Upcoming Infinity War Challenges/Trials/EQ

Read away. Next month is gonna be crazy. New challenge drops tomorrow? Not confirmed obviously.
Read away. Next month is gonna be crazy. New challenge drops tomorrow? Not confirmed obviously.
When age of ultron invasion update was reported to happen and announced online by a news source it was legit so safe to say it will happen.
"Marvel Contest of Champions
April 19 – Players join Black Panther’s Chadwick Boseman and Spider-Man’s Tom Holland for a Champion Challenge.
April 25 – Four new events surface, including the “Infinity Nightmare” story quest, a daily “Infinity Trials” quest, a solo challenge, titled “Vanquishing Blows” and “Infinity Dungeons”, featuring social co-op quests. New characters launching include Proxima Midnight (available now), Corvus Glaive (April 26), as well as Captain America (Infinity War) and Iron Man (Infinity War) coming in May."
lets hope v.18.0 comes out at the same time and FIXES ALL THESE DAMN BUGS TOO
Yeah I'm a bit bummed Thanos isn't coming. Unless it's further down the pipeline. Lol.
I know, but I said not confirmed because there are some people on this forum who hop in the thread and say "Not confirmed, don't get your hopes up high" So, I said it before lmao.
Sh*t,I was about to Say that.
I hope this is the first actor's challenge I complete
Thank you.(Wait,What?)
I have 5 more fights with gully in master mode and chapter 1 of uncollected completed dont think i will finish
"April 19 – Players join Black Panther’s Chadwick Boseman and Spider-Man’s Tom Holland for a Champion Challenge."
Brolin no, but Boseman/Holland tomorrow.
The datamined info has been 100% accurate.....but you don't trust it
Hang in there and we'll have some more info to share later today. Exciting stuff is on the horizon!
Of course,Someone has a very good sense of Humour!
Great sense of humor and always courteous when responding to player comments
Sad that you can't wait just a bit longer. Announcements usually come after 12 pm. Data gets leaked all the time so people find out before. Kabam can't control that.
You must be new here. lol
You act like this is the first time.
Oh boy! I hope it's a whole round of fixes for all the bugs!
Day 1-5 we face nameless villains as bosses then Day 6 we face all nameles villains plus infinity guantlet thanos as the final boss or proxima or corvus on rotation each week but leaning towards IG Thanos more lol
First time what? Data gets leaked? Someone else puts the update notes out? No kidding. Do you not know Marvel Truccos? They mine the data and leak the info. I already saw the info before this post. Kabam has a schedule on when they release info. Truccos gets it and leaks it before. The news article got leaked info before Kabams announcement. This happens on the regular. So, no I'm not new here. They will announce it on their time table. Just because someone beats them to it doesn't mean it's also ALL the info and they have to rush to make the announcement. Get over it, they will make it official soon.