Any thoughts on letting us progress past level 60

Kevin110Kevin110 Member Posts: 69
I’ve been level 60 forever I think the time has come where you guys expand the levels for your loyal players


  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,466 Guardian
    Kevin110 wrote: »
    I’ve been level 60 forever I think the time has come where you guys expand the levels for your loyal players

    I don't see the point. Nothing even requires being level 60 in the first place, so raising the level cap would be just changing an arbitrary number.

    That's not to say there should be no progress to be had at level 60. But there are ways for level-capped players in an MMO to continue to earn "progress" rewards without actually changing the level cap. For example, you could allow level 60 players to earn "XP" that fills a bar, and when the bar fills completely they get some reward and the bar resets. That would give level-capped players something to do with all those XP boosts that pile up. Gold and energy refills come to mind.

    Maybe if they decide to add a lot more masteries and want to gate extra mastery points behind leveling, I could see the level cap being increased for that. But I don't see any point to increasing it just so players can crank up the number. No matter how high they raised the cap, everyone would hit the new one fairly quickly and be stuck at the cap again regardless.
  • EnderDraco58EnderDraco58 Member Posts: 957 ★★
    I say it's a good idea. Just another bit of reason for high-level players (unlike me) to keep playing. Bragging rights are always fun.
  • RenegadoRenegado Member Posts: 1
    Deveria almentar o nível maximo mesmo, pois a cada ato que a kabam cria almenta os pontos de energia gastos, dessa forma almentaria o nível máximo de energia e também os pontos de proficiência que ja estão ficando abaixo da quantidade de proficiências básica. Isso daria um bom incentivo tanto a jogadores medios quanto aos grandes cada missão nova que a kabam lança esses 70 pontos de energia parecem ser menos que o necessário para fazer um caminho. Essa e minha visão.
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