Why the Change in Featured Arena Schedule?

FPC3FPC3 Member Posts: 144 ★★
edited June 2017 in General Discussion
Was hoping Kabam could explain what's going with the change in the schedule. It *should* have been Punisher 2099 in the Featured Arena and Superior Iron Man in the Basic Arena. They already announced that they were scrapping SIM in favor of someone else (turns out it's Winter Soldier), but nothing was mentioned about altering the schedule and replacing a new champ with a rerun (Civil Warrior).

Could someone from Kabam please shed a little light on WHY you're making this change? Are you intending that a new champion's first time as a Basic to coincide with the release of a NEW champ? What's the deal?


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  • Dexman1349Dexman1349 Member Posts: 3,060 ★★★★★
    My guess is that it's so that the android boosts won't be blamed for players (not) getting a new champ or providing any level of advantage on a new champ.
  • JaffacakedJaffacaked Member Posts: 1,415 ★★★★
    My guess is it's an attempt to lower cutoffs
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    We really need an answer on this. If this is the schedule you are going ahead with from now on, you are now making it so that the new champions will feature at the same time as the new basic champions. If this is happening it will make it extremely difficult for people to unlock champions if they also want to go for the new champion. The arenas were alternating with a new feature one week and a new first time basic the next week, now it will be two new champs one week, and two old champs the next week? I can't think of any good reason to do that, no one will even play the arenas during the old champ week...

    I would like to state that I am strongly opposed to this schedule change if that's the new plan.

    Actually that is the problem. After Howard arena, Gwenpool would be first time basic alongside a new featured champion (as intended to be since the beginning). Now with this change, it will be the same thing as it was until now!
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  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    eXtripa69 wrote: »
    We really need an answer on this. If this is the schedule you are going ahead with from now on, you are now making it so that the new champions will feature at the same time as the new basic champions. If this is happening it will make it extremely difficult for people to unlock champions if they also want to go for the new champion. The arenas were alternating with a new feature one week and a new first time basic the next week, now it will be two new champs one week, and two old champs the next week? I can't think of any good reason to do that, no one will even play the arenas during the old champ week...

    I would like to state that I am strongly opposed to this schedule change if that's the new plan.

    Actually that is the problem. After Howard arena, Gwenpool would be first time basic alongside a new featured champion (as intended to be since the beginning). Now with this change, it will be the same thing as it was until now!

    Yeah, my point was that this other system is way better for people who actually the arena as a way to win and unlock champions. That was a change for the better, now we are going back to the old system that was not as conducive to winning the new champs.

    It could be better for some people ... But that doesn't justify this change to arena. People were expecting a drop in the cut-offs during and after Gwenpool arena, but now they suddently changed everything just to prevent that for happening
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  • FineDogFineDog Member Posts: 403 ★★★
    Dexman1349 wrote: »
    My guess is that it's so that the android boosts won't be blamed for players (not) getting a new champ or providing any level of advantage on a new champ.

    Except those stamina refills were specifically sent out as compensation for Android players getting screwed in the Mordo arena. So theoretically other players had an advantage there, Android users got items to rebalance the scales, and then they changed the schedule to unbalance the scales again. It's like having a bad experience at a store so they give you a coupon but then they raise prices until the coupon expires. What's the point?
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    eXtripa69 wrote: »
    eXtripa69 wrote: »
    We really need an answer on this. If this is the schedule you are going ahead with from now on, you are now making it so that the new champions will feature at the same time as the new basic champions. If this is happening it will make it extremely difficult for people to unlock champions if they also want to go for the new champion. The arenas were alternating with a new feature one week and a new first time basic the next week, now it will be two new champs one week, and two old champs the next week? I can't think of any good reason to do that, no one will even play the arenas during the old champ week...

    I would like to state that I am strongly opposed to this schedule change if that's the new plan.

    Actually that is the problem. After Howard arena, Gwenpool would be first time basic alongside a new featured champion (as intended to be since the beginning). Now with this change, it will be the same thing as it was until now!

    Yeah, my point was that this other system is way better for people who actually the arena as a way to win and unlock champions. That was a change for the better, now we are going back to the old system that was not as conducive to winning the new champs.

    It could be better for some people ... But that doesn't justify this change to arena. People were expecting a drop in the cut-offs during and after Gwenpool arena, but now they suddently changed everything just to prevent that for happening

    Who was expecting a drop in the cutoffs? I don't think that's true at all. People need to stop complaining about the cut off numbers. I have been grinding for two years and I don't work any harder now than I did then. I just have a bigger team. People just complain about cutoffs cause they don't want to compete. Week on week off, this is how it should be with the new champions. It stimulates competition in the arena, otherwise the off week is just garbage and no one wants to play it...

    Well it was just my opinion ... Less grinding needed ...
    But still, it would be better without this chance in the arena system. Specially because it was a silent change.
  • Dexman1349Dexman1349 Member Posts: 3,060 ★★★★★
    FineDog wrote: »
    Dexman1349 wrote: »
    My guess is that it's so that the android boosts won't be blamed for players (not) getting a new champ or providing any level of advantage on a new champ.

    Except those stamina refills were specifically sent out as compensation for Android players getting screwed in the Mordo arena. So theoretically other players had an advantage there, Android users got items to rebalance the scales, and then they changed the schedule to unbalance the scales again. It's like having a bad experience at a store so they give you a coupon but then they raise prices until the coupon expires. What's the point?

    Not necessarily. To use your store analogy, you had a bad experience, you got a coupon, but now the item you wanted has been discontinued and you don't want it's replacement. Demand for the replacement is lower so the price is lower.

    "Sorry you couldn't buy your Air Jordans, how about a coupon for these Crocs?"
  • FPC3FPC3 Member Posts: 144 ★★
    @Kabam Miike - Looking for some feedback, here.
  • hurricanthurricant Member Posts: 630 ★★★★
    @Kabam Miike Please tell us. In the name of transparency. This isn't really a trade secret
  • PurveyorPurveyor Member Posts: 201 ★★
    I have two skill t4cc in my overflow. I was saving them for gwenpool. Hopefully Her arena isn't affected or I'll be forced to use them on someone less desirable.
  • VandalSavageVandalSavage Member Posts: 267 ★★
    I missed the announcement. Where's the post where it said that Punisher 2099 would be this week's featured hero?
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    I missed the announcement. Where's the post where it said that Punisher 2099 would be this week's featured hero?

    It will be not
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★
    eXtripa69 wrote: »
    I missed the announcement. Where's the post where it said that Punisher 2099 would be this week's featured hero?

    It will be not

    I believe they were eluding to the fact that there was no official announcement that it was supposed to be 2099, so nothing official was changed.
  • VandalSavageVandalSavage Member Posts: 267 ★★
    eXtripa69 wrote: »
    I missed the announcement. Where's the post where it said that Punisher 2099 would be this week's featured hero?

    It will be not

    I believe they were eluding to the fact that there was no official announcement that it was supposed to be 2099, so nothing official was changed.

    Correct. This is like back in the old days when people made a fake-announcement regarding special deals for black Friday. The claim made by the wily veterans was that you should save your shards because you can exchange 500 for a single PHC instead of the normal 2000. So anyone who did that typically did not do so well in the weekly summoner's event.

    When Black Friday came and went, the predictable response of "anger" came out ... just like this thread regarding the alleged announcement that Punisher 2099 would be this week's featured hero.

  • Mr_OtterMr_Otter Member Posts: 1,614 ★★★
    I LIKE THIS CHANGE!!! Instead of wading in garbage champs to build my roster I FINALLY have a chance for a powerful basic!
  • FPC3FPC3 Member Posts: 144 ★★

    Correct. This is like back in the old days when people made a fake-announcement regarding special deals for black Friday. The claim made by the wily veterans was that you should save your shards because you can exchange 500 for a single PHC instead of the normal 2000. So anyone who did that typically did not do so well in the weekly summoner's event.

    When Black Friday came and went, the predictable response of "anger" came out ... just like this thread regarding the alleged announcement that Punisher 2099 would be this week's featured hero.

    First, where's the "anger" you're referring to? I started this thread asking a question. No ranting or raving or insulting, a question. Best not to interpret emotion into written text, bro.

    Second, Kabam has followed a schedule for a LONG time now. No, it's not set in stone. However, when they deviated from that set schedule to change the basic champions from that schedule, they made a little announcement that they were doing so. By that I mean that they changed the Basic champion from last week's from Joe Fixit to Venom, and the from next week's from SIM to WS. They did NOT, however, mention that they were deviating from their Featured schedule AS WELL AS their Basic schedule.

    The Featured schedule is extremely simple. 1 week BRAND NEW CHAMP, next week a rerun of some kind (usually relating to the Monthly quest somehow), then BRAND NEW CHAMP again, and so on and so on. Now, you can trace this Featured pattern back for over a year, but to simplify, the week before last was Star-Lord. And, following the pattern, last week was Carnage. Rerun - New - Rerun - New would suggest that after Carnage would be a rerun. Instead, they did Punisher (who has NEVER had his own Arena before), but he still counts as a champ who has already existed in the game, not a BRAND NEW champ. Now, again, following the pattern that has been established by Kabam and been effect for a very long time, next week's champ should be Punisher 2099. No, there was not an official announcement, this is just following the pattern. And instead, they put in another Rerun, Civil Warrior. This throws off the Basic schedule for 4 months down the road, and I'll explain why.

    Normally, a BRAND NEW champ has about 4 months from the date they are released before they appear as the Basic champ instead. It's been another of those established patterns. Typically, this Basic has occurred when the Featured champ is in the "Rerun" week, rather than the BRAND NEW Champ week. So, if they change this scheduling by a week, this means that the "First Time As A Basic" champ will play alongside the BRAND NEW Champ, meaning arena grinders will have to choose between them, when before they could do both. This certainly affects people who have made plans to participate in arenas. For example, months ago, I requested the last few days off so that I could get Hyperion. If they had changed it last minute, I'd be stuck with days off for a champ I don't need, and having to work on the days when the champ I actually wanted is in the arena.

    So, back to my post, I'm asking for some feedback from Kabam to find out what their intentions are. What changes are they making, so that I can prepare.

    But again, no anger. Perhaps you should redirect your energy elsewhere? Just a thought.
  • Jimbojames23Jimbojames23 Member Posts: 70
    I don't get what the issue is? People complain about high cutoffs because a desired basic champ arena is hit by your top-tier grinders, so if those arenas or going to be run alongside a new featured champ then the player base will be spread between the two which will bring the cutoff in both arenas down a little, and the 'off' weeks will give more developing players a chance to grab some characters to build their rosters up as they won't be as popular
  • FPC3FPC3 Member Posts: 144 ★★
    The issue (for me) is purely scheduling. If they're changing it, I'd like to to have more info so that I can plan.
  • GwendolineGwendoline Member Posts: 945 ★★★
    I opened almost 100 arena boost crystals today when pushing for more points in the Punisher arena (which I sadly did not get) thinking I would use the 3* boosts to get the new 3* champ. Turns out they are running Civil Warrior which I have at sig level 67 already. I have 77 boosts that will expire a little less then 3 days from now.
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    @fpc3 If you looked back over the history you would see this change/adjustment at the same time last year. However it was followed by back to back new champion weeks. History says it not a schedule.

    Also they have a pattern that is fairly reliable however that does not make a schedule. Upcoming arenas are announced days in advance via the forums, new champs are announced in the same way.

    And it's ~6 months from featured arena to basic.
  • FPC3FPC3 Member Posts: 144 ★★
    edited June 2017
    CoatHang3r wrote: »
    @fpc3 If you looked back over the history you would see this change/adjustment at the same time last year. However it was followed by back to back new champion weeks. History says it not a schedule.

    Also they have a pattern that is fairly reliable however that does not make a schedule. Upcoming arenas are announced days in advance via the forums, new champs are announced in the same way.

    And it's ~6 months from featured arena to basic.

    Yeah, I'm FULLY aware of the process, bro. I'm not new to this. And I already said that it's not set in stone, so pointing out a time or two when it deviated doesn't change the fact that it, more often than not, follows a pattern.

    And yes, 6 months from Featured to Basic. In my head I was thinking time frame from Featured to PHC/3*/4* release date.
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    FPC3 wrote: »
    CoatHang3r wrote: »
    @fpc3 If you looked back over the history you would see this change/adjustment at the same time last year. However it was followed by back to back new champion weeks. History says it not a schedule.

    Also they have a pattern that is fairly reliable however that does not make a schedule. Upcoming arenas are announced days in advance via the forums, new champs are announced in the same way.

    And it's ~6 months from featured arena to basic.

    Yeah, I'm FULLY aware of the process, bro. I'm not new to this. And I already said that it's not set in stone, so pointing out a time or two when it deviated doesn't change the fact that it, more often than not, follows a pattern.

    And yes, 6 months from Featured to Basic. In my head I was thinking time frame from Featured to PHC/3*/4* release date.

    Cool as long as you now see it as a pattern and not a schedule as you defined it in earlier posts.
  • FPC3FPC3 Member Posts: 144 ★★
    CoatHang3r wrote: »
    Cool as long as you now see it as a pattern and not a schedule as you defined it in earlier posts.

    I referred to it as both in my posts. And just because they occasionally deviate from it, doesn't mean you can't call it a "schedule". My work schedule is different every week, but it's still a schedule.
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    FPC3 wrote: »
    CoatHang3r wrote: »
    Cool as long as you now see it as a pattern and not a schedule as you defined it in earlier posts.

    I referred to it as both in my posts. And just because they occasionally deviate from it, doesn't mean you can't call it a "schedule". My work schedule is different every week, but it's still a schedule.
    Yup just like your work schedule is posted the arena and new hero releases are posted in the forums, ~3days in advance.

    This 6 months every 2 weeks thing is a pattern, the actual schedule is announced days prior to the event.
  • VandalSavageVandalSavage Member Posts: 267 ★★
    edited June 2017
    FPC3 wrote: »

    Correct. This is like back in the old days when people made a fake-announcement regarding special deals for black Friday. The claim made by the wily veterans was that you should save your shards because you can exchange 500 for a single PHC instead of the normal 2000. So anyone who did that typically did not do so well in the weekly summoner's event.

    When Black Friday came and went, the predictable response of "anger" came out ... just like this thread regarding the alleged announcement that Punisher 2099 would be this week's featured hero.

    But again, no anger. Perhaps you should redirect your energy elsewhere? Just a thought.

    For someone without anger issues, you sure spend a lot of effort writing a manifesto as to why there's no punisher 2099 arena for this week.

    A lot of writing from you but still no link to any announcement from Kabam that this week would be P2099. When you write a lot and still can't provide that link, it quite obvious that your intention is to deceive.

    We weren't born yesterday. It is all about you dictating to the rest of us what the "schedule" should be and having people explain themselves as to why they don't follow your schedule.

  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,466 Guardian
    FPC3 wrote: »
    CoatHang3r wrote: »
    Cool as long as you now see it as a pattern and not a schedule as you defined it in earlier posts.

    I referred to it as both in my posts. And just because they occasionally deviate from it, doesn't mean you can't call it a "schedule". My work schedule is different every week, but it's still a schedule.

    Your work schedule is dictated in a specific way. But if I observe you and hypothesize what your schedule is from your work habits, you deviating from my prediction is not a "change in schedule." It just means I was wrong. Your work schedule is a schedule because it comes from an authoritative source: whoever sets your work schedule. My version of it is not a schedule: it is a guess.
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