Are 4 stars worthless?

I'm just wondering what others think but imo since they brought challenger rating to the table they made 4 stars worthless. Especially once we can start maxing 5 stars. Am I the only one who feels this way?
Not worthless.
No, ironically I posted something very similar. I think they have value, but not to those in top alliances. 4/55 5*s generally carry higher prestige which helps in AQ and the higher challenger rating is huge for both AQ and AW like you pointed out.
I guess the better question is prior to the last round of nerfing would we even be having this discussion?
Nah that was all 3* 4/40 obviously.
4/55 5*s placed on defense are still hard as heck to beat, even with skill and a max ranked SL. You make one mistake and you're gone.
Yup I'm selling mine, done with arenas so I could care less about 3 n 4 stars.
It is of course true that in general, all other things being equal, a 4/55 is going to be stronger than a 5/50: that's obvious. But that doesn't mean 4* champions have little value for several reasons:
1. I don't think anyone can put 5 4/55s on defense and have 3 4/55s on offense and run around with a 4/55 questing team. Because no one can fill every single champion role with maxed out 4/55s, everyone still has to use 4* champions somewhere.
2. All things aren't equal, because there is a lot of overlap between the strongest 4* champions and the weakest 5* champions (in specific roles). A 5/50 Hyperion or Nightcrawler is probably going to be a nastier defender than a 4/55 Iron Fist.
3. Separate from the better or worse angle, roster diversity still matters, if for no other reason than Kabam will make it matter. A 3* Guillotine is better than many 5* champions to take down RoL Wolverine. 5/50 Vision or Hawkeye will do better than many 5* champions in content that requires power control.
4. The vast overwhelming majority of players get very few 5* champions and have even fewer opportunities to dup them. Until that changes, the game itself cannot move in a direction that orphans 99.99% of all players.
Plus they get you points in arenas.
I never said they could. But if you face an alliance with a few 4/55 Juggernauts it can be a nice game changer in a close war.
And I'm not against max ranked 4*s. If you read my first comment above that I made at 1:11pm I make that very clear. It is for the few hundreds or thousands of players in the truly elite alliances that 4*s are an afterthought. I'm very happy with the 4s I have. They have and continue to serve me very well.
CR has so little effect between a r5 4* and a r4 5* it's basically negligible.
4*'s not bad as of now but 5* R4 are great for AW/AQ. Soon AW defense will have more and more 5* R4 and aginst those champs 4*'s is hard work and might need more items. Same for AQ and harder quests. Already Act5.2 with 4*'s takes a lot of time compared to 5* rank4.
Selling a Champ for any reason is truly the worst thing you can do to your account & Fun Factor in game.
1. You need four strong teams - questing, AQ, AWA and AWD. The vast majority of us do not have enough 5*s for all those teams to run simultaneously.
2. It is far harder to dupe 5* champs and will get harder as they add more of them to the 5* basic crystals. Meanwhile getting to sig 99 for 5 4* champions is relatively easy.
3. There are some really great 4*s that are really effective against some of the hardest content in the game. You will be bringing 4*s into Act 5 and even LOL to round out your teams even if you have some powerful 5*s at R4.
4. Duping 4*s gets you more 5* shards.
Once you reach a certain level, 3*s are rarely used (I never use them - not even in arena at this point). But 4*s still play a vital role in the success of gameplay even for very advanced players.