Iron Man & Superior Iron Man SP2 fixed in 18.0?

Both of their SP2 attacks are consistently blocked by the AI when triggered after a combo. Tried ending combo on medium or light attack and it didn't make a difference. The first part of the animation when he jumps up in the air allows the opponent to recover and then easily block the beam attack. Will this be fixed by the captain marvel patch in 18.0?
Reported a handful of times but ignored tonthis point. I feel for ya, but good luck getting this problem addressed
So Iron man, superior iron man, and captain marvel? CM I can understand at least, but I use SIM a lot and never see it. iphone 8 here
LOL. I'm sorry thats an awful response but hysterical that they think that fixes any problem.
In general: a lot of characters are dead or under-performing because they have slow animations (Magneto's regular attacks, Rhulk's heavy attack, probably some more I can't think of right now). I've noticed that character speed affects performance way more than commonly believed. Animations are not just cosmetic!
this is my exact experience