whom to use generic awakeing gem on? sparky or Vision or iceman or medusa?

i already hav ultron so i dont need iceman for the immunities. if i use it on him it would be to counter nc n classic spidey evade whom i right now suck at playing. n please also suggest how useful is medusa? cause i have quake so sentinels are not a prob at all.
whom to use generic awakeing gem on? sparky or Vision or iceman or medusa? 42 votes
The others all benefit but don't need it, unless it's OG Vision.
Hahaha...she also needs to be awakened to be a god for offense because, y’know, the fury buffs from the signature ability exist.
Spark can absolutely melt opponents once you build up poise charges
Iceman is great for some of the nodes in Act 4 - Act 5 due to the strange effects
Medusa can be a staple defender (as mentioned above) and a situational monster given synergy or match-ups.
when evaluating the results and comments of this thread, consider the context for which you need to augment your roster for the content you are currently pursuing
good luck, and all the best!
I entirely agree.
But fine to use Class awakening gem ...
iceman - one of the best for hyperion , and annoying mephisto (dont need to be awakened but why not extra utility ?
vision - one of the best for far right line in AW while he is awakend imo (bleed unblock sp1 node)
starkspidey - i dont like him , you need skill and synergy for him to be the best ...