How to know if one of my alliance members is a hacker or doing the "piloting" violation?

After the update, I have noticed that our alliance war rating went down from 1024 to a mere 745. This bothered me and posted to Kabam but haven't gotten a response. Now after the announcement of the start of season 2 (Alliance Wars) I've noticed that our alliance rating went down even further from 745 to just 400 something now. And this time I am pissed and concerned. What is going on!? I recently read Kabam's in-game announcement regarding "pilots" and account sharing and using third party software which could result to your alliance rating going down. So my question is, is this deflation in our alliance war rating a result of being punished? Cause if so, then how do I know which of my members is at fault? CAUSE I DON'T WANT TO JEOPARDIZE ME AND MY WHOLE ALLIANCE JUST BECAUSE A LAZY BUM IS CLIMBING HIS WAY TO THE TOP ILLEGALLY. It's unfair and I won't tolerate cheaters. But if it's not a result of punishment, then what is going on with our rating then? Why does it keep on going down and down? KABAM I NEED YOUR HELP SO PLEASE HEAR ME OUT. How do I fix this? I hope you can address this issue ASAP.
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Someone is cheating. I do wish Kabam would make it clear who the offender is though. At very least a 7 day ban. We just lost our last war in tier 3 and that alliance was clearly cheating, so far all I've seen is a 300 point reduction in war. As many that we're cheating their war rating should have been completely stripped and players permanently banned.
Unfortunately you have to watch war very closely to spot them. They will not lose health when they should have or win fights very quickly that should take longer, taking on linked nodes that should kill them. If you aren't looking for it you'll probably just think they are good.
Kabam officially will not say, and because of that I won't discuss too many technical details on the public forums either, but it is possible to detect the difference between one player logging into the game on two different devices they own and a player giving their login credentials to another player and letting them log into the game on their devices. If you are actually interested in the technical details, you will probably have more success google searching iOS and Android developer information on how a mobile app developer can tell if their app is being reinstalled by an existing user. If you're not actually interested in researching the technical details, suffice to say there are technical ways of determining this, and using multiple devices that you own on its own won't be confused with account sharing.
While I'm at it, IP address has nothing to do with anything, so anyone who tells you anything about IP addresses affecting the detection of account sharing has no idea what they are talking about.
I just wish this issue gets addressed ASAP cause I just want a clean gaming experience for me and my honest alliance members
I'll keep an eye out for that! Thank you
Okay so what now? WHO ARE THEY? All of us just got penalized and I don't even know who the hacker or cheater is. This is just so frustrating. I wish KABAM would just say it straight up. Tell me who the cheater is, mark their accounts so I can see. I wanna do something about this.
Seems the only solutions are
1:Luck out and kick the right person(s)(Most effective,But related to RNG/luck anyway)
2:Disband your whole alliance(Most detrimental option)
3:Ask your ally members,The cheater might own up.(Only MIGHT)
4:Keep pestering Kabam to give info like this to ally leader,And give messages to members to leave if the leader itself is cheating.(BEST OPTION)
I've already announced the issue to my fellow members and asked for the cheater or "pilot" or hacker to please leave the alliance. But like you said, it highly depends whether or not the cheater owns up. I plan on not starting any war to force him\her out but that would still take time. Disbanding the alliance is my last resort and sad as it may seem, it has to be done if KABAM won't help us figure this whole fiasco out
YES EXACTLY!! I couldn't agree more, KABAM should drop the names and give out the information so that the leader, the officers and the members would have their own choice whether to leave the alliance, kick a member, or an officer, etc. I just want this whole issue to be fixed ASAP. I mean, I just want a clean gaming experience and I wouldn't put up with having a lazy bum cheating inside my alliance. It's just not fair. And now the whole alliance has been penalized for the actions of one or two cheaters? What about the remaining 28 who're honestly working our butts off to win wars
Ok KABAM. Our aw rating was knocked down, you sent mail that because of breaking the rules. But what next? What do you expect us to do? Should we kicked all members out? Create a new ally and get bunch of noobs? Is this a way you want to drive the game bases on communities? @Kabam Miike pls response
This is the frustration right here, the whole alliance is suffering the consequences without dropping the names of the culprits. Like you said, "If you don't tell us who did it how can we fix the problem? Why punish the whole alliance but not let us kick the offender?" Thank you for your input and I hope all our joint concerns gets addressed immediately. KABAM just sends us emails saying they've decreased our rating due to a player or two violating the game but what then? We want to do something about it so please drop their names. Seeing our rating go down and not being able to do anything about it is frustrating, and as you can see, a lot of other players share the same problem and concern. Reveal the cheaters so we can do something about it.
Couldn't have said it any better
Here is a response
" Greetings Summoner,
Thank you for contacting Kabam Support with your concerns about the recent announcement and actions related to our expanding effort to protect the game from actions that jeopardize the game for all.
In an effort to keep The Contest fair and competitive, we have been and will continue to take punitive actions against any player or Alliance found to have engaged in any account sharing in relation to the Alliance Wars. With Season 2 starting very soon, we wanted to make sure that all players are aware that sharing an account for any reason is a violation of our Terms of Service. We have received many reports from players about this happening, and we are stepping up our investigation these unfair actions. Alliances found in violation of this or any other of our Terms of Service will have their Alliance War Rating reduced, and further violations may result in more punitive actions, including account bans for all individuals involved. We take pride in making a competitive and engaging playing field with the Alliance Wars, and we want players to take comfort in the knowledge that we are aggressively ensuring that they remain this way.
Thank you for reaching out to us, and best of luck to you and your Alliance in the upcoming Season 2 of the Wars!
Kabam Support"
Really? For every question about the reasons you are going to send the same, standard answer? If I remember right some time you said something about transparency...
Congratulations Kabam
This is what me and the rest of us here are saying and complaining about
It's so disappointing to realize that it's this hard to get even just a direct response to this situation. I get that they may have a lot of other things on their hands but at least talk to us here regarding our concern and help us figure this stuff out. It's unfair for you to just go around identifying alliances with hackers in them and deflating their rating without exposing or marking the suspect for them to be easily identified and kicked. It's so unfair for you to just assume that the whole alliance needs to be punished as a whole when in fact you guys even know who the cheaters are. So why not just drop their names for them to be kicked. I refuse to just watch half of my alliance rating cease to exist.
It's not uncommon for a good player not to lose health, but certain nodes and opponents will cost health regardless. If you see someone fighting a duped Magik or an Electro with Captain America and don't lose health there's a problem or fighting on a bleed node without a bleed immune champ and not losing health. You are right though it can be very hard to tell though especially when you are still learning. Sometimes it's very difficult to spot and other times it's very easy.