My X-23 I use to clear lines on uncollected quests. I then still have a full team to take out the boss as she’s heals back up 😎.
She’s amazing for AQ, quests and can even complete RoL for you as a 4*(minus wolverine). As a 5* R4 she’s an option to clear the easy path in LoL. I’m not sure why she’s not god tier to be honest, that’s where I would rank her.
For a new player she will drag you through loads of content 👍
If you need a tank, Red hulk.
If you need a good bleeder/ regen, X23
If you need bleed/poison immune with possibly the best power control in the game, Dormammu.
I left out hawkeye because he doesn't do anything that the above don't do better.
Champs that do more than one job are the key to a good questing team.
X23 has awesome damage and regen, hawkeye and dorm are great power controllers(dorm is also a go to choice for alliance war defense when duped) and red hulk has immunities(kind of) and SO MUCH DAMAGE
X23 is the whole package. Solid regen, solid bleed, and if fighting a bleed immune she stacks cruelty. This is easy. X23 ftw hands down. She will get you through so much content and can be used for just about anything.
My X-23 I use to clear lines on uncollected quests. I then still have a full team to take out the boss as she’s heals back up 😎.
She’s amazing for AQ, quests and can even complete RoL for you as a 4*(minus wolverine). As a 5* R4 she’s an option to clear the easy path in LoL. I’m not sure why she’s not god tier to be honest, that’s where I would rank her.
For a new player she will drag you through loads of content 👍
Then Red Hulk. He is great for many things. The only problem he really has imo is incinerate immune champs... And there aren't many.
If you need a good bleeder/ regen, X23
If you need bleed/poison immune with possibly the best power control in the game, Dormammu.
I left out hawkeye because he doesn't do anything that the above don't do better.
Champs that do more than one job are the key to a good questing team.
X23 has awesome damage and regen, hawkeye and dorm are great power controllers(dorm is also a go to choice for alliance war defense when duped) and red hulk has immunities(kind of) and SO MUCH DAMAGE
X23 has the best bleed In the game and great crits.
@XFA_Rebooted eh I'd like to contend that Drax actually can have the best bleed in the game bc of his furies. Or technically Killmonger I guess