Is Gwenpool worth my Generic 5* gem?

Recently pulled a GP and was wondering if shes worth my generic, as I would actually R5 her after I form my last t2a needed.
I have a mystic, science, and cosmic awakening gems. So in theory this generic is being saved for either AA, Blade, or Stark Spidey in my eyes, unless I'm missing anyone...
Any advice is welcomed,
thanks guys.

I have a mystic, science, and cosmic awakening gems. So in theory this generic is being saved for either AA, Blade, or Stark Spidey in my eyes, unless I'm missing anyone...
Any advice is welcomed,
thanks guys.

Hmmm .... wouldn't you want to keep your gems for Blade, or Medusa, or Void, or Vision OG? (oh you didn't buy him?
lmao ! $500 for vision was too rich for my blood.
Medusa and Void are taken care of with the class 5* gems I have for their sitting in the inventory waiting for them
Maybe it is just me but I didn't find her too exceptional awakened.
Wow, awesome, you have got your future Medusa and Void covered!
Hmmm ... if only based on existing champs, GP is the best choice. Would you also want to save up this generic for your future 5* Iceman or AA? or future Sparky? haha ... since it is a generic one, have to consider alot more LOL .... if it is only skill gem, I suppose it is an immediate GO!
But that being said you gotta play with what you got and if awakening her and putting her as r5 is what you want to do then 100% do it.
Very true, I love her play style, I admit though her signature ability isn't the best out there to use a generic on.
Haha yes gladiator hulk ! whichever comes first, since i have the science rank 3->4 gem from Act 5.
I'm just debating since I told myself the generic will go to who can help me clear my next LoL path. I sure wouldnt use a generic on iceman though lmao.
We do have those infinity dungeons coming up, so Ima wait for a bit. Ima R3 her and go from there.
Agree 100% theres the logical smart thing to do where you hold it as long as you can for a god tier champ, then there's the other side..sometimes you gotta work with what you have.