Never Ever click on "Find a partner"

I am sharing my experience so that other summoners won't do the same mistake. So my prestige is around 4800 and I am in 13m alliance and I have been reaching 7500 points without much issues. Today I decided to use the new feature, as they call it, the "Find partner" button.
I selected the holy trinity and click on the button. Next second I was inside dungeon 5, with a player who had spidy classic, ant-man and Gambit (4* 4/40 of course). I was shocked. Next moment he took the mystic path without even asking and got kod on the first fight. I somehow finished the room with all the links up and concluded the dungeon. Ended up with 150 or so points and now I can't even use the trinity team without spending 120 bucks.
So guys if you are a skilled player, don't fall into this trap.
I selected the holy trinity and click on the button. Next second I was inside dungeon 5, with a player who had spidy classic, ant-man and Gambit (4* 4/40 of course). I was shocked. Next moment he took the mystic path without even asking and got kod on the first fight. I somehow finished the room with all the links up and concluded the dungeon. Ended up with 150 or so points and now I can't even use the trinity team without spending 120 bucks.
So guys if you are a skilled player, don't fall into this trap.
I can totally see lower level players thinking they will be able to leech more points by picking a dungeon they are not ready for...hopefully, them only getting 150 points will eventually curb that behavior. But if I was you, I would be ticked off too.
I still don't understand something though. I didn't click the check mark to lock my players in until after I saw what players they picked. Am I the only one who has that option or am I missing something?
sucks man to hear this. my advice is user 440s or lower with strangers and save your higher ranked champs for your ally teammates in dungeons
1) Champs picked must add up to the lowest recommended difficulty rating of the selected dungeon or higher. Higher dungeons will be locked.
2) Partner matches within +/- 3k PI of your own team.
I get some players can do great things with lower teams but the possibility of getting selected with one of these players is lower than getting paired with someone with a terrible setup and poor skills.
I can see your concern with the matchmaking here and I apologize for the frustration it can cause. The reason you may find yourself paired with someone far from your level of prestige is due to our system not finding someone at that moment also searching for a similar one. If our system can't pair you with someone of similar skill level, it'll branch out further to find someone else for the other pools of players searching.
In that case, I believe that the player with the higher team should always be selected as the team leader to choose the mission. There's no advantage to a high player choosing a map that the lower player can't complete, but there is a significant incentive for the lower player to choose a map that they can't complete but the higher player could drag them through.
Also, as mentioned in a previous thread, I believe that when a player chooses to claim and exit, there should be a shortened timer for the other player to decide what to do. And if no agreement can be reached, the system should choose to honor the player who decides to claim and exit. There should be some time for them to negotiate, but it shouldn't be an excessively long time. It doesn't take more than a minute or two for an agreement to happen.
If one player wants to continue and the other player doesn't make a decision, the game should use the normal timers. It is possible the other player disconnected or is having some other kind of difficulty, and the player that wants to press on should be given as much time as possible to have a chance to continue. But once either player chooses to exit, the priority should change to exit reasonably quickly unless they change their minds.
Here's some design advice: don't do this. Inform the player that it is taking exceptionally long to find a partner, maybe even give them an estimated time (based on the past 10 wait times for similar ratings) and they can either wait or leave the lobby.
Or better yet, allow them to queue for a partner, leave the lobby, and get a notification when someone is found. Give them 2-3 minutes to join (in case they are in a fight).
That one is on me.
Many other MMOs that implement turnstiles do something like this. One model I think is worth pursuing is the Star Trek Online model. In STO the game has a list of multiplayer missions you can join the queue for. If a mission needs, say, five players then when five or more players are in the queue the first five are notified they have 60 seconds to join. If any one of them doesn't join the game sends an invite to the next person in the queue, moving downward until five people accept and then the mission starts.
MCOC could have 6 queues, one for each dungeon. Players could queue up for each dungeon and the game would match them up. If you want to make sure player teams are closely matched you could make a variety of queues for each dungeon. So Dungeon 5 could have, say, four separate queues to match players with teams of different ratings. If you want to make sure your partner is 15,000 rating or higher, you join the Dungeon 5 - 15k queue. Only players that meet the rating requirement would be able to queue there. If you want to try with the second string, you could join the Dungeon 5 - 10k queue. If you want the other player to have a stacked team similar to your first string, you join the Dungeon 5 - 20k queue or the Dungeon 6 - 20k queue.
i would rather wait for a suitable player than be given a second rate partner.
i dont mean to offend any here, but when your in dungeon 5/6 with a 20-26k team and get paired with someone around 15k, its a real let down.
poor coop design in my opinion.
I think its designed for newer players since they might not yet be in an allience + global is just too much of a waste of time to get anything done especially find a partner. although in my opinion it's just way to simple, I think if there were two more steps added into it it'll be much better
1-a confirm team button added after a partner is found and before dungeon starts so that you don't end up with both players bringing champs for the same side of the map (same class )
2-search for another partner ,incase you both want to take the same side of the map because the other side is hard
Brought in my 6* and 2 5/50s. Got matched up with a guy running 4/55s (dorm, iceman, and i forget).
His account was amazing.
He lost all three champs in the first room to red cyclops (no wonder he is considered so o.p. in AW LOL).
Either this guy was on a self-destructive path or he bought his account. Litterally lmfao as I watched him lose all 3 champs and see a red cyclops at over half hp.
It should never branch out. I would much rather have a no match than a match where I would lose my champs to cooldown
If that's the case then I can guarantee that people would rather if it came back with no suitable partner found at this time instead of a huge mismatch.