Red Hulk vs Quake

MegaGalacticMegaGalactic Member Posts: 248 ★★
I finally got some good science champs (instead of Spider-Gwen...) and trying to figure out who to upgrade and use as I’m finishing off Thanos and beginning Act 4. What would be your choice?

Also for anyone who cares to share an extra opinion: Who of them would be more useful to awaken if possible?

Red Hulk vs Quake 36 votes

Red Hulk
Golden_Guardianvg2782AxeCopFireAfridSpeedbumpSac123_Foxhero007SgtAnime1zackb213HzoriDTMelodicMetaladknight27Maldroit2Jayfighter88Mitchell35VoltolosNewbie756 17 votes
ArcDeAngelusStavelotXoteSwe_wolfisFrostyadqqedfyvrSpiritOfVengeanceLordBaldyBaldKaanG95taojay1Arnav1004_yadavBahamutAnimatronicstoXFA_RebootedDarthPhalshadow_lurker22Conquestor_VWinner66615Noob2435IKON 19 votes


  • SpeedbumpSpeedbump Member Posts: 1,520 ★★★
    Red Hulk
    Quake doesn't need to be awakened to be good. All it does is send back damage to the opponent nothing special.
    As for Rulk, Gains 2 stacks right off the top of a fight. I'd say Rulk to awaken would be more beneficial.
  • Conquestor_VConquestor_V Member Posts: 19
    Awaken Quake for prestige.
    Awaken Rulk for more damage at the start of the fight.
    I would wait for Void/Hulk/Luke cage. Quake and Rulk's duped abilities don't do much.
  • LordBaldyBaldLordBaldyBald Member Posts: 265
    Get Quake but don’t awaken her. Just pretty much parry and charge your heavy and blast em down with specials. Those aftershocks will do the work for you. If one stuns your opponent, just charge up till right before the stun wears off. Easy battles 4 lyfe (i only have a 3* quake)
  • MegaGalacticMegaGalactic Member Posts: 248 ★★
    @Speedbump @Conquestor_V @LordNegrotron Thanks for the input! Very helpful. Will rank up Quake.
  • StavelotXoteStavelotXote Member Posts: 231
    Even though I like Rulk more overall, Quake has been amazing at getting through Act 4. I have done most of the heavy lifting on my second account with her and Hyperion.

    They are both good champions but Quake is able to hurt the opponent without giving them power which may be more beneficial in the long run. Just keep her away from true strike and stun immune nodes
  • SpiritOfVengeanceSpiritOfVengeance Member Posts: 2,353 ★★★★
    After quake then do red hulk.
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