overkill

    there's no way Guilly is as hard as the collector. not even close. stun, bleed, poison immune and more health regen is much easier to deal with than bane, unblockable specials, random unstoppables, etc.
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  • AnmaelAnmael Member Posts: 76
    I posted about this too. It is a way of milking us out of units for energy refills. There is no way this wasn't intentional. For instance, Trucos does the math for us and Modok and Age of Sentry to run all levels cost 5885 energy. Infinity Chaos is 6924. Also, no one would have had any motivation to run all difficulties on those other quests, so in addition to having to run them all they made them all longer paths. Milking us all...

  • AnmaelAnmael Member Posts: 76
    Trucos does the math for most of the event quests for us (I think they skipped the Sabretooth one, cuz' I can't find it) and both Hotel Modok and Age of Sentry - to run all levels - cost 5885 energy. Infinity Chaos is 6924. Also, no one would have had any motivation to run all difficulties on those other quests, so in addition to having to run them all for the shards this time, we have to run way longer paths. Whether you are bothered by this or not, math doesn't lie. Milking us all...
  • AnmaelAnmael Member Posts: 76
    Posted about this elsewhere...Kabam is trying to milk us out of units for energy refills!

    Trucos does the math for most of the event quests for us (I think they skipped the Sabretooth one, cuz' I can't find it).

    **Both Hotel Modok and Age of Sentry - to run all levels - cost 5885 energy.
    **Infinity Chaos - to run all levels - cost 6924.

    Also, no one would have had any motivation to run all difficulties on those other quests, so in addition to having to run them all for the shards this time, we have to run way longer paths. Whether you are bothered by this or not, math doesn't lie. Milking us all...
  • mydnightmydnight Member Posts: 671 ★★★
    Ya, the same.

    60 units a lane in the last quest if u want to finish in time. The same exactly.
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  • DarkestDestroyerDarkestDestroyer Member Posts: 2,888 ★★★★★
    Yeah it’s longer...

    Don’t play the quest then, if your gonna do it then stop whinging here... more than enough moves to make so don't waste time lol
  • ThatweirdguyThatweirdguy Member Posts: 675 ★★★
    Barunkk wrote: »
    @GroundedWisdom and @Demonzfyre
    Why do you both always support Kabam's dumbest move?
    In earlier events, On average Heroic had a cost of 1250-1300 but this time it's 1546.
    Now I guess you have been gifted with brain.

    They are hoping that they will be gifted some 2* crystals.
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  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,779 ★★★★★
    edited April 2018
    Duke wrote: »
    Because it's part of the evolution of the game? The game grows and do does the EQ's. I understand it, but doesn't mean i agree with the energy costs. In my first post in this thread i stated i don't agree with how much it costs to run them. I also understand they are an option and not mandatory for me to complete. I want the rewards so i choose to complete them. I'll buy the energy refills to complete my runs and i don't mind. I also spend less than some because i don't try and complete it overnight. Right now, i don't have anything other than EQ's to work on so i will take my time and use my free energy as much as possible. I have always been a proponent that the energy system needs to change. I would be great if we could stack energy like you can in MFF and MSF. Also a free refill a day like MFF would great too. I have android so i know i don't have a chance at a legends title so i'll keep doing it my way.

    Evolution of the game? I’ve played this game since it started and the only evolution I’m seeing is Kabam creating problems so they can sell u the solution. Just like t1s and gold they give champs out like candy but hold back the essential rank up materials then put them in overpriced offers. I’ll bet they have huge plans to offer energy bundles toward the end of the month so people can finish the chapters and get their rifts in. It’s so annoying that the same few lemmings drink the Kabam juice no matter what they do. [/quote]

    @Thatweirdguy you nailed on the head. You're so smart. I wanna be like you.

    @duke @Barunkk
    Who says you need to buy the packages? You can be F2P and never have to buy anything. Its been proven. Brian Grant is the biggest example of this. He does what he needs to do to get the resources he neess without spending. I'm not F2P and like i said, i dont mind buying the refills. I'm not jaded to think they are going to put out the same quest every month. Then you would be complaining about stale content.
    I'll repeat it again, i dont like the energy system. It can be improved. Its clearly aboit generating money. Theres no secret there. This is also a game run by a for profit business. Theres no secret there either.
    You have a choice.
    You can milk the free energy as much as possibe.
    You can grind arena for units and make your own money.
    You can buy the energy (one of the best bang for your buck resources) you need.
    Or you can stop playing.
    No one is making you do anything. Not every decision Kabam makes has to make you happy. They are a business after all. Support it or dont. Thats your choice.
    As far as the game evolving, ive been playing since right after release. When act 4 came out, the exact same thing happened with compaints about energy. Act 5 came out and they lessened the amount needed. When EQ's were released, nobody was up in arms about having to do both. The game will continue to add content, but Kabam has done things to make up for other things. Halls of healing didnt cost any energy, they couldve charged you energy for it but didnt. Dont see any comments about that.
  • DarkestDestroyerDarkestDestroyer Member Posts: 2,888 ★★★★★
    DrZola wrote: »
    Yeah it’s longer...

    Don’t play the quest then, if your gonna do it then stop whinging here... more than enough moves to make so don't waste time lol

    The point others are trying to make, I believe, is that there is a resource squeeze, which appears to be an issue in this and other areas of the game (e.g., Sentinels in AQ, gold shortage). The game team requires more from the players without offering corresponding increases in payouts. One could argue that rifts are that increase in payout--however, it is also fair to note that they are simply another slot machine for the community, not a guaranteed reward.

    Dr. Zola

    I know mate, just winding them up.

    Fact is nothing’s gonna change it though this month, all we can do is see if they take note for next month.

    I mean you can use 12-15 energy just purely moving tiles without a fight, which is ridiculously stupid.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,779 ★★★★★
    Chicken wrote: »
    so they merged the threads about this issue but didn’t comment. Wow. Poor communication kabam.

    Since when do they say they are merging threads? How about people stop making 100's of the same posts and they won't have to merge.
  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 4,336 ★★★★★
    edited April 2018
    I'd rather an extra lane than longer paths. Not to make Completion event easier but because it is super annoying to pop a refill which won't let you finish the path as well as another with the remainder so it's either wait now, or wait later.

    Actually, I'd rather consistent total energy spend per month with no EQ path needing more than 70 energy.
  • RodsteinRodstein Member Posts: 215
    @FimsonCrog we gotta complain to let them know than a 16% increase of energy required against the one that was the most expensive event so far, is not acceptable, while we should also try to make us heard one way or another, but i dint have my hopes high
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,947 ★★★★★
    mum_m2 wrote: »
    IanMoone89 wrote: »
    btw Uncollected suppose to be on par with Act 5 but this quest is on par with 5.2 collector as boss which is overkill

    there's no way Guilly is as hard as the collector. not even close. stun, bleed, poison immune and more health regen is much easier to deal with than bane, unblockable specials, random unstoppables, etc.

    I don't think I'd make a comparison, but that Fight is a PITA, straight-up. Wouldn't be so bad if it was just Intercepting. The issue is the AI is unpredictable and the controls are slower. You get slashed, you Bleed fast. If not, you get whiffed after it waits in the corner. If not, she comes at you 2x speed as soon as the Fight starts, and you can't recover. To be honest, I don't care how much Energy I use. It's the hyped-up Nodes that frustrate me. I like the fact that the focus is on the Bosses this month. Other Nodes aren't a chore. That Fight was particularly BS. Lol.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,947 ★★★★★
    Just so we're clear, I'm not whining. Lol. I just had more frustration with that Fight is all. I own my own issues. Lol.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    This one takes an absurd amount of energy. Less time to complete all levels if you want to maximize your rift entries. Really obvious that they are trying to get more energy refill purchases. I'm not buying. If I can complete it all well and good. If I can't I'll miss out on one more 1* chest with a PHC.
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