Kabam we will need some information for season 2.



  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    First, two things.

    • No one here has first hand knowledge of what the criteria was to trigger adjusted war ratings, it’s all specualtion. It could've been 1 player piloting for 1 other player, although that is highley unlikely. What is more likely is that alliances who had 1 player log into the accounts across a large portion of the alliance to compete in AW had thier ratings adjusted. Under this scenario the whole thread is moot as the premise does not jibe with the reality of what Kabam is doing in relation to AW piloting. Ask yourself what is the threshold for “punishment”, you know for a fact its not 1 guy playing for 1 other guy.

    • Kabam will never lay out a road map of how they go about detecting and punishing cheating worthy of adjusting war ratings as that just gives the cheaters room to exploit the system. So again the thread is just an exercise in futility
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    CoatHang3r wrote: »
    Laff the war rating belongs to the alliance not the players as the players do not carry the rating with them outside the ally. It is the allys rating and the ally in part or whole came to that rating through cheating. that is ill gotten gains no matter how many gymnastics you engage in to paint it differently.

    Yall are confusing guilt by association with benefiting from ill gotten gains. You dont get to keep the money your friend stole and then gifted to you.

    I'm pretty sure at this point it is you that is confused. Yes war rating is a property of the alliance not the individual players, but alliance rewards are dependent on that rating and alliance rewards go to players. Reducing that rating very obviously negatively affects all of the members of the alliance.

    And somehow you seem to be fixated on the notion that I am attempting to justify "ill gotten gains." As it seems trivially obvious that I've been saying the exact opposite thing, I don't have a clue what is directing you to think otherwise.

    That war rating alliances lost(yes alliances not players)was earned through cheating in part or in whole by the alliance. That war rating was then adjusted to remove the rating gained through cheating; No more no less it is not punative it is corrective. There seems to be a disconnect preventing you from seeing this.

    Being that you do not see that rating as ill gotten gains and think war rating should remain intact desipte being earned through cheating you are lobbying to maintain ill gotten gains for alliances who cheated.

    100% you are the one confused.

    And again this convo and scenarios contained is all specualtion as no one participating in this convo has been subject to adjusted ratings etc at this point in time.
  • charaderdude2charaderdude2 Member Posts: 1,530 ★★★
    edited May 2018
    First,IF Kabam keeps their current mindset about this,It'll be either The ally Lucking out and kicking the right person (s) or Disbanding the whole alliance.

    Do any of the options seem plausible?Especially when the cheater(s) Don't hop on chat but still login?When you have no way of telling?

    I said it before,And I'll say it again,Not revealing the names of the cheaters to ally leaders,or warning members,because their leader cheats doesn't make sense,If they send a mail to the leader saying some one cheats,We can't find out with interrogations,We're not Sherlock Holmes.
  • charaderdude2charaderdude2 Member Posts: 1,530 ★★★
    first sign for me would be if someone is clearing Bosses and Nodes without losing Health, or if they don't communicate at all.

    Shiver me timbers!I kicked The most skilled player in my alliance who had a bad month,and decided not to talk in chat.All because I received a message that said someone was cheating,and he cleared his path everytime,with regenerators.
  • IOSJasoNIOSJasoN Member Posts: 649 ★★★
    (Threads long so I don't know if it's already been said..)

    Simple solution: Ban the player caught cheating from AW for a month
    (even simpler solution: permanent ban from game.. but being a bit more lenient)
    If a player is caught cheating in arena they get banned from arena..
    Should have same system where they are blocked from joining AW for a set amount of time.. This would count as a reason for an alliance leader to kick that player without knowing if they are not joining because they can't be bothered or because they can't..
    Therefore everyone's privacy remains intact..
    The alliance can speculate and assume this player was the cheater but no actual proof of it..
    Plus you'd probably find the player would leave the alliance rather then hang around and look suspicious..
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,947 ★★★★★
    edited May 2018
    first sign for me would be if someone is clearing Bosses and Nodes without losing Health, or if they don't communicate at all.

    Shiver me timbers!I kicked The most skilled player in my alliance who had a bad month,and decided not to talk in chat.All because I received a message that said someone was cheating,and he cleared his path everytime,with regenerators.

    Not what I meant. People who join but never communicate is a Red Flag for me. Not just in terms of suspicion, but of cooperation in general. There are others. People who don't follow instructions in Alliance Events is another. People who are contrary are a liability. That's besides the point. I was highlighting possible signs. For me, communication is essential. When it comes to things like War and AQ, they're a must at times, more often than not. I may not kick them on that basis alone, but I can't use them in War if they don't follow instructions or communicate. If you're trying to identify who is not playing by the rules, you first have to rule out those you know based on your longstanding relationship with them. The bottom line of it all is, know your Ally.
    All of this is a bit obtuse for me because there is some wayward example of some mysterious Member who is responsible and no one can identify the rogue. I have serious doubts that is the case very often. In fact, I am more inclined to believe it's more than one Member involved, and there is more awareness of it than is being expressed. At least among other Members. If it was simply the actions of one Member, I doubt it would even result in a War Rating reduction. It would most likely result in individual actions. These cases seem like a more-than-one-person situation to me. Hence the penalty. Regardless of the sepcial cases, I don't agree with revealing anything. All it would take is one person with a resentment to follow the person in every Ally they join afterwards and try to blacklist them, or call them out in other ways. Not to mention the possibility of disputing actions as being too harsh or not fair enough. Still hearing about that high-profile case. Then there is the privacy aspect. That's not some unfair protection in my mind. The actions they take concerning Accounts is between the person and Kabam. Not matters of public interest. So, I'll say it again. Best solution is know what goes on in your own Ally.
  • charaderdude2charaderdude2 Member Posts: 1,530 ★★★
    first sign for me would be if someone is clearing Bosses and Nodes without losing Health, or if they don't communicate at all.

    Shiver me timbers!I kicked The most skilled player in my alliance who had a bad month,and decided not to talk in chat.All because I received a message that said someone was cheating,and he cleared his path everytime,with regenerators.

    Not what I meant. People who join but never communicate is a Red Flag for me. Not just in terms of suspicion, but of cooperation in general. There are others. People who don't follow instructions in Alliance Events is another. People who are contrary are a liability. That's besides the point. I was highlighting possible signs. For me, communication is essential. When it comes to things like War and AQ, they're a must at times, more often than not. I may not kick them on that basis alone, but I can't use them in War if they don't follow instructions or communicate. If you're trying to identify who is not playing by the rules, you first have to rule out those you know based on your longstanding relationship with them. The bottom line of it all is, know your Ally.
    All of this is a bit obtuse for me because there is some wayward example of some mysterious Member who is responsible and no one can identify the rogue. I have serious doubts that is the case very often. In fact, I am more inclined to believe it's more than one Member involved, and there is more awareness of it than is being expressed. At least among other Members. If it was simply the actions of one Member, I doubt it would even result in a War Rating reduction. It would most likely result in individual actions. These cases seem like a more-than-one-person situation to me. Hence the Class Action. Regardless of the sepcial cases, I don't agree with revealing anything. All it would take is one person with a resentment to follow the person in every Ally they join afterwards and try to blacklist them, or call them out in other ways. Not to mention the possibility of disputing actions as being too harsh or not fair enough. Still hearing about that high-profile case. Then there is the privacy aspect. That's not some unfair protection in my mind. The actions they take concerning Accounts is between the person and Kabam. Not matters of public interest. So, I'll say it again. Best solution is know what goes on in your own Ally.

    Not what I meant either.Sure,Many of us might solve those problems by kicking people inactive in chat,But there will be some alliances forced to disband as the wrong member(s) get accused,And then,If they are replied to with "Better luck next time!",It is just insult to injury.

    How is that fair?Again,We're not crazy detectives narrowing down suspects,If we're warned of a cheater in our midst,We want to take action IMMEDIATELY.
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    edited May 2018
    gohard123 wrote: »
    When did anyone on this thread say they wanted to know those things? All that has been said was remove the cause of the lost points and nothing else.
    Many times most notably in then OP and then repeated by the OP and others throughout the thread.

    I have a better question, when in this thread has it been shown that the cause of the lost points were unknown to the alliance? It has not, it is all speculation, every scenario presented is hypothetical and chicken little is running amok thinking he is onto something again.
    When did he ever say the alliance should retain the lost war rating? All he said was that they have put the alliance in a situation where they don't know who the cheater is and they may continue to suffer (lost war rating) if they cannot find out. Where you got the idea of people in this thread wanting alliances to keep their war rating is beyond me.
    “You should never, ever penalize a player for something that a) they did not do, b) could not have prevented, and c) have no way to avoid in the future. To penalize an alliance for the actions of a single player (or even a small group of players) is literally no different than fining everyone driving...”
    “but alliance rewards are dependent on that rating and alliance rewards go to players. Reducing that rating very obviously negatively affects all of the members of the alliance.”

    You have to wonder how much reading was done prior to commenting as the gist of things are clearly being overlooked.
  • DL864DL864 Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★
    first sign for me would be if someone is clearing Bosses and Nodes without losing Health, or if they don't communicate at all.

    Shiver me timbers!I kicked The most skilled player in my alliance who had a bad month,and decided not to talk in chat.All because I received a message that said someone was cheating,and he cleared his path everytime,with regenerators.

    Not what I meant. People who join but never communicate is a Red Flag for me. Not just in terms of suspicion, but of cooperation in general. There are others. People who don't follow instructions in Alliance Events is another. People who are contrary are a liability. That's besides the point. I was highlighting possible signs. For me, communication is essential. When it comes to things like War and AQ, they're a must at times, more often than not. I may not kick them on that basis alone, but I can't use them in War if they don't follow instructions or communicate. If you're trying to identify who is not playing by the rules, you first have to rule out those you know based on your longstanding relationship with them. The bottom line of it all is, know your Ally.
    All of this is a bit obtuse for me because there is some wayward example of some mysterious Member who is responsible and no one can identify the rogue. I have serious doubts that is the case very often. In fact, I am more inclined to believe it's more than one Member involved, and there is more awareness of it than is being expressed. At least among other Members. If it was simply the actions of one Member, I doubt it would even result in a War Rating reduction. It would most likely result in individual actions. These cases seem like a more-than-one-person situation to me. Hence the penalty. Regardless of the sepcial cases, I don't agree with revealing anything. All it would take is one person with a resentment to follow the person in every Ally they join afterwards and try to blacklist them, or call them out in other ways. Not to mention the possibility of disputing actions as being too harsh or not fair enough. Still hearing about that high-profile case. Then there is the privacy aspect. That's not some unfair protection in my mind. The actions they take concerning Accounts is between the person and Kabam. Not matters of public interest. So, I'll say it again. Best solution is know what goes on in your own Ally.

    Man that’s a long post to say absolutely nothing. All you should I have said is I agree with whatever kabams stance is on the situation and if kabam changes their stance I will change mine. Look I have never played a game where you get punished for other people’s actions and are left in the dark as to why and who. I think the best suggestion someone made on here was ban them from aw for a set amount of time. Then kabam doesn’t have to tell you anything and you would know by them not joining simple compromise that both sides would be happy with. Kabam can keep their privacy policy and the leaders of the ally could easily figure out who the violator is.
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    GW I still don’t get why you think people using mods are automatically not using communication? What if your alliance had someone who has been with you since the beginning of you alliance, or as near as makes no matter. Let’s call this hypothetical player Z.

    Z began playing fair, he did his aq, Aw and quests all completely by the book. He bragged when he took down bosses, he’s a very good fighter rarely losing health, he asks which path to go on when needed. He perhaps was a higher level player with a stacked account who decided to play down a bit. No mods in sight. Then with the increase in content, or decrease in time available, he decided that he no longer had as much stake in the game to dedicate so much time or effort to it. Instead he decided to get this mod which would make fights a lot easier. It didn’t make fights quicker, just much easier.

    Since Z was already a good fighter and with his stacked account, nobody really batted an eye when he continued taking down bosses losing little to no health. Winning slightly more wars than usual, what difference does one player make when they are already your MVP in war, your alliance war rating increases a few hundred points.

    Then one day, someone in your alliance logs on and notices your war rating has dropped 1000 points out of nowhere. There’s a discussion in chat and the notion that someone modded comes up. Immediately the attention is drawn to the slightly worse accounts who fight well. Nobody even suspects the high level player who has fought well from the beginning of the alliance. Because, well if it was him then you’d have been punished ages ago right?

    So as leader you draw up a list of 4 or 5 members who are the most likely to have cheated, low level, low communication, high skill, they don’t brag, they don’t communicate and they are new. You message each of them and they swear to you that they don’t cheat. Instead, you kick them.

    You said this “If the Alliance took on new people, it would be easy to deduce. Would I boot the new people? In a heartbeat, if my Alliance was losing Rating because of cheating. First, I would try to have a conversation with them. If it wasn't acknowledged, or if it happened again, "Bye Felicia". Those are the decisions you need to make to keep your Ally safe.”

    So you kick them, you find more people. You’ve just kicked 4 or 5 very skilled players who were good enough to make you think they could mod. But a few weeks later, the same happens again, your war rating is even lower! So you go through the same process, the question is, do you rule out the new members or do you look at the existing ones who were there the first time the rating was reduced?

    Whatever you do, it’s unlikely you suspect your top man player Z, he’s been there from the start. Even if you message him and ask him, he says no not a chance I didn’t cheat.

    Do you now see how this sort of thing can destroy alliances? And I know you said that you know your guys and what they’re capable of, and i get that. But it’s hypothetical, it’s possible. Tomorrow your most trusted member or officer could decide he’s sick of the game and mod. And a lot of alliance may not have the type of relationship you guys have, you seem close with your alliance. Some aren’t, some could have that player mod and not have a clue which one it is.
  • charaderdude2charaderdude2 Member Posts: 1,530 ★★★
    People can comment on anything on the Forum. As for competitive, clearly it's too competitive if people are cheating. Say what you want, my house is clean.

    Mine is too,So?Think in the way an affected alliance leader might feel,Not in the stance,"Doesn't happen to me,So I'm saying nonsense, based on my beliefs"
  • Mr_PlatypusMr_Platypus Member Posts: 2,779 ★★★★★
    I highly doubt these cases are the result of one person alone. It's possible, but not likely that only one is the reason.
    It's the responsibility of the Leader to make it known that the actions of one or more people are costing the Ally. If it's never addressed, then that's just blind leadership.

    Ok here’s a situation for you, your alliance goes through a big reshuffle, now you’ve got a bunch of new guys in aswell as some original guys.
    As the leader you personally refuse to pilot anyone else, and expect everyone to handle their own accounts.
    But suddenly after a war you receive the cryptic message about how someone cheated (we shall go with account sharing) but who was it? Sure you’re the leader however you made sure to inform people that there would be no piloting and everyone agreed to this upon joining.
    So, who’s being piloted?
    That scrub that can’t clear uncollected but destroys AW?
    Those 2 guys you brought in as a pair? Maybe they play for each other when the other is busy.
    What about that group of 3 you also brought in?
    Or perhaps it’s that group of 5 that have been around for months and formed a really close bond with each other, and one of them had to disappear for a family emergency and asked one of the others to finish their AW line?

    Without the leader knowing who it was, how can they boot out the one that broke the rules? And don’t say boot the lot as that gives your alliance a terrible reputation and destroys any chance of being reasonably competitive in Season 2, will pretty much kill the alliance off entirely tbh.
    One thing at a time. If the Alliance took on new people, it would be easy to deduce. Would I boot the new people? In a heartbeat, if my Alliance was losing Rating because of cheating. First, I would try to have a conversation with them. If it wasn't acknowledged, or if it happened again, "Bye Felicia". Those are the decisions you need to make to keep your Ally safe.
    There are no justifiable excuses to Account Sharing. I've known my guys for a long time. I know when they came and what they're capable of. Sure, we're not the top of any Leaderboards. We aren't getting top Rewards. We have lives, and we respect that. Some weeks we don't even have time to finish an AQ Map or two. However, we've been there for each other through divorce, relationships, emergencies, jobs, connect on other Social Media, support each other, get frustrated with each other, all the things a family does. We play honestly, with integrity and to the best of what we have time and energy for, and anything we earn is legit. We live first, play second, and we have each others' backs before any Rewards. If that's the trade-off for not being on top, I'll take it any day.
    If any one of those people were cheating, I'd have no issues booting them. I know what goes on in my Ally. I don't care if I add 10 new people. If it didn't stop, I'd let them go one by one until it did.
    The fact is, I'm not convinced those scenarios are what is occurring for the most part. Account Sharing has been going on a long time in some Allies. Whether it's to Pilot, or move people when they're not around, people know what's up. Allies talk to each other, and anyone that doesn't communicate at all is a sign they're not a good fit either way in my eyes. Communication is key in an Ally. As a Leader, you have to have communication, and you have to know what goes on in your Ally. That's what being a Leader is all about. Sure, you can open an Ally and let people run amok, but you essentially open things like that up to happen.
    Irregardless, I do not support notifying Leaders who the people responsible are. That would do more harm than good.

    You completely ignored the entire situation, how do you know it’s the new people? How do you know which new person it is? How do you know it’s not a member of the core group that’s formed a close bond with others? At the end of the day just because you asked, it doesn’t mean they’ll admit it. You can’t pinpoint piloting without complete honesty.
    If it’s actual cheats/mods you could ask to see a screenshot of their roster, if they have a classic ultron then you know they cheated. If they have no champs capable of RoL but do have 4* rhino, Ronan and cyclops, you know they cheated.

    People are just asking that kabam work with alliance leaders to pinpoint which member was piloted so they can get rid, of at the very least forcibly remove that member themselves.
    We all have lives, and we don’t have time to interrogate every person to figure out who piloted who etc.
  • Blitzkilla420Blitzkilla420 Member Posts: 561 ★★★
    we should all know the cheaters so we can blacklist them and let other cheaters know that you cant hide under privacy acts to be a liability innocent alliances
  • gohard123gohard123 Member Posts: 1,017 ★★★
    CoatHang3r wrote: »
    “You should never, ever penalize a player for something that a) they did not do, b) could not have prevented, and c) have no way to avoid in the future. To penalize an alliance for the actions of a single player (or even a small group of players) is literally no different than fining everyone driving...”
    “but alliance rewards are dependent on that rating and alliance rewards go to players. Reducing that rating very obviously negatively affects all of the members of the alliance.”

    You have to wonder how much reading was done prior to commenting as the gist of things are clearly being overlooked.

    I interpreted those points as after the alliance has already being punished, as they would not know who cheated thus would be FURTHER punished for something a) they did not do b) could not have prevented, and c) have no way to avoid in the future
  • RiegelRiegel Member Posts: 1,088 ★★★★
    CoatHang3r wrote: »
    gohard123 wrote: »
    When did anyone on this thread say they wanted to know those things? All that has been said was remove the cause of the lost points and nothing else.
    Many times most notably in then OP and then repeated by the OP and others throughout the thread.

    No, I said I wanted Leadership to know who cheated, so they'd have the ability to fix the problem. Not how they cheated, what they did, A road map to how Kabam came to any decision. I never said I wanted any war rating back I said thanks to Kabam for adjusting the war rating actually. Might want to reread that.

    You sure say a lot of weird/wrong things in threads. Oh well you did the same in my others and they all got responses from Kabam. Seeing as how this thread is gaining traction (partly by you posting the things you do) I think I will wait for a response from Kabam to see what their thoughts on the issue are :blush:

    Back to the issue. Alliances need a way to know who is cheating in the scenario they don't already know. It would be nice to have anyone who cheated removed from the alliance by a mod/admin. If they are temp banned, but not removed from the alliance it is likely the alliance will queue up for another war in which the banned party will not place defense. This will cause a war rating adjustment due to the cheater, and another handicapped war due to being down a player in the following war. I think one punishment is enough.
  • BarogsBarogs Member Posts: 59
    It's amazing how derailed this thread got. I'm blessed that I haven't had to deal with people banned for piloting in AW as I'm in a higher alliance that doesn't pilot, but I am aware of this issue and I think what Kabam does is not enough. Penalizing the war rating is fine, but there is concern in the alliance of not knowing who is causing the penalty and it potentially continuing.
    This is a very real issue simply because there could definitely be someone in your alliance, who has been in your alliance for a while, talks consistently and appears to be very active, but behind the scenes has a merc hired or is doing something to cause a penalty. How would you know? This player has been in your ally for a while, talks alot, always clears his aw and aq lanes, but you'd have no clue what he does with his account. We're not friends in each other's lives that see each other everyday, we play a game together on different ends of a phone/tablet. Now, this is a hypothetical scenario, sure, but a very possible one. I think the solution is simply reduce the alliance rating, which is already done, and simply kick the cheater from the alliance. Then, it'll be up to the alliance to decide whether they want to bring back the kicked player or keep him out of the alliance. Privacy really is not an issue in this respect as far as I'm concerned. You lose privacy rights when you're found to be cheating. Just my two cents
  • Neroa65Neroa65 Member Posts: 302 ★★
    From what I've gathered from the comments on the thread as well as what the OP said, is that people or perhaps the leader should at least know who is cheating that led to an alliance getting punished collectively i.e having their War rating shot down and who has been penalized specifically for cheating, hence banned permanently or otherwise and privacy really is the issue? In all honesty, people's profiles here in the forum gets slapped behind jail bars literally and some even get replaced with the red picture that says they've been banned. I wonder do these same rules about privacy have no grounds here in the forum as well?

    The solution to knowing those who have been banned imho lies on that little notice beside a player within the alliance that says whether they're online or the last time they logged in. If they've been banned temporarily, it should say something along the lines of "unavailable" and permanently banned should simply say "banned". Of course this is all imo. Once again privacy should not really be an issue here.

    Since this issue of cheating is collectively affecting all 30 members, I think the leader should at the very least be notified of who, so the problem can be culled by oh I don't know kicking and then blacklisting them so by extension, people can know. Hey that guy's a cheater, recruit at your own risk and by extension, any high level alliance recruiting them all the while knowing they've been blacklisted wants to cheat intentionally and can be punished collectively. Of course talking about a Blacklist, the one there is hardly gets taken a look at if anything so perhaps that feature is something Kabam needs to erect themselves officially though I do not see that happening​.

    So people deserve their privacy, I get that and all but under the excuse of that privacy, others get punished unfairly.

    Now I do not want any replies or comments, this is merely my opinion. If you disagree, use those buttons down there 👇.
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    Riegel wrote: »
    CoatHang3r wrote: »
    gohard123 wrote: »
    When did anyone on this thread say they wanted to know those things? All that has been said was remove the cause of the lost points and nothing else.
    Many times most notably in then OP and then repeated by the OP and others throughout the thread.

    No, I said I wanted Leadership to know who cheated, so they'd have the ability to fix the problem. Not how they cheated, what they did, A road map to how Kabam came to any decision. I never said I wanted any war rating back I said thanks to Kabam for adjusting the war rating actually. Might want to reread that.

    You sure say a lot of weird/wrong things in threads. Oh well you did the same in my others and they all got responses from Kabam. Seeing as how this thread is gaining traction (partly by you posting the things you do) I think I will wait for a response from Kabam to see what their thoughts on the issue are :blush:

    Back to the issue. Alliances need a way to know who is cheating in the scenario they don't already know. It would be nice to have anyone who cheated removed from the alliance by a mod/admin. If they are temp banned, but not removed from the alliance it is likely the alliance will queue up for another war in which the banned party will not place defense. This will cause a war rating adjustment due to the cheater, and another handicapped war due to being down a player in the following war. I think one punishment is enough.
    Cheaters are banned, leadership can simply remove offenders.

    I never said you said anything about war rating, separate issue separate poster. Lacking Reading comprehension? Might want to reread that, tu quo que.

    Yeah well you’re welcome. But dont think that means your poo smells any better.

    The issue is fictitious, you made it up and have zero evidence that single cases of piloting have been “punished”, supporting your unfounded fears. Why did this happen? because once again you've made a boat load of assumptions.
  • RiegelRiegel Member Posts: 1,088 ★★★★
    CoatHang3r wrote: »
    Riegel wrote: »
    CoatHang3r wrote: »
    gohard123 wrote: »
    When did anyone on this thread say they wanted to know those things? All that has been said was remove the cause of the lost points and nothing else.
    Many times most notably in then OP and then repeated by the OP and others throughout the thread.

    No, I said I wanted Leadership to know who cheated, so they'd have the ability to fix the problem. Not how they cheated, what they did, A road map to how Kabam came to any decision. I never said I wanted any war rating back I said thanks to Kabam for adjusting the war rating actually. Might want to reread that.

    You sure say a lot of weird/wrong things in threads. Oh well you did the same in my others and they all got responses from Kabam. Seeing as how this thread is gaining traction (partly by you posting the things you do) I think I will wait for a response from Kabam to see what their thoughts on the issue are :blush:

    Back to the issue. Alliances need a way to know who is cheating in the scenario they don't already know. It would be nice to have anyone who cheated removed from the alliance by a mod/admin. If they are temp banned, but not removed from the alliance it is likely the alliance will queue up for another war in which the banned party will not place defense. This will cause a war rating adjustment due to the cheater, and another handicapped war due to being down a player in the following war. I think one punishment is enough.
    Cheaters are banned, leadership can simply remove offenders.

    I never said you said anything about war rating, separate issue separate poster. Lacking Reading comprehension? Might want to reread that, tu quo que.

    Yeah well you’re welcome. But dont think that means your poo smells any better.

    The issue is fictitious, you made it up and have zero evidence that single cases of piloting have been “punished”, supporting your unfounded fears. Why did this happen? because once again you've made a boat load of assumptions.

    1. Leaders wont be able to remove offenders in time.
    CoatHang3r wrote: »
    No one here has first hand knowledge of what the criteria was to trigger adjusted war ratings.
    CoatHang3r wrote: »
    Kabam will never lay out a road map of how they go about detecting and punishing cheating worthy of adjusting war ratings as that just gives the cheaters room to exploit the system.
    CoatHang3r wrote: »
    Laff the war rating belongs to the alliance not the players as the players do not carry the rating with them outside the ally. It is the allys rating and the ally in part or whole came to that rating through cheating.

    There's more instances of you talking about war rating. A lot more. I read them.

    3. I don't know what my poo has to do with anything, but I can tell you it does smell.
    4. The issue isn't fictitious. Has it happened yet? IDK. Can it happen an can it affect alliances? Yes 100% that's why I started the thread. I like to start threads to stop a problem from happening before it does. I attempted to do the same pre-season 1 with matchmaking. Guess what that didn't get resolved and became an issue.

    Again, alliances need a way to know who is cheating in the scenario they don't already know. It would be nice to have anyone who cheated removed from the alliance by a mod/admin. If they are temp banned, but not removed from the alliance it is likely the alliance will queue up for another war in which the banned party will not place defense. This will cause a war rating adjustment due to the cheater, and another handicapped war due to being down a player in the following war. I think one punishment is enough.
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    Riegel wrote: »
    CoatHang3r wrote: »
    Riegel wrote: »
    CoatHang3r wrote: »
    gohard123 wrote: »
    When did anyone on this thread say they wanted to know those things? All that has been said was remove the cause of the lost points and nothing else.
    Many times most notably in then OP and then repeated by the OP and others throughout the thread.

    No, I said I wanted Leadership to know who cheated, so they'd have the ability to fix the problem. Not how they cheated, what they did, A road map to how Kabam came to any decision. I never said I wanted any war rating back I said thanks to Kabam for adjusting the war rating actually. Might want to reread that.

    You sure say a lot of weird/wrong things in threads. Oh well you did the same in my others and they all got responses from Kabam. Seeing as how this thread is gaining traction (partly by you posting the things you do) I think I will wait for a response from Kabam to see what their thoughts on the issue are :blush:

    Back to the issue. Alliances need a way to know who is cheating in the scenario they don't already know. It would be nice to have anyone who cheated removed from the alliance by a mod/admin. If they are temp banned, but not removed from the alliance it is likely the alliance will queue up for another war in which the banned party will not place defense. This will cause a war rating adjustment due to the cheater, and another handicapped war due to being down a player in the following war. I think one punishment is enough.
    Cheaters are banned, leadership can simply remove offenders.

    I never said you said anything about war rating, separate issue separate poster. Lacking Reading comprehension? Might want to reread that, tu quo que.

    Yeah well you’re welcome. But dont think that means your poo smells any better.

    The issue is fictitious, you made it up and have zero evidence that single cases of piloting have been “punished”, supporting your unfounded fears. Why did this happen? because once again you've made a boat load of assumptions.

    1. Leaders wont be able to remove offenders in time.
    CoatHang3r wrote: »
    No one here has first hand knowledge of what the criteria was to trigger adjusted war ratings.
    CoatHang3r wrote: »
    Kabam will never lay out a road map of how they go about detecting and punishing cheating worthy of adjusting war ratings as that just gives the cheaters room to exploit the system.
    CoatHang3r wrote: »
    Laff the war rating belongs to the alliance not the players as the players do not carry the rating with them outside the ally. It is the allys rating and the ally in part or whole came to that rating through cheating.

    There's more instances of you talking about war rating. A lot more. I read them.

    3. I don't know what my poo has to do with anything, but I can tell you it does smell.
    4. The issue isn't fictitious. Has it happened yet? IDK. Can it happen an can it affect alliances? Yes 100% that's why I started the thread. I like to start threads to stop a problem from happening before it does. I attempted to do the same pre-season 1 with matchmaking. Guess what that didn't get resolved and became an issue.

    Again, alliances need a way to know who is cheating in the scenario they don't already know. It would be nice to have anyone who cheated removed from the alliance by a mod/admin. If they are temp banned, but not removed from the alliance it is likely the alliance will queue up for another war in which the banned party will not place defense. This will cause a war rating adjustment due to the cheater, and another handicapped war due to being down a player in the following war. I think one punishment is enough.

    And none of those posts are adressing you, when you reread the thread you’ll see that convo was between DNA and others to which you were not a party. Furthermore not a single one of those posts is about you saying people should keep thier war rating. Keep making assumptions and trotting them out as fact, its a riot and that’s what stinks to high heaven.

    At least you’re admitting this threads premise has zero foundation in reality. Props for bieng honest there even though you still try to hold on to it having merit. They should add a Character in the game called “Captain Save a MCOC.”

    Alliances are informed they have a problem via an ingame mail from Kabam, if you choose to queue for war without adressing the problem thats on leadership.

    But id like to see something like a toggle switch for players so they can opt in/out of war. Leadership can have a warning pop up that everyone is not available and can then check to see who has opted out. This would allow kabam to flip the switch temporarily or permanently for players who have been found to be cheating without violating thier privacy policy.
  • RiegelRiegel Member Posts: 1,088 ★★★★
    CoatHang3r wrote: »
    Riegel wrote: »
    CoatHang3r wrote: »
    Riegel wrote: »
    CoatHang3r wrote: »
    gohard123 wrote: »
    When did anyone on this thread say they wanted to know those things? All that has been said was remove the cause of the lost points and nothing else.
    Many times most notably in then OP and then repeated by the OP and others throughout the thread.

    No, I said I wanted Leadership to know who cheated, so they'd have the ability to fix the problem. Not how they cheated, what they did, A road map to how Kabam came to any decision. I never said I wanted any war rating back I said thanks to Kabam for adjusting the war rating actually. Might want to reread that.

    You sure say a lot of weird/wrong things in threads. Oh well you did the same in my others and they all got responses from Kabam. Seeing as how this thread is gaining traction (partly by you posting the things you do) I think I will wait for a response from Kabam to see what their thoughts on the issue are :blush:

    Back to the issue. Alliances need a way to know who is cheating in the scenario they don't already know. It would be nice to have anyone who cheated removed from the alliance by a mod/admin. If they are temp banned, but not removed from the alliance it is likely the alliance will queue up for another war in which the banned party will not place defense. This will cause a war rating adjustment due to the cheater, and another handicapped war due to being down a player in the following war. I think one punishment is enough.
    Cheaters are banned, leadership can simply remove offenders.

    I never said you said anything about war rating, separate issue separate poster. Lacking Reading comprehension? Might want to reread that, tu quo que.

    Yeah well you’re welcome. But dont think that means your poo smells any better.

    The issue is fictitious, you made it up and have zero evidence that single cases of piloting have been “punished”, supporting your unfounded fears. Why did this happen? because once again you've made a boat load of assumptions.

    1. Leaders wont be able to remove offenders in time.
    CoatHang3r wrote: »
    No one here has first hand knowledge of what the criteria was to trigger adjusted war ratings.
    CoatHang3r wrote: »
    Kabam will never lay out a road map of how they go about detecting and punishing cheating worthy of adjusting war ratings as that just gives the cheaters room to exploit the system.
    CoatHang3r wrote: »
    Laff the war rating belongs to the alliance not the players as the players do not carry the rating with them outside the ally. It is the allys rating and the ally in part or whole came to that rating through cheating.

    There's more instances of you talking about war rating. A lot more. I read them.

    3. I don't know what my poo has to do with anything, but I can tell you it does smell.
    4. The issue isn't fictitious. Has it happened yet? IDK. Can it happen an can it affect alliances? Yes 100% that's why I started the thread. I like to start threads to stop a problem from happening before it does. I attempted to do the same pre-season 1 with matchmaking. Guess what that didn't get resolved and became an issue.

    Again, alliances need a way to know who is cheating in the scenario they don't already know. It would be nice to have anyone who cheated removed from the alliance by a mod/admin. If they are temp banned, but not removed from the alliance it is likely the alliance will queue up for another war in which the banned party will not place defense. This will cause a war rating adjustment due to the cheater, and another handicapped war due to being down a player in the following war. I think one punishment is enough.

    And none of those posts are adressing you, when you reread the thread you’ll see that convo was between DNA and others to which you were not a party. Furthermore not a single one of those posts is about you saying people should keep thier war rating. Keep making assumptions and trotting them out as fact, its a riot and that’s what stinks to high heaven.

    At least you’re admitting this threads premise has zero foundation in reality. Props for bieng honest there even though you still try to hold on to it having merit. They should add a Character in the game called “Captain Save a MCOC.”

    Alliances are informed they have a problem via an ingame mail from Kabam, if you choose to queue for war without adressing the problem thats on leadership.

    But id like to see something like a toggle switch for players so they can opt in/out of war. Leadership can have a warning pop up that everyone is not available and can then check to see who has opted out. This would allow kabam to flip the switch temporarily or permanently for players who have been found to be cheating without violating thier privacy policy.

    1. Yes, in one of those you were addressing me through a comment you made to @gohard123. No assumption just fact.
    2. Not sure how you think the issue has "zero foundation in reality." it is obviously a possibility that would have a huge effect on the outcome of the season. It's pretty easy to see that.
    3. You have to queue asap to get 3 wars per week. Assuming the ingame mail will hit before the queue is finished is a really bad argument for no change. Assuming that the ingame mail did hit and that leadership would be able to determine who the cheater is before risking a 3rd war for the week is an even weaker argument for no change.
    4. So confusing now you are putting forth ways to satisfy my ask for a way for leadership to manage their alliances against cheaters. I'll never understand. :trollface:
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,947 ★★★★★
    Regardless of the reasons, they're not going to say "Person X has been caught cheating.". Being a Leader doesn't give special permissions when it comes to being aware of their internal findings and punitive jurisdiction.
  • RiegelRiegel Member Posts: 1,088 ★★★★
    Regardless of the reasons, they're not going to say "Person X has been caught cheating.". Being a Leader doesn't give special permissions when it comes to being aware of their internal findings and punitive jurisdiction.

    You don't know that. They haven't commented yet, so you do not know if they are changing anything, or leaving it as is.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,947 ★★★★★
    I'm 99% sure they're not going to break their stance on discussing actions taken. That much has been a hard-and-fast rule. Revealing that to a Leader would break that rule. Anything could happen in the optimistic sense, but I can't see it happening.
  • RiegelRiegel Member Posts: 1,088 ★★★★
    I'm 99% sure they're not going to break their stance on discussing actions taken. That much has been a hard-and-fast rule. Revealing that to a Leader would break that rule. Anything could happen in the optimistic sense, but I can't see it happening.

    You don't know that.
  • HulksmasshhHulksmasshh Member Posts: 742 ★★★
    first sign for me would be if someone is clearing Bosses and Nodes without losing Health, or if they don't communicate at all.

    Shiver me timbers!I kicked The most skilled player in my alliance who had a bad month,and decided not to talk in chat.All because I received a message that said someone was cheating,and he cleared his path everytime,with regenerators.

    Not what I meant. People who join but never communicate is a Red Flag for me. Not just in terms of suspicion, but of cooperation in general. There are others. People who don't follow instructions in Alliance Events is another. People who are contrary are a liability. That's besides the point. I was highlighting possible signs. For me, communication is essential. When it comes to things like War and AQ, they're a must at times, more often than not. I may not kick them on that basis alone, but I can't use them in War if they don't follow instructions or communicate. If you're trying to identify who is not playing by the rules, you first have to rule out those you know based on your longstanding relationship with them. The bottom line of it all is, know your Ally.
    All of this is a bit obtuse for me because there is some wayward example of some mysterious Member who is responsible and no one can identify the rogue. I have serious doubts that is the case very often. In fact, I am more inclined to believe it's more than one Member involved, and there is more awareness of it than is being expressed. At least among other Members. If it was simply the actions of one Member, I doubt it would even result in a War Rating reduction. It would most likely result in individual actions. These cases seem like a more-than-one-person situation to me. Hence the penalty. Regardless of the sepcial cases, I don't agree with revealing anything. All it would take is one person with a resentment to follow the person in every Ally they join afterwards and try to blacklist them, or call them out in other ways. Not to mention the possibility of disputing actions as being too harsh or not fair enough. Still hearing about that high-profile case. Then there is the privacy aspect. That's not some unfair protection in my mind. The actions they take concerning Accounts is between the person and Kabam. Not matters of public interest. So, I'll say it again. Best solution is know what goes on in your own Ally.

    This is word soup.
  • RiegelRiegel Member Posts: 1,088 ★★★★
    Let's stay on topic.

    Alliances need a way to know who is cheating in the scenario they don't already know. It would be nice to have anyone who cheated removed from the alliance by a mod/admin. If they are temp banned, but not removed from the alliance it is likely the alliance will queue up for another war in which the banned party will not place defense. This will cause a war rating adjustment due to the cheater, and another handicapped war due to being down a player in the following war. I think one punishment is enough.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,947 ★★★★★
    I also don't know the Missile Launch Codes for the States.
  • charaderdude2charaderdude2 Member Posts: 1,530 ★★★
    I'm 99% sure they're not going to break their stance on discussing actions taken. That much has been a hard-and-fast rule. Revealing that to a Leader would break that rule. Anything could happen in the optimistic sense, but I can't see it happening.

    Even if there's a 1% chance they can,We have to take it as an ABSOLUTE certainty.
  • RiegelRiegel Member Posts: 1,088 ★★★★
    I also don't know the Missile Launch Codes for the States.

    I know, but let's talk about things we do know, or ask Kabam on clarification on things we don't know but would like to know.

    For instance I'd like to know if alliance leadership will have a way of knowing who in their alliance is cheating, so they can remove the cheater from the alliance before to much damage is done to their season. I'm sure @Kabam Miike will comment when he has time. :blush:
This discussion has been closed.