Want to keep your privacy policy?

Most alliances suffering the war rating reduction are mostly innocent. They are suffering because of the actions of a few, sometimes one person. It would be nice for Kabam to rethink their privacy policy and release the names of players that violate ToS to at least the alliance leaders but here's a very easy way to maintain your policy but help the player base immensely.
Simply remove the player from the alliance. That way they can easily be identified and blacklisted but you did not technically release any details so you still maintain the privacy policy. The alliance will still get the war rating reduction but at least they don't have to go on a wild goose chase trying to figure out who caused the drop
Simply remove the player from the alliance. That way they can easily be identified and blacklisted but you did not technically release any details so you still maintain the privacy policy. The alliance will still get the war rating reduction but at least they don't have to go on a wild goose chase trying to figure out who caused the drop
Culpability without cognizance is callous.
This is just no.
Now that it's an actually issue in reality I'm sure we will see a lot more threads on the subject. It's just bad policy to penalize a competitive team without allowing them to have a way to correct the issue.
But you don't benefit anything in the long run. You lose war rating, lose season points and unless the culprit gets banned and therefore doesn't log in for more than a few days, you can't even know who is the cause of all of it. And even that isn't completely foolproof.
Plus, I'm not saying the alliance shouldn't get punished. I'm just saying Kabam should remove the guilty party/parties from the alliance.