Blade? Iceman? Move over. Make room for Cap (Infinity War)

So. Yeah. OK.
Pulled a 3-star Captain America (IW) from the bundle today. Like most people who have been around forever, had an awakening gem lying around to use. Also had one of those Level 99 gems, so I used that on him.
Man. I'm just telling people now. Don't say nobody told you.
I have Blade and Iceman, all the rest of the great characters. I've been around since Week 1, so I've seen the twists and turns of the game.
And I don't even know what to say about this release.
I guess I'll put it like this:
Stop what you're doing. Plan your grind for next week, then the Monday after, accordingly.
If you have a Science awakening gem, grind as hard as you effing can. If you have a Generic awakening gem, use it without fear or hesitation, ESPECIALLY if you have signature stones lying around.
If you do not do these things, if you do not take me seriously, and then you see what this character can do and then you are sour AF about it: Don't say I didn't tell you. Don't say you didn't know. Don't say you weren't warned.
Because I'm telling you: GET THIS CHARACTER.
Pulled a 3-star Captain America (IW) from the bundle today. Like most people who have been around forever, had an awakening gem lying around to use. Also had one of those Level 99 gems, so I used that on him.
Man. I'm just telling people now. Don't say nobody told you.
I have Blade and Iceman, all the rest of the great characters. I've been around since Week 1, so I've seen the twists and turns of the game.
And I don't even know what to say about this release.
I guess I'll put it like this:
Stop what you're doing. Plan your grind for next week, then the Monday after, accordingly.
If you have a Science awakening gem, grind as hard as you effing can. If you have a Generic awakening gem, use it without fear or hesitation, ESPECIALLY if you have signature stones lying around.
If you do not do these things, if you do not take me seriously, and then you see what this character can do and then you are sour AF about it: Don't say I didn't tell you. Don't say you didn't know. Don't say you weren't warned.
Because I'm telling you: GET THIS CHARACTER.
See, this is where I diverge from those folks -- I don't think just having a high DPS L2 makes a character great or not..
The thing about Cap (IW) is that the Kinetic Charges just build up through normal gameplay -- and that is so incredibly important, because awakened and at a high sig level, my gosh.
Again: The character is almost always Kinetically Charged. You don't have to do overly risky intercepts just to keep that uptime.
To be clear: I was clear about this: He needs to be awakened, and you need to set your team accordingly -- but that's not a weakness, because everybody knows that Blade needs Spark and Ghost Rider to reach his full potential. So people can't argue that one character is dependent and that's bad, while another that is considered the best in the game is dependent and that doesn't matter.
Here's a basic list of why this character is great:
1. If you place the Skill synergy with him and you're a skilled player who doesn't get hit, you will almost never have a debuff placed on you during a fight -- if he's kinetically charged (and he usually is) -- then you shrug it off. Bam. Done.
2. When you run him with the Tech synergy, he drops Petrify on opponents for 10 -- TEN -- freaking seconds on Parries. Again, if you're skilled, you have serious uptime on decreased Power Gain and Health Recovery. You are just going to town and not getting your opponents into the danger zones nearly as quickly. It's a subtle power control mechanic.
3. Then, with the Science synergy, on those same parries in which you are already benefitting from the Petrify, he pops a Weakness debuff on your opponent. Ten percent. Now that might not sound like much. You're like, OK. What's the big deal? See No. 4.
4. When the character is Kinetically Charged, he gets increased Attack, Physical Resistance and Energy Resistance. Plus 30 percent Glancing against all opponents, except one: It's 100 percent against Mystic Champions.
Do you see where we are now?
This character becomes a freaking tank, an absolute tank, just by regular playing. No holding block. No dash backs. None of that. Just by playing the game, you start taking very little damage.
So you're like, OK. Who cares? That's like Ant-Man.
Again. I keep saying it because I have to hammer this point home: It's about the Kinetic Charges.
They aren't just for defense. They're for offense, too.
6. Always remember: All Kinetic Charges are consumed on Special Attacks -- and that's a good, good, good, good thing.
7. Because on his Special 2, each Kinetic Charge you consume -- he can have up to five -- adds extra attack and stun duration. PLUS: You have Fury on Demand, with just a quick flick of charging a heavy. The barest flick.
So. Remember: I have a 3-star Cap. A 3-star. Nothing crazy.
I hit a Juggernaut with an L2 crit, with five kinetic charges and a Fury buff...for 14K-plus damage. WHICH STUNNED HIM FOR ALMOST FOUR SECONDS.
I didn't stutter. Let me repeat that: 3-star. L2 crit. 14K-plus damage. WITH A GUARANTEED STUN.
I have written a book already. I won't even go to the L3, WHICH HITS EVEN HARDER if you do it right.
And the guaranteed bleed on L1. The ability accuracy reduction. The ridiculous synergies and Passive.
My gosh. I don't know about other folks. Content creators, whoever...hey. They do their thing. I do my thing.
But I know what I saw tonight. And I'm just gonna put aside the grind time and try like hell to get this character next week as a five-star -- and I NEVER do that.
Lol....pretty has been used by many a comic book writer to resolve plot holes over the years...
Love the way you sold this champ lol. Kabam should hire you to write champion spotlights for them. That being said, I think he'll be as good as and at the same level as void, perhaps a little weaker but let's wait and see anyway.
They are meant to be good. And from what I hear this Cap looks great.
Though it makes me wonder why Kabam wont redo some of the old characters and gove them more abilities. A lot of the old characters just did bleed or stun only. Nothing amazing about them.
I certainly won't be dense and pretend that Blade's Danger Sense and Iceman's Coldsnap and ability to tank L3s aren't great -- those are great characters, and great utility. Mix in Blade's regen...I mean, we all know the deal about that. Not arguing with anyone who prefers those characters.
But for me, how I play, Cap is an absolute monster. The, I am just an above-average player. Not the greatest. But I know all the tricks, how to bait and intercept. When I am on fire with intercepting, which I can be, I am a fairly legit player.
For me, for how I play, Cap is such a useful character -- it's just how I play.
I already run OG Vision a ton. So that Tech synergy means I get not only Petrify on Cap, but the reverse synergy means OG Vision just locks up power at I had a run on a lane with OG Vision yesterday where the opponents either procced one or no all.
Because I still use Scarlet Witch, she is dealing direct damage on Nullify. Cosmic Characters, characters like Howard or the StarkTech characters, etc., who proc Fury or Armor gosh. Just devastation.
Because those are two different classes, I get the Bonus damage on Captain America's L3. Just by doing what I always do.
Then I mix in Hulk on the team. When you do, the Science Synergy is reducing some of the attack damage and with Cap, giving Weakness in Parries. It's crazy. You already have a Hulk who is just dealing damage anyway, no matter what you do. But you aren't hitting him as hard? You are making the Hulk more sustainable? My gosh.
See, that's just how I play. For me, I already use those characters extensively anyway. With Cap -- who, even with Class Disadvantage, I took to 288 hits as a 3-star against ROL Winter Soldier as an example of his durability -- it just makes those characters even better while giving me another character who hits hard, shrugs off
Blade and Iceman absolutely have some great mechanics. Have them both. Really love Iceman, too.
But I will absolutely be using Cap more, especially if I can get a 4 or 5-star awakened
I pulled his 4* but gonna continue to use void for my Petrify needs.
1) 30% glancing with kinetic charge, possible match-saving ability
2) 100% defensive ability reduction with kinetic charge on special attack, RIP evade/aura of incineration/limbo/unstoppable
3) massive damage on special attacks under circumstances easy to achieve
4) very high prestige at 4*, higher than Mordo, not sure how that will translate to 5*
5) interesting sig ability
Possible God Tier champion, time will tell how useful he will be in modes that offer the game's best rewards
That's literally the opposite of what I said. I said you can't knock Cap for it, because Blade is the same with that
Or the 5* will have terrible prestige aka "Sparky Syndrome"
If you were to start this game over he would help you clear a lot of content but for some of us he won’t get the rank 4 nod.
Anyone have any thoughts on what nodes he might be useful for as a war defender? Was thinking that folks won’t be so familiar with fighting him yet so him might be awkward to come up against.
yes but blades synergy is with 1 god tier, and 1 demi god tier (bordering god tier). Who cares if you need to rely on synergy if its with other amazing champs. The only time relying on synergy is a burden is for people like medusa who has synergy with 2 average (if that) champions.
...and keep the sock when you're done.
Hypothetically, if I brought Thor, Cap IW, and Superior IM for AQ would SIM Regen be 25% more? I know Regen is a fixed amount, but it is a cosmic buff. Or Thor, cap, Hyperion 25% longer power gain?