Let us pay tribute to the fallen. Morning Star.

Morning Star was a great defender. She was a great boss node. Then, they release 5* vision.
RIP, Morning Star, You will be missed, but not as much as the materials it took those that ranked you.
RIP, Morning Star, You will be missed, but not as much as the materials it took those that ranked you.
Already so many have bought it. 5 so far in my alliance, and more will follow.
If you knew what level alliance Riegel was in, you would realize this is actually an issue. Whales galore.
And you guys are the reason the rest of us can't have nice things.
Oh I know... I know there's going to be some buying it, it's just not going to be widespread...
Her positives are her bleed and MD.
Many champs dealt with her bleed: Blade, Iceman, GR, etc.
Not many dealt with her power gain. GR can, but you can still get caught.
Vision can full drain power making MD very easy to deal with, and he is immune.
Can you kill MS with other champs? Sure yeah an Invulnerable boost and you can eat 3 sp3's and kill her easy. Now you may save some 3min boosts, and have a very versatile champ for other nodes as well.
Nothing wrong with it, just makes MS easier. Vision is a great champion. If you have the expendable income and and plan on playing for a while longer I would recommend buying him.
That’s nothing to be proud of, if anything it’s to be laughed at.
It's definitely an absurd amount of money. Some people make an absurd amount of money, and just don't know what to do with it, so they buy a few lines of code for a period of time.
Them student loans are just crazy.
It’s not widespread. It’s bought by the top. The same top that paid to get MS in their defenses.
Counters happen. I don’t feel pity for them spending on champs, there’s inevitably going to be a direct counter or a champ that does it better. Spending on a champ gets a temporary advantage, they have to keep spending to keep that advantage.
I know. But I don’t feel that that gives others the right to belittle other peoples “problems”.
And usually counters aren’t so specifically sold. You have a chance to get that, this is a sure thing. It’s not 100% the same.
All true, and I think 5* OG Vision will be a very powerful attacker in some situations (I still use the 4* all the time) but I think GR still has an advantage over Vision verses Morningstar: both lack the damage to guarantee a kill before the timeout, and GR can heal back to full after a timeout. Vision can't.
*Still valid below Whale tiers,If you ask me,Plenty of whales in platinum and gold 1
OP is a proud member of the Master alliance, that’s why I refer to Master tiers. Ofc, there are plenty of whales from Platinum and Gold but they might scatter here and there, so the impact of having such a champ wouldn’t be as obvious as in the top alliances to the extent that MS becomes invalid as described by OP.
Using his logic, I would say Rip to Magik, Dorm, mystic champs and all villains of the Realm with the introduction of Blade. Platinum and Gold 1 are still using them as war boss or on regular nodes.