Hulk Ragnarok Face me ability

Hi I am writing this message regarding my ticket ref:_00D301HgIt._5000c1YKKkx:ref —case# 04728509
I wrote many emails but it seems that you didn’t receive any. So I thought I might contact you here. Just to remind you a little about the bug/technical issue that I noticed is hulk (ragnarok) passive ability “face me”. He didn’t trigger his ability while under damage over time.
Here are some details regrading your questions also am attaching some videos and screenshots.
I am using IPad version 11.3.1
Game version is 18.0.1
I am attaching some videos and screenshots for more information
I noticed the problem since last war ended.
Those are debuffs. Active damage over time effects.
His ability only works with passive damage over time effects, such as limbo, aura of incineration, dormammu degeneration, etc...
Mordo sp1 is a debuff (doesn't trigger face me ability)
Face Me activates against Mephisto’s aura of incineration?
Just confirmed in game. Very excited I don't have to r5 my 4* Red Hulk for Node 55 Mephisto in AW.
Did you even read his abilities?
Better question: Did you even read all the responses in this thread?