New war matchmaking is destroying my ally's morale.

Title says it all. We were Tier 9-10 before the war season... then we've tumbled to Tier 15...
We haven't gotten worse either. We get SA every week now where when the war season started we weren't. We just posted our highest AQ score ever. We're clearing almost 85% in all 3 BGs, killing most end war bosses... We used to only clear 50-60%.
But we're losing more wars than winning because we still aren't exploring 100%.. and Tier 15 rewards are awful compared to Tier 9-10... It is very disheartening...
Anyone else experiencing this?
We haven't gotten worse either. We get SA every week now where when the war season started we weren't. We just posted our highest AQ score ever. We're clearing almost 85% in all 3 BGs, killing most end war bosses... We used to only clear 50-60%.
But we're losing more wars than winning because we still aren't exploring 100%.. and Tier 15 rewards are awful compared to Tier 9-10... It is very disheartening...
Anyone else experiencing this?
9 million alliance and 1.5 million alliance
We get the face gold 1-3 where we are only silver 3 is this fair
Also they added a couple tiers when they introduced war seasons so tier 10 becomes tier 13. If you haven't yet make sure to assign paths, that help a lot. Of course it needs to be done based on who has the best champs/skill for the path. Good luck.
I am failing to see how the matchmaking is effecting your alliance? If you are clearing more than before but losing wars, how is that the fault of matchmaking? If you can't clear 3 BG's, only do 2 until you can confidently clear 3. The losses are coming from not clearing 3 BG's. SA doesn't have anything to do with AW either.
Really good point, I had not thought of that.
I see it as the fault of matchmaking as previously when we would drop to tier 11 or 12 it was basically an instant win... Now we are in tier 15 and barely winning or losing.
The point I made about SA goes to the point that our alliance is not on the decline or falling apart, rather we are growing.
Thanks DaMunk for the insight, this may have a lot to do with it.
I would hope they would increase the rewards at the lower tiers, being an ally that was used to getting 5* shards and now getting 4* shards is depressing...