What happens to us that use a VPN?

I just saw Miike’s post about taking action against piloting which I think is awesome! Finally a level playing field is coming our way! But I’m a little curious and worried about how the detection may be implemented. A lot of us use a VPN to protect our data from hackers. A VPN sets our IP address to different locations. I’m just hoping that Kabam has something else in mind for detecting piloting other than IP jumps.
Using a VPN is fundamentally no different than using cellular service. Your IP address isn't fixed for them either: its set dynamically, and changes frequently.
Short answer: no there wouldn't be. Its a little different on Android, but on iOS there are a number of mechanisms you can use to distinguish these situations. There are vendor identifiers, device check bits, and a bunch of other ways to determine which accounts on which devices are being used regardless of IP address (which is essentially useless in this situation).