I see no issue with there being a cutoff. It definitely wouldn't be fair for a f2p player, like myself, who's been playing for 2.5 years, to potentially get the same rewards as someone who's been playing for maybe a year or less. If you've been playing for more than a year and aren't at the required prestige, then you're just a casual player and can't get mad about that since you play casually and not seriously.
With all that said, there definitely should have been some transparency about what the prestige cutoff would have been for the 5 star artifact crystal so that those players close to the cutoff could have rushed to get some rankups in to qualify for those rewards.
I went ahead and merged a couple different threads into this one as they all revolved around the same matter. I understand that there is a lot of feedback and disappointment coming in about this and that's why we want it all in one place. We want to be able to answer and address this in one thread rather than multiple as it only ends up cluttering the forums.
So thank you for your feedback on this, we'll be sharing it with the rest of the team.
It's nice of you to want to answer and address us in 1 thread so how about answering the questions brought up
Ohk so I saw a lot of posts about the top cutoff for 7.5k milestone and more or less I agree that should not be the case, but I am sure it won't change so I am just curious about all the cut off levels.
So I am comparatively a newer player, with a prestige of around 3200.
And my milestone cutoff is at 1500. And I feel that's a very steep drop.
So if anyone around that prestige level can share what their top milestones are that would be appreciated.
btw I was in the high 5400's i only needed to use a few sig stones to get over the mark so im going to be proper annoyed if i dont get bumped up once the dungeon refreshes later.
They dropped the ball on this big-time. Just hoping everyone does not let it sour their day and make them have less fun in-game.
I will start off by saying I do not care too much because I will probably pull a Hulkbuster anyways but I have the equivalent of 3 champs at 4/55 and 2 at 3/45 (prestige is roughly 5450 so just under cutoff), 400k total (not that it matters in the calculation), and I do not have the 7.5k milestone.
Oh, worth mentioning kabam has completely hindered my progression because I have been sitting at 3 cosmic cats for 4 months and my medusa would go up to 4/55 and then I would have been over the cutoff (pulled 4-5 full t4cc and 100s of frag crystals and 10s of glory crystals).
This game is really a joke. Do not let it upset you, find some peace in the idea that whoever decided on the milestones have to be some of the most stupid people on the planet, and clearly so disconnected from the actual game it is HILARIOUS. No logic, no validation to their rationale behind setting the prestige caps anyways (new players acquiring 5*s too quickly or something?? LMFAO).
At least now we know most of kabams decisions are probably based on being picked out of a hat passed around the office. Can you really be upset? In addition, you only need to hit milestones 20 days to get the 5* crystal so we all can still do it even without the highest tier milestones.
Cheer-up, do not let these horrendous decisions get to you and continue do have fun doing what you like to do, ranking champs you like to rank.
Just thought the community deserved the write-up because a lot of friends and alliance members have quit/thinking about quitting and I am in full damage-control mode.
I went ahead and merged a couple different threads into this one as they all revolved around the same matter. I understand that there is a lot of feedback and disappointment coming in about this and that's why we want it all in one place. We want to be able to answer and address this in one thread rather than multiple as it only ends up cluttering the forums.
So thank you for your feedback on this, we'll be sharing it with the rest of the team.
Every day there's disappointment in the masses...the decision makers of this game don't get it at all. This is supposed to be a player's game that you make a lot of money from, but you keep taking things like this away from people. Just like hey we're going to add a new difficulty, and the top players will be challenged, but hey, we're not going to give them any units (or T1A's but neither here or there). This is just adding to the pile of generic responses to issues that we will forget about in a few days. Everyday we give you feedback about gold. Everyday we give you feedback about bugs. and then we forget and move on, spend our resources to get through it all. it's all fine, because the circle comes right back to pay for the lights.
EDIT: furthermore its a game based on skill right...??? so i dont understand how a lesser skilled but higher prestige player will get better and more rewards than I do if I am more skilled than they are. Thus making them not ready for the 5*'s that you are trying to limit. Need to go back to act 4 and learn how to play the game, and your decision makers need to go back to class.
Definitely isn’t fair to be short a couple hundred to get the next milestone. I’m 5150 and if that’s true I’m screwed to get to 5500 not ranking up a champ I won’t ever use when I’m already broke on gold and other resources. I was so excited for this .
It should be 5k plus also they don't even know how to show the information properly which is why we can't see cutoffs.
It shouldn't be based on prestige at all - the only cut-off should be player capability, skill and contribution/participation. Give ALL players, even newer accounts, the opportunity to ATTEMPT at reaching the milestones. Not all will succeed, but they should still have that opportunity. Give all accounts the opportunity to try and buy whatever reward they want - what... you will let a player shell out $500 for a five-star right away but you wont let them potentially grind for one if they haven't reached some arbitrary glass ceiling that you won't even tell them how to reach/break through?
There are brackets to the Milestones. More experienced players will see higher Milestone thresholds than players that do not have as strong Rosters. I know this isn't what you'd like to hear, but this is done to ensure that we maintain an appropriate level of progress for players, and not to overload newer players with Champions and Items that they cannot use yet, or are too powerful for their current progression.
My player rating is 450k... the only reason I don’t have that last milestone is because I have bad 5* pulls (for reference I have 5300 prestige) why is it not possible to atleast unlock the next milestone further down the line if say I awaken one of my current 4/55s?
But it’s all good, cus my roster is clearly at the same level as some random newbie with a rating of 150k that opened 2 crystals and got 2 great champs vs my 30+ Crystals of which all but 5 have been pure ****.
I know this is a discussion about 5* artifact crystals and not sure if this helps but i didnt have 4* crystal available earlier today but now they appeared. I didnt change my prestige (~3k) but total rating changed a little bit. There were probably some changes we didnt know about, you guys should take a look again if something changed.
I see no issue with there being a cutoff. It definitely wouldn't be fair for a f2p player, like myself, who's been playing for 2.5 years, to potentially get the same rewards as someone who's been playing for maybe a year or less. If you've been playing for more than a year and aren't at the required prestige, then you're just a casual player and can't get mad about that since you play casually and not seriously.
With all that said, there definitely should have been some transparency about what the prestige cutoff would have been for the 5 star artifact crystal so that those players close to the cutoff could have rushed to get some rankups in to qualify for those rewards.
Oh do shut up
I've been playing for 2years now and I'm f2p with 5k prestige yet I'm not qualified. I'm pretty experienced and its very unfair regardless of whether new players should or should not gain access to high end materials easily. There should be no cutoff in the milestones for equality. If a noon hits the 7.5k milestone then that means he/she put his mind to getting that milestone. But when only a select few get access then its basically a situation of the rich getting richer. I o understand that the 5* crystals should not be available for purchase for beginners but milestones? C'mon
I see no issue with there being a cutoff. It definitely wouldn't be fair for a f2p player, like myself, who's been playing for 2.5 years, to potentially get the same rewards as someone who's been playing for maybe a year or less. If you've been playing for more than a year and aren't at the required prestige, then you're just a casual player and can't get mad about that since you play casually and not seriously.
With all that said, there definitely should have been some transparency about what the prestige cutoff would have been for the 5 star artifact crystal so that those players close to the cutoff could have rushed to get some rankups in to qualify for those rewards.
Oh do shut up
I've been playing for 2years now and I'm f2p with 5k prestige yet I'm not qualified. I'm pretty experienced and its very unfair regardless of whether new players should or should not gain access to high end materials easily. There should be no cutoff in the milestones for equality. If a noon hits the 7.5k milestone then that means he/she put his mind to getting that milestone. But when only a select few get access then its basically a situation of the rich getting richer. I o understand that the 5* crystals should not be available for purchase for beginners but milestones? C'mon
Just because you disagree with me does not mean I will "shut up". I stand by my opinion. If you are free to play, like me, but aren't at the cutoff they designated (which I am sure was not arbitrary) then no, you do not deserve the same things I have the opportunity to get. It's really quite simple. You do not agree clearly, and that's cool, but kabam set the standard and the rest of us have to deal with it. I'd like to say again, that I am free to play just for the record
I went ahead and merged a couple different threads into this one as they all revolved around the same matter. I understand that there is a lot of feedback and disappointment coming in about this and that's why we want it all in one place. We want to be able to answer and address this in one thread rather than multiple as it only ends up cluttering the forums.
So thank you for your feedback on this, we'll be sharing it with the rest of the team.
Any time frame we can expect it to be addressed? Obviously since threads are being merged it's no secret to you guys where the community stands. We'd like responses to actually address the issues, not just tell us too many people are complaining and you're going to compress it to one thread. I'd like an expected time frame please.
Probably same time they announce what they are doing about the pere skill issue
@Barogs yeah man you're just trying to counter argue and that's fine. but you're not more entitled or better than anyone else in here. the point is there are people who haven't put much effort in the game at all but have a ridiculously high prestige, who are unskilled, yet all they are is lucky. There's a lot of these people out there, and they will benefit more from this than most of us in the game. this is going to show that there are numerous people, abundantly, who are unlucky, with no champs at 4/55, who are very skilled, completed all the content, and will get nothing from this event.
You should have posted the cutoffs prior to the start of the dungeons. I was at 4461 yesterday i burned some sig stones today to get to 5505, but i would have done it yesterday if i had known 44 stones would make such a huge difference
They dropped the ball on this big-time. Just hoping everyone does not let it sour their day and make them have less fun in-game.
I will start off by saying I do not care too much because I will probably pull a Hulkbuster anyways but I have the equivalent of 3 champs at 4/55 and 2 at 3/45 (prestige is roughly 5450 so just under cutoff), 400k total (not that it matters in the calculation), and I do not have the 7.5k milestone.
Oh, worth mentioning kabam has completely hindered my progression because I have been sitting at 3 cosmic cats for 4 months and my medusa would go up to 4/55 and then I would have been over the cutoff (pulled 4-5 full t4cc and 100s of frag crystals and 10s of glory crystals).
This game is really a joke. Do not let it upset you, find some peace in the idea that whoever decided on the milestones have to be some of the most stupid people on the planet, and clearly so disconnected from the actual game it is HILARIOUS. No logic, no validation to their rationale behind setting the prestige caps anyways (new players acquiring 5*s too quickly or something?? LMFAO).
At least now we know most of kabams decisions are probably based on being picked out of a hat passed around the office. Can you really be upset? In addition, you only need to hit milestones 20 days to get the 5* crystal so we all can still do it even without the highest tier milestones.
Cheer-up, do not let these horrendous decisions get to you and continue do have fun doing what you like to do, ranking champs you like to rank.
Just thought the community deserved the write-up because a lot of friends and alliance members have quit/thinking about quitting and I am in full damage-control mode.
Guys help eachother do not attack eachother ^. You cannot justify the rationale behind prestige period. Prestige is solely based on how much money can they make on a new champ. SL has one of the lowest prestiges for example.
@Barogs yeah man you're just trying to counter argue and that's fine. but you're not more entitled or better than anyone else in here. the point is there are people who haven't put much effort in the game at all but have a ridiculously high prestige, who are unskilled, yet all they are is lucky. There's a lot of these people out there, and they will benefit more from this than most of us in the game. this is going to show that there are numerous people, abundantly, who are unlucky, with no champs at 4/55, who are very skilled, completed all the content, and will get nothing from this event.
I get what you are saying, and there was a point in my MCOC "career" (I guess that's what we can call it? lol) where I had garbage champs and didn't qualify for a higher alliance but that didn't stop me from grinding to get better. I even ranked up an unduped to 4/55 (which I have yet to dupe) just to raise my prestige and get into a better ally. The whole point of the game is you are going to be hindered by something and how you overcome that hindrance is what will make you a "higher tier player". The grind is real, make no mistake. And I wouldn't say entitled, but definitely would say "more deserving" of the higher milestone than others. Luck also plays a HUGE role in this game as well I can admit that. And I already conceded that transparency was lacking with what the prestige cutoff would be so others could try and get in a good rankup to hit that prestige cutoff. But other than that disclosure, I stand by my opinion firmly
I think it should be total hero rating and not prestige to decide about milestone cutoff. Prestige is all about only top 5 champs. The whole point of dungeons is to test the roster of a summoner, so let the total hero rating be the deciding factor. 1st of all I'm totally against of having any restriction just because the lower rating guys will have to work hard as compared to more seasoned guys. So if they are willing to work hard they are justified to earn equal rewards. And casual players will obviously won't achieve if they won't work hard. So there should be equal milestone for everyone to achieve. But if they really want to put some system, it has to be total hero rating instead of prestige. Also because prestige for any champ at same level is not same. It's all luck if you have better prestige champ. No skill involved there. Why penalise on that basis?
There are brackets to the Milestones. More experienced players will see higher Milestone thresholds than players that do not have as strong Rosters. I know this isn't what you'd like to hear, but this is done to ensure that we maintain an appropriate level of progress for players, and not to overload newer players with Champions and Items that they cannot use yet, or are too powerful for their current progression.
Kabam has missed the mark on this and should be revisited. Getting enough infinity dust too purchase the 5* Awakening gem that will inevitably be science will not make my roster “too powerful”. My Presige is just over 5,400, I am Uncollected, have completed Act 5, and 100% explored 5.4, and do Map 6 AQ but get penalized because I haven’t had good luck with awakening my 4/55 5* champs.
The dungeons are an awesome game mode but am very disappointed about the milestone cap.
There are brackets to the Milestones. More experienced players will see higher Milestone thresholds than players that do not have as strong Rosters. I know this isn't what you'd like to hear, but this is done to ensure that we maintain an appropriate level of progress for players, and not to overload newer players with Champions and Items that they cannot use yet, or are too powerful for their current progression.
So you're saying it breaks progression if we play the game to get characters, but not if we spend actual money to just buy a 5 star vision? or 5 star shards? You've already locked us out of 5 star crystals for 'lower tier' players, which is fine, but now you lock us out of even being able to get as much infinity dust? How does it unbalance the game if we can't buy the crystals anyway? All we would do with the dust is buy materials to progress..
All BS like everyone else says. Only thing Kabam is good at right now is ignoring questions. It amazes me how they can breeze past legitimate concerns/questions and only answer the ones they feel like.
My milestones top out at 5k. I just finished Boseman/Holland Challenge 100% with only using 200 units. But, not good enough to get top milestones I guess because my random luck on not getting champs worth ranking up.
There are brackets to the Milestones. More experienced players will see higher Milestone thresholds than players that do not have as strong Rosters. I know this isn't what you'd like to hear, but this is done to ensure that we maintain an appropriate level of progress for players, and not to overload newer players with Champions and Items that they cannot use yet, or are too powerful for their current progression.
This is a load of garbage, Miike. I’ve been playing for 2.5 years and because I’ve only gotten 2 5* champs worthy of r4, I’m getting bottlenecked? I’ve got 23 5* overall, 1 6*(nearing my second) and because I haven’t gotten lucky on dupes, none of them would be able to give me high enough prestige to meet your cutoff. On top of all that, I’ve got 11 t2a just waiting on a champion that’s worthy. Now, I know that there many other players in my exact situation that were counting on that 5* Awakening Gem and the 3 shots at the dark artifact crystals so that they could possibly use those to advance their profiles and their prestige and catch up with the ever growing top 1%. I understand not allowing very beginning profiles to reach the same amount of rewards as it could carry them through content at a ridiculous rate, but I think your team needs to take a hard look at your “brackets” and reconsider your requirements. @Kabam Miike
@Kabam Miike@Kabam Vydious Can you at least tell us if getting our prestige up to beyond the cutoffs right now will put us in the higher bracket when the timers reset? If we are locked into our current bracket then that is ridiculous. I could have easily bumped my prestige yesterday over 5500, but had no idea. And I’m assuming thousands of players will be getting and ranking new champs b4 the end of the dungeons. To keep them in the bracket they began at is definitely unfair.
With all that said, there definitely should have been some transparency about what the prestige cutoff would have been for the 5 star artifact crystal so that those players close to the cutoff could have rushed to get some rankups in to qualify for those rewards.
It's nice of you to want to answer and address us in 1 thread so how about answering the questions brought up
So I am comparatively a newer player, with a prestige of around 3200.
And my milestone cutoff is at 1500. And I feel that's a very steep drop.
So if anyone around that prestige level can share what their top milestones are that would be appreciated.
I will start off by saying I do not care too much because I will probably pull a Hulkbuster anyways but I have the equivalent of 3 champs at 4/55 and 2 at 3/45 (prestige is roughly 5450 so just under cutoff), 400k total (not that it matters in the calculation), and I do not have the 7.5k milestone.
Oh, worth mentioning kabam has completely hindered my progression because I have been sitting at 3 cosmic cats for 4 months and my medusa would go up to 4/55 and then I would have been over the cutoff (pulled 4-5 full t4cc and 100s of frag crystals and 10s of glory crystals).
This game is really a joke. Do not let it upset you, find some peace in the idea that whoever decided on the milestones have to be some of the most stupid people on the planet, and clearly so disconnected from the actual game it is HILARIOUS. No logic, no validation to their rationale behind setting the prestige caps anyways (new players acquiring 5*s too quickly or something?? LMFAO).
At least now we know most of kabams decisions are probably based on being picked out of a hat passed around the office. Can you really be upset? In addition, you only need to hit milestones 20 days to get the 5* crystal so we all can still do it even without the highest tier milestones.
Cheer-up, do not let these horrendous decisions get to you and continue do have fun doing what you like to do, ranking champs you like to rank.
Just thought the community deserved the write-up because a lot of friends and alliance members have quit/thinking about quitting and I am in full damage-control mode.
Every day there's disappointment in the masses...the decision makers of this game don't get it at all. This is supposed to be a player's game that you make a lot of money from, but you keep taking things like this away from people. Just like hey we're going to add a new difficulty, and the top players will be challenged, but hey, we're not going to give them any units (or T1A's but neither here or there). This is just adding to the pile of generic responses to issues that we will forget about in a few days. Everyday we give you feedback about gold. Everyday we give you feedback about bugs. and then we forget and move on, spend our resources to get through it all. it's all fine, because the circle comes right back to pay for the lights.
EDIT: furthermore its a game based on skill right...??? so i dont understand how a lesser skilled but higher prestige player will get better and more rewards than I do if I am more skilled than they are. Thus making them not ready for the 5*'s that you are trying to limit. Need to go back to act 4 and learn how to play the game, and your decision makers need to go back to class.
It shouldn't be based on prestige at all - the only cut-off should be player capability, skill and contribution/participation. Give ALL players, even newer accounts, the opportunity to ATTEMPT at reaching the milestones. Not all will succeed, but they should still have that opportunity. Give all accounts the opportunity to try and buy whatever reward they want - what... you will let a player shell out $500 for a five-star right away but you wont let them potentially grind for one if they haven't reached some arbitrary glass ceiling that you won't even tell them how to reach/break through?
My player rating is 450k... the only reason I don’t have that last milestone is because I have bad 5* pulls (for reference I have 5300 prestige) why is it not possible to atleast unlock the next milestone further down the line if say I awaken one of my current 4/55s?
But it’s all good, cus my roster is clearly at the same level as some random newbie with a rating of 150k that opened 2 crystals and got 2 great champs vs my 30+ Crystals of which all but 5 have been pure ****.
Anyways thanks Kabam.
Step 1: Release every new champ with high prestige regardless on their stength
Step 2: force purchase of gmc's and 5* shards since now it is much harder to obtain said new champs after changing featured crystals
Step 3: design more prestige based gameplay
Step 4: roll around in the money
Oh do shut up
I've been playing for 2years now and I'm f2p with 5k prestige yet I'm not qualified. I'm pretty experienced and its very unfair regardless of whether new players should or should not gain access to high end materials easily. There should be no cutoff in the milestones for equality. If a noon hits the 7.5k milestone then that means he/she put his mind to getting that milestone. But when only a select few get access then its basically a situation of the rich getting richer. I o understand that the 5* crystals should not be available for purchase for beginners but milestones? C'mon
Just because you disagree with me does not mean I will "shut up". I stand by my opinion. If you are free to play, like me, but aren't at the cutoff they designated (which I am sure was not arbitrary) then no, you do not deserve the same things I have the opportunity to get. It's really quite simple. You do not agree clearly, and that's cool, but kabam set the standard and the rest of us have to deal with it. I'd like to say again, that I am free to play just for the record
Probably same time they announce what they are doing about the pere skill issue
Guys help eachother do not attack eachother ^. You cannot justify the rationale behind prestige period. Prestige is solely based on how much money can they make on a new champ. SL has one of the lowest prestiges for example.
I get what you are saying, and there was a point in my MCOC "career" (I guess that's what we can call it? lol) where I had garbage champs and didn't qualify for a higher alliance but that didn't stop me from grinding to get better. I even ranked up an unduped to 4/55 (which I have yet to dupe) just to raise my prestige and get into a better ally. The whole point of the game is you are going to be hindered by something and how you overcome that hindrance is what will make you a "higher tier player". The grind is real, make no mistake. And I wouldn't say entitled, but definitely would say "more deserving" of the higher milestone than others. Luck also plays a HUGE role in this game as well I can admit that. And I already conceded that transparency was lacking with what the prestige cutoff would be so others could try and get in a good rankup to hit that prestige cutoff. But other than that disclosure, I stand by my opinion firmly
Kabam has missed the mark on this and should be revisited. Getting enough infinity dust too purchase the 5* Awakening gem that will inevitably be science will not make my roster “too powerful”. My Presige is just over 5,400, I am Uncollected, have completed Act 5, and 100% explored 5.4, and do Map 6 AQ but get penalized because I haven’t had good luck with awakening my 4/55 5* champs.
The dungeons are an awesome game mode but am very disappointed about the milestone cap.
Yep he gets way too much hate for the amount of logic he puts out in his videos.
Imo they are jealous of him and cannot wait for him to slip up (like the og vision video).
Yep sums it up nicely and concisely.
So you're saying it breaks progression if we play the game to get characters, but not if we spend actual money to just buy a 5 star vision? or 5 star shards? You've already locked us out of 5 star crystals for 'lower tier' players, which is fine, but now you lock us out of even being able to get as much infinity dust? How does it unbalance the game if we can't buy the crystals anyway? All we would do with the dust is buy materials to progress..
My milestones top out at 5k. I just finished Boseman/Holland Challenge 100% with only using 200 units. But, not good enough to get top milestones I guess because my random luck on not getting champs worth ranking up.
This is a load of garbage, Miike. I’ve been playing for 2.5 years and because I’ve only gotten 2 5* champs worthy of r4, I’m getting bottlenecked? I’ve got 23 5* overall, 1 6*(nearing my second) and because I haven’t gotten lucky on dupes, none of them would be able to give me high enough prestige to meet your cutoff. On top of all that, I’ve got 11 t2a just waiting on a champion that’s worthy. Now, I know that there many other players in my exact situation that were counting on that 5* Awakening Gem and the 3 shots at the dark artifact crystals so that they could possibly use those to advance their profiles and their prestige and catch up with the ever growing top 1%. I understand not allowing very beginning profiles to reach the same amount of rewards as it could carry them through content at a ridiculous rate, but I think your team needs to take a hard look at your “brackets” and reconsider your requirements. @Kabam Miike