Mordo Arena rewards?



  • GrinderGrinder Member Posts: 242
    edited May 2017
    Anyone know if Kabam is aware?
    Miike posted on page 2, but if we've learned anything that doesn't mean much when it comes to fixing issues.
  • Longshot57Longshot57 Member Posts: 9
    Waiting for my rewards as well.
  • Boysaunders76Boysaunders76 Member Posts: 31
    Why r they not responding is the real bs
  • LewisTheLlamaLewisTheLlama Member Posts: 309 ★★★
    OK, this is ridiculous. I didn't grind 7.2M for to not get this hero for its sole purpose, AW Defense, which ends in a few hours. I think compensation should be in order whenever this type of screw up happens. Disappointed.
  • MooMoo1943MooMoo1943 Member Posts: 1
    Has this issue been fixed? I haven't received my rewards.
  • dorobodorobo Member Posts: 1
    I didnt get any rewards
  • 007ENT007ENT Member Posts: 13
    Hoping this problem doesn't occur on the upcoming arenas and end up with us all being owed a backlog of rewards.
    The fact not even an apology message or any sign of acknowledgement is concern for me.

    But either way a 4* Mordo for all ranked players should make it more understandable.
    And duped 4* Mordo for anyone ranked 1-10% and above.
  • bophyu782016bophyu782016 Member Posts: 0
  • Dreamer99Dreamer99 Member Posts: 1
    When can I get my Mordo? Feeling sad
  • BOOSTTBOOSTT Member Posts: 8
    I want my mordo :(
  • MadndangerousMadndangerous Member Posts: 1
    Me too. I'm still waiting for Mordo
  • Tristan2301Tristan2301 Member Posts: 57
    Cpt crunch ur right we could control minimum points in arena if all grinders will agree on a certain amount in both basic and featured arena i got my high prestige champs mostly in arena if we could all agree maybe we could get champs easier!
  • Nightflyer64Nightflyer64 Member Posts: 8
    I didn't get my rewardfsezowzx9ee1.png
    typical Kabam at their best. I want my Mordo
  • Memnoch72Memnoch72 Member Posts: 12
    No rewards yet, guess we can add this to the ever expanding list of broken parts to this game, rapidly losing any enjoyment I get out of mcoc. If kabam's plan is to bury this game they're doing a great job of it.
  • TheDeveronTheDeveron Member Posts: 3
    Still awaiting Mordo as well

  • UltranitronUltranitron Member Posts: 1
    Already pass approx 16hrs after the arena ended and i still yet to my Mordo. I am so disappointed. Is the technical team looking into this issues?
  • Arkemknight78Arkemknight78 Member Posts: 1
    I put up 6.7 mill and still haven't got anything
  • Murderbr23Murderbr23 Member Posts: 38
    Still waiting on rewards kabam.... what's the problem? Are you going to compensate us grinders for the lag? You should!!!
  • JSnookJSnook Member Posts: 219
    It is funny to me that everyone is clamoring for some "compensation", like you won't get the Mordo at some point. If you have ISO expiring, you can't blame that on this. It's in your stash for 30 days, that's your own fault.
  • JOHNOSA1995JOHNOSA1995 Member Posts: 536 ★★
    edited May 2017
    I want double reward #doublearenareward
  • PredkiPredki Member Posts: 1
    Same thing here ! :/r8a9i71bsbay.png
  • SteelCurtainMUTSteelCurtainMUT Member Posts: 432 ★★
    Still nothing! What's going on Kabam?!
  • harryharry Member Posts: 3
    1.72mil, no rewards. Absolutely nothing. Not expecting Mordo, but at least give me my shards
  • SnakeEyes69SnakeEyes69 Member Posts: 227 ★★
    Same here...still waiting on rewards.
  • roma45rusroma45rus Member Posts: 1
    Я смотрю многим не дали призы за эту арену )) изливаются чтоли
  • KbugiiKbugii Member Posts: 167 ★★
    Mike or Adora;
    Why is it that your player base continues to feel like it gets crapped on? This is not the first time this arena situation has happened. It happened last month and the month before it took almost 3 days to get rewards from the summoner adv arena. As mods we now get generic answers from you just like your support team. It's always "the team is working on it". It's been hours since we heard anything and when it finally does get "solved" there will be no explanation and we can probably expect the same next month.
    Grinding arena is a time sink in reality but we do it because there are goals we want to obtain. I understand issues do happen but please have respect for your player base and communicate better. After 12.0 came out everyone was asking for more communication and in your companies statement you said you were going to communicate more with the player base.
    I'm sure like most things though this will fall on deaf ears.
  • Killer92Killer92 Member Posts: 56
    Killer92 wrote: »
    Why no one go in stock and after on reward ? only mail they not sent


    Tried that. Nothing.

    i received the 4s and 5s shard from rewards
  • SteelCurtainMUTSteelCurtainMUT Member Posts: 432 ★★
    Kbugii wrote: »
    Mike or Adora;
    Why is it that your player base continues to feel like it gets crapped on? This is not the first time this arena situation has happened. It happened last month and the month before it took almost 3 days to get rewards from the summoner adv arena. As mods we now get generic answers from you just like your support team. It's always "the team is working on it". It's been hours since we heard anything and when it finally does get "solved" there will be no explanation and we can probably expect the same next month.
    Grinding arena is a time sink in reality but we do it because there are goals we want to obtain. I understand issues do happen but please have respect for your player base and communicate better. After 12.0 came out everyone was asking for more communication and in your companies statement you said you were going to communicate more with the player base.
    I'm sure like most things though this will fall on deaf ears.

    Well said
  • FeverdragonFeverdragon Member Posts: 23
    edited May 2017
    People at Kabam: What is going on, man!?

    I spent all weekend playing The Dimensional Rupture arena because I still haven't pulled a 4-star Mordo from any crystal. I put in a score of 7.2 million and I haven't received ANY "dimensional Rupture" reward message notification and they're not in my stash rewards, either. This is 100% legit! I've restarted the app countless times and it's almost been 24 hours since it concluded. Please fix this properly, not by just sending us crystals. I want my Mordo for all the work I put in! Please! This is urgent!

    Username: Fever Dragon
  • BalicemBalicem Member Posts: 11
    Same issue scored almost 2 million and not a single award. User name Balicem
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