Infinity Chaos Event Energy Requirements [Merged Threads]



  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    So the energy cost is the highest it's ever been. @Kabam Miike.s statement that it stays the same is rubbish, and the time we have to complete it all is less than normal because they weirdly started the rifts before the event. Conspiracy for more money or bad planning. It's one or the other, take your pick.
  • IanMoone89IanMoone89 Member Posts: 590
    mum_m2 wrote: »
    IanMoone89 wrote: »
    btw Uncollected suppose to be on par with Act 5 but this quest is on par with 5.2 collector as boss which is overkill

    there's no way Guilly is as hard as the collector. not even close. stun, bleed, poison immune and more health regen is much easier to deal with than bane, unblockable specials, random unstoppables, etc.

    let me rephrase semi collector lvl lol
  • IanMoone89IanMoone89 Member Posts: 590
    mum_m2 wrote: »
    IanMoone89 wrote: »
    btw Uncollected suppose to be on par with Act 5 but this quest is on par with 5.2 collector as boss which is overkill

    there's no way Guilly is as hard as the collector. not even close. stun, bleed, poison immune and more health regen is much easier to deal with than bane, unblockable specials, random unstoppables, etc.

    I don't think I'd make a comparison, but that Fight is a PITA, straight-up. Wouldn't be so bad if it was just Intercepting. The issue is the AI is unpredictable and the controls are slower. You get slashed, you Bleed fast. If not, you get whiffed after it waits in the corner. If not, she comes at you 2x speed as soon as the Fight starts, and you can't recover. To be honest, I don't care how much Energy I use. It's the hyped-up Nodes that frustrate me. I like the fact that the focus is on the Bosses this month. Other Nodes aren't a chore. That Fight was particularly BS. Lol.

    same **** occured to me with sabretooth last month i dashed as far as we can and he activated his sp2 guess what he somehow managed to clip me and bleed to me death despite me being so far away....i been saying AI needs to be toned down a bit i guess without us testing the content first they wont make money off of us
  • TrendlyFynnTrendlyFynn Member Posts: 35
    Demonzfyre wrote: »
    Duke wrote: »
    Because it's part of the evolution of the game? The game grows and do does the EQ's. I understand it, but doesn't mean i agree with the energy costs. In my first post in this thread i stated i don't agree with how much it costs to run them. I also understand they are an option and not mandatory for me to complete. I want the rewards so i choose to complete them. I'll buy the energy refills to complete my runs and i don't mind. I also spend less than some because i don't try and complete it overnight. Right now, i don't have anything other than EQ's to work on so i will take my time and use my free energy as much as possible. I have always been a proponent that the energy system needs to change. I would be great if we could stack energy like you can in MFF and MSF. Also a free refill a day like MFF would great too. I have android so i know i don't have a chance at a legends title so i'll keep doing it my way.

    Evolution of the game? I’ve played this game since it started and the only evolution I’m seeing is Kabam creating problems so they can sell u the solution. Just like t1s and gold they give champs out like candy but hold back the essential rank up materials then put them in overpriced offers. I’ll bet they have huge plans to offer energy bundles toward the end of the month so people can finish the chapters and get their rifts in. It’s so annoying that the same few lemmings drink the Kabam juice no matter what they do.

    @Thatweirdguy you nailed on the head. You're so smart. I wanna be like you.

    @duke @Barunkk
    Who says you need to buy the packages? You can be F2P and never have to buy anything. Its been proven. Brian Grant is the biggest example of this. He does what he needs to do to get the resources he neess without spending. I'm not F2P and like i said, i dont mind buying the refills. I'm not jaded to think they are going to put out the same quest every month. Then you would be complaining about stale content.
    I'll repeat it again, i dont like the energy system. It can be improved. Its clearly aboit generating money. Theres no secret there. This is also a game run by a for profit business. Theres no secret there either.
    You have a choice.
    You can milk the free energy as much as possibe.
    You can grind arena for units and make your own money.
    You can buy the energy (one of the best bang for your buck resources) you need.
    Or you can stop playing.
    No one is making you do anything. Not every decision Kabam makes has to make you happy. They are a business after all. Support it or dont. Thats your choice.
    As far as the game evolving, ive been playing since right after release. When act 4 came out, the exact same thing happened with compaints about energy. Act 5 came out and they lessened the amount needed. When EQ's were released, nobody was up in arms about having to do both. The game will continue to add content, but Kabam has done things to make up for other things. Halls of healing didnt cost any energy, they couldve charged you energy for it but didnt. Dont see any comments about that.

    Don't use Brian Grant coz he's day job is YouTube for Mcoc... Not many can have a full time job or full time student can do that level of grinding as a free to play player...

    So using BG as an example is unfair to most of the community...
  • IanMoone89IanMoone89 Member Posts: 590
    edited April 2018
    Simple fact if there is a energy cost side mission you can bet your ass the event quest will be long and have high energy in take..bad enough we waste energy on the quest but we also gotta waste on the rifts too.

    seriously is the world gonna end if you stop doing energy cost missions?? idk wth is going on but by looks of things this game will become truly p2p in matter of weeks rather then days and will force f2p out the door heck the current feature items in the store already started the process.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,947 ★★★★★
    I have no problem with the amount of Energy, given the Rewards from the Rifts. If you consider the increase per Difficulty run compared to last EQ, it's worth the extra bit, given what we get out of the Rifts.
  • ZofuZofu Member Posts: 4
    Little things like this are why people dislike Kabam so much. Not to mention the new unit purchase store is so ridiculous. 60k units for 20 sig stones? Hah, 1,100 more energy for the new event quest but NO energy deal? #kabamscrewingusagain
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  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,947 ★★★★★
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,779 ★★★★★
    @TrendlyFynn has Brian used any money he gets from Youtube or his own? Just because he focuses on MCOC as a youtuber doesnt mean he cant be used as an example. He doesnt get any speciam treatment from Kabam or he'd be given Blade like he wanted so bad. Brian Grant is the best example of how to F2P and still get what you want in the game. Anyone can do it, he does it in a shorter time because thats his focus. You dont need to spend if you dont want to.
  • Tiago1980Tiago1980 Member Posts: 34
    The question of energy is VERY SIMPLE to solve, it is enough that the path, once enlightened, continue in the next times that a mission for a made, as in AQ.
    Just a Kabam wanting that in 1 or 2 minutes the development team solves the energy problem.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,947 ★★★★★
    AQ is a group effort. We're not really sharing Paths with ourselves.
  • OmdhuleOmdhule Member Posts: 37
    KABAM has really made a strong move to addict people to the game by making them doing the event quest compulsary for the chaos rifts. I mean, what kind of a move is that KABAM!? First of all, for getting shards for all chaos rifts, we have to literally 100% all the 5 difficulties. And KABAM makes the maps lengthy and says that there has to be some variations month to month events. Then why only this month when you have to really 100% every difficulty!? I think KABAM is trying to make people spend money on energy refills and also extend the play time of all the summoners. But this is only just adversely affecting the game.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,779 ★★★★★
    Omdhule wrote: »
    KABAM has really made a strong move to addict people to the game by making them doing the event quest compulsary for the chaos rifts. I mean, what kind of a move is that KABAM!? First of all, for getting shards for all chaos rifts, we have to literally 100% all the 5 difficulties. And KABAM makes the maps lengthy and says that there has to be some variations month to month events. Then why only this month when you have to really 100% every difficulty!? I think KABAM is trying to make people spend money on energy refills and also extend the play time of all the summoners. But this is only just adversely affecting the game.

    So do you have to finish the EQ in 2 or 3 days to the point where you have to use 45 energy refills? I'm halfway through Uncollected and Heroic and have used 3 energy refills since they came out. I will be able to complete all 3 heroic, master and uncollected without spending tons and tons of money. Nothing says you have to finish the EQ right when it's released.
  • ThatweirdguyThatweirdguy Member Posts: 675 ★★★
    Demonzfyre wrote: »
    @TrendlyFynn has Brian used any money he gets from Youtube or his own? Just because he focuses on MCOC as a youtuber doesnt mean he cant be used as an example. He doesnt get any speciam treatment from Kabam or he'd be given Blade like he wanted so bad. Brian Grant is the best example of how to F2P and still get what you want in the game. Anyone can do it, he does it in a shorter time because thats his focus. You dont need to spend if you dont want to.

    BG is not a good example of a free to play player. His job is literally playing MCOC all day long. he does not work or have any other commitments. Only unemployed/independently wealthy/living with someone who supports you people can do what he does. Not that there is anything wrong with that....but most people can't do what he does because of work, school, etc.....
  • Mmx1991Mmx1991 Member Posts: 674 ★★★★
    Demonzfyre wrote: »
    Who says you need to buy the packages? You can be F2P and never have to buy anything. Its been proven. Brian Grant is the biggest example of this. He does what he needs to do to get the resources he neess without spending.

    On a general note, there is nothing free about this game. Brian's probably spent 6 figures worth in wages and overtime playing this game all day everyday over 2 years.
  • Batman05Batman05 Member Posts: 351 ★★
    Mmx1991 wrote: »
    Demonzfyre wrote: »
    Who says you need to buy the packages? You can be F2P and never have to buy anything. Its been proven. Brian Grant is the biggest example of this. He does what he needs to do to get the resources he neess without spending.

    On a general note, there is nothing free about this game. Brian's probably spent 6 figures worth in wages and overtime playing this game all day everyday over 2 years.

    I'm a free player and my account is right with Brian grants account in strength. And I don't have a you tube and this game is not a job for me but you can still be in the top and be a free player and not play as a job
  • ThatweirdguyThatweirdguy Member Posts: 675 ★★★
    Batman05 wrote: »
    Mmx1991 wrote: »
    Demonzfyre wrote: »
    Who says you need to buy the packages? You can be F2P and never have to buy anything. Its been proven. Brian Grant is the biggest example of this. He does what he needs to do to get the resources he neess without spending.

    On a general note, there is nothing free about this game. Brian's probably spent 6 figures worth in wages and overtime playing this game all day everyday over 2 years.

    I'm a free player and my account is right with Brian grants account in strength. And I don't have a you tube and this game is not a job for me but you can still be in the top and be a free player and not play as a job

    Do you have a job?
  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 4,336 ★★★★★
    Being able to grind arena everyday with maybe 30 minutes between rounds without factoring refreshes would give anyone a great roster.

    Being F2P means nothing to a normal person if that also includes doing nothing much except playing MCOC.
  • PolderpommiePolderpommie Member Posts: 68
    I don’t mind a bit of fluctuation in the amount of energy needed. It is what it is. I would like to see some recognition from Kabam that this is indeed the case. Saying that it isn’t that different is plain wrong, and it’s been shown often enough now with comparisons of previous EQs.
    It’s all about comms. As ever.
  • btPhoneHomebtPhoneHome Member Posts: 8
    I did some math...

    Energy Needed
    6924 - Total energy to run all Event Quest difficulties
    372 - Total energy to run all Rifts with shards earned from Exploring EQs (1 Beginner, 2 Normal, 2 Heroic, 3 Master). Not including original gift, which was given before EQ started... but it includes the 5000 Tier 2 shards given after that initial run. Also not including shards earned from alliance or solo event milestones.

    7,296 - Total Energy required for month to finish events.

    Energy Earned
    70 - Starting energy if you start the minute that the Event Quest starts.
    6,720 - Energy earned over the 28 days the EQ is running (assuming you never let the energy bar fill completely).
    840 - Energy earned if you receive full helps and if you ask exactly every 8 hours.

    7,630 - Total possible earnable energy in 28 days.

    334 - This means that if you somehow never let your energy bar fill completely you could finish the EQ and all the subsequent rifts with 33 hours and 24 minutes left in the event.

    Obviously this is insane but I'm just going to leave this here with little to no opinion. We'll let the math speak for itself. Perfect and constant play will yield just over a day to spare if you'd like to complete all the content and get all the rewards from this EQ and Rift.

  • ChimpyboyChimpyboy Member Posts: 124
    MostWanted wrote: »
    Hey All,

    While the actual amount of energy to finish a Path in a certain Quest might change from Event Quest to Event Quest, the overall amount of Energy required to Master the entire Quest does not change too much. There will be a little bit of a discrepancy from month to month, with some requiring more energy, and some requiring less energy, but overall, it is not changing too much.

    Hey there! I read your answer, but I was doubtful... so I decided to search as many images of marvel trucos as I could. Here is a compilation of (almost) all the Events since november 2016. As you can see, the energy cost CHANGES TOO MUCH. It's not a discrepancy, but smart trick... Therefore, it looks like all the extra nodes have been added in the last (and the hardest) mission of this event. I spend 90 energies to reach the Guillotine and she kills me. The first thing I'd say is "I spent almost 100 energy, I'm gonna kill her even if I spend 100 units!1wbfev9qhaec.jpg

    Given that the energy range of uncollected seems to normally come in somewhere from 1,300-1,450 - I think the jump to 1664 for this month's is a bit outside the range of typical variance. That's basically 200 more energy over the more energy-heavy quests in recent history. For them to imply that it's not much different than the "typical" energy swings is a bit disingenuous.
  • RodsteinRodstein Member Posts: 215
    The amount for energy by rift is ok, but the added amount to eq is not @GroundedWisdom even for the rewards since no specific reward is granted(btw i kinda like the chance it thing)
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,947 ★★★★★
    edited April 2018
    Rodstein wrote: »
    The amount for energy by rift is ok, but the added amount to eq is not @GroundedWisdom even for the rewards since no specific reward is granted(btw i kinda like the chance it thing)

    Consider the lowest prize you can receive in the Rift. Compare that to the Energy difference between what you spent last month on any particular Difficulty. Plus the Shards for the next step up. It's fair.
  • Mmx1991Mmx1991 Member Posts: 674 ★★★★
    Kabam Lyra wrote: »
    Hi all!

    I wanted to drop in and thank you all for your feedback about the energy requirements of this month's event. We've shared your concerns with the game team and continue to welcome any additional feedback you have about the event. Thank you!

    You guys run a very successful game run by very smart people. The metrics you guys use to to keep everyone hooked is obviously very effective and everything you guys do is done deliberately and with reason.

    In other words, you're obviously doing something right if you can make so much money having players play the same fights 10 000 times a month.

    There's a lot of math and statistics that go into the formula that makes your game so successful. It's not just a bunch of random people with little or experience randomly guessing what to change next.

    Any changes you guys make it based on the numbers that makes this game so succesful, so the changes to energy requirements wasn't randomly decided by some chump. It was intentional.

    If players are complaining about the changes, we know for a fact that the dev team knows exactly why.

    So why are you saying that you`ve taken our constructive criticisms to the dev team? They already know why we hate the changes better than the players do. You guys just got caught again trying to pull another fast one and JUST ENOUGH of us complained that is making you guys examine your decision.

    This is constructive criticism.
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  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,439 ★★★★★
    edited April 2018
    I did some math...

    Energy Needed
    6924 - Total energy to run all Event Quest difficulties
    372 - Total energy to run all Rifts with shards earned from Exploring EQs (1 Beginner, 2 Normal, 2 Heroic, 3 Master). Not including original gift, which was given before EQ started... but it includes the 5000 Tier 2 shards given after that initial run. Also not including shards earned from alliance or solo event milestones.

    7,296 - Total Energy required for month to finish events.

    Energy Earned
    70 - Starting energy if you start the minute that the Event Quest starts.
    6,720 - Energy earned over the 28 days the EQ is running (assuming you never let the energy bar fill completely).
    840 - Energy earned if you receive full helps and if you ask exactly every 8 hours.

    7,630 - Total possible earnable energy in 28 days.

    334 - This means that if you somehow never let your energy bar fill completely you could finish the EQ and all the subsequent rifts with 33 hours and 24 minutes left in the event.

    Obviously this is insane but I'm just going to leave this here with little to no opinion. We'll let the math speak for itself. Perfect and constant play will yield just over a day to spare if you'd like to complete all the content and get all the rewards from this EQ and Rift.

    I’m trusting your math, but assuming it all foots, this is brilliant. And hilarious.

    Remember when Kabam said they were concerned about the amount of time people needed to play the game (I believe it was mainly in the arena context, but whatever)? All the game team asks of you this month is your every waking moment. Plus a few sleeping ones.

    I know, I don’t have to play it all. But you’d think if you did—and you devoted that much of your time—you’d wind up with more than some 1/2/3* chests and scraps of the resources you need.

    Dr. Zola
  • KaZichaoKaZichao Member Posts: 65
    Kabam Lyra wrote: »
    Hi all!

    I wanted to drop in and thank you all for your feedback about the energy requirements of this month's event. We've shared your concerns with the game team and continue to welcome any additional feedback you have about the event. Thank you!

    We do NOT appreciate such response.

    First you claim it didn't change much, when counter evidence is presented, you are thankful?

    You constantly keep reducing the rewards players get from constant playing, and force them to in the end buy units to compensate for it, in order to stay competitive...

    Or, you enjoy that people might start leaving the game due to such shady conduct?
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