Thanos Boss Design is so terrible imo.

Isman1998Isman1998 Member Posts: 520 ★★★
First of all I would like to say I like the ambition for the Thanos fight. The 15 energy it takes to get to him is probably the best designed thing in this whole quest, but the actual design of the Thanos boss fight is terrible.

My first problem is the cutscenes that play in the middle of the fight. YOU DO NOT PUT CUTSCENES IN THE MIDDLE OF A MATCH IN A FIGHTING GAME!!!!! I can't count the amount of times I got screwed over by the dang cutscenes of Thanos flexing his infinity gauntlet and I died because I thought I was blocking put rather the game ate my input because of the cutscene. Next time please use an ANIMATION not a cutscene. If you're going to do cutscenes only put them at the beginning and end of a fight. No where in the middle.

Someone is gonna bring up Special 3's are basically a cutscene and to that I say you are correct. The thing about special 3's in this game or any other fighting game that has them, if they connect and hit they push you a safe distance away from the opponent and usually have an effect that hinders you enemy like stun or something.

Thanos infinity flex cutscene leaves you in striking distance of Thanos so that last fight where he gets that dumb, stupid Deathtouch BS (which is another problem in of itself because its lazy, cheap game design) you just get absoulety destroyed and you cant do anything about it.

Another thing that makes this boss fight so bad is the reversed controls. I can deal with reversed controls in other games where controls work. In MCOC the controls dont work regularly half the time and then the game team has the nerve to reverse the controls? Seriously? I shouldn't even have to explain how goofy and ridiculous that is.

When I beat Thanos I dont feel accomplished I relieve a sigh and I'm glad that its over. This bosses design, combined with the problems MCOC has had for over months now like dropping blocks, inconsistent parries, dexterity not working, etc, easily makes this one of the games worst designed boss fights imo.

Yes I've seen the guides and stuff on how to beat this purple meathead. But those don't mean anything when core gameplay mechanics don't work.


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  • Isman1998Isman1998 Member Posts: 520 ★★★
    The cutscene always finishes by putting a lot of space between my champ and Thanos. He's certainly never within striking distance. Do you have a video?

    I don't have a video. But everytime the cutscene would finish Thanos would be right next to me and was able to just do a quick light attack to finish me off. Probably some sort of glitch.
  • HoneymonsterHoneymonster Member Posts: 69
    I had issues during master where when I got to second thanos his death touch part, my champ was froze at the start and unable to move away this happend 3 times and cost me 3 revives and health which I spend units on after that I gave up!!! I emailed kabam to just get a generic response that was no help I emailed them back and got same generic email!! They just don't respond they ignore us! I'm sick to death of the poor customer service!!
  • charaderdude2charaderdude2 Member Posts: 1,530 ★★★
    edited May 2018
    The cutscenes helps,If you're attacking him,sudden unstoppable. If he's attacking you,And by some means goes to 30%,Death touch,Boom,K.O
  • charaderdude2charaderdude2 Member Posts: 1,530 ★★★
    Also,In juggernaut and rhinos sp 3,They actually corner you,Your argument is only somewhat valid
  • Mirage_TurtleMirage_Turtle Member Posts: 1,868 ★★★★
    The reversed controls aren't bad. They don't last too long so you can always just wait them out. And your block still works. If you're uncomfortable with moving left or right while controls are reversed, I'd recommend just standing still and trying to go for the parry if Thanos lunges at you. By the time he recovers, it's likely your controls will be back to normal.

    And I disagree with the Deathtouch being BS. You say there's nothing you can do, but that's simply not true. You have the option of evading until it wears off. However, doing that doesn't give you much time until his L3 goes off. What you're supposed to do is intercept him. It's a high-risk, high reward deal that seems suitable for a boss fight such as this. If you mess up, you die. However, if you intercept him (as his description would tell you is your #1 goal at this stage of the fight), you get a safeguard charge, capping your damage from his L3 to 25%. This means if done properly, you can eat 3 of his L3's with any champ and still live to tell the tale. This is plenty of time to finish him off.
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  • 2nd_slingshot2nd_slingshot Member Posts: 233
    Best fight I've had inbthevgame. I also did uncollected so I know. The mechanics are not bad. The cutscenes help you know what stone is active so your controls don't reverse suddenly. Also game controls have no problem, I play on Android which has biggest issues and the controls still work. As for thanos 2 death stone, bring counters. LC, GP, Iceman. The sp3 animation gives you a chance for a 5hit combo right after. I bought 4refills just practicing on first thanos and finally defeated him with 2team revives.
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  • BigDudeBigDude Member Posts: 82
    I stand by the fact, that this Thanos is harder then anything they have in the game. And they drastically nerfed first pass rewards with him. Yes you only have to beat him once, but the bulk of rewards should come from beating him, not from 100% exploring the other levels. If they want this difficulty they need to buff rewards for completion and tone down rewards for exploration.
  • Mirage_TurtleMirage_Turtle Member Posts: 1,868 ★★★★
    BigDude wrote: »
    I stand by the fact, that this Thanos is harder then anything they have in the game. And they drastically nerfed first pass rewards with him. Yes you only have to beat him once, but the bulk of rewards should come from beating him, not from 100% exploring the other levels. If they want this difficulty they need to buff rewards for completion and tone down rewards for exploration.

    If I'm understanding this correctly, you want the completion/exploration rewards of 3.2 in the EQ (The Thanos Fights) to make up the bulk of the rewards? It sounds like you want this as a way to skip the need to explore the rest of the EQ without missing much in terms of rewards. Correct?

  • rockykostonrockykoston Member Posts: 1,505 ★★★★
    Honestly, I am seeing more and more quest design geared toward perfect intercept and dodging mechanics, which is good as it lets people learn those techniques, even if they are uncollected.

    The problem comes when the game itself is laggy on most devices and combine it with the fast AI reactions, you CANNOT dodge perfectly. I have only tried the Thanos fight once and having watched Infinty war just this weekend, it really feels like a great boss fight. I only reached Phase 2 on 1st Thanos, but there's a lot of time to practice. I am also close to Ranking up a lot of my 5 stars and getting blade this week, I hope all that helps when I fight Thanos later in the month.

    I really like the boss design and it makes people think and improve their skills (except for the lagging part).

    1) Like someone said, the cutscenes place you and Thanos at opposite ends of the screen. Since you mentioned about L3 having a cutscene, let me tell you that an L3 actually places your opponent right next to you MOST of the times, you have to either evade or block real quick.

    2) Death Touch - haven't reached there yet, but I guess the only issue would be the lag and somewhat I am still improving my intercept skills. It's a continuous process, no matter how good I get, Kabam always keeps putting out harder intercept content.

    3) Reversed controls - Again, practiced only once but I was able to dodge back and also hit him with a combo. Check the youtube videos on how to time those actions, even if you learn the phase, you can blindly swipe back (dash forward), do a combo, then swipe forward (dex back twice). Hope for the best and you might be able to do a combo, I did it in my first try. Or you can simply hold block and hope for the best :)

    It is really fun and frustrating to fight him at the same time. The fight is fun, the dying is not.
  • IOSJasoNIOSJasoN Member Posts: 649 ★★★
    There's loads of vids on this now but here's a few tips..

    Reverse controls can be changed back to normal by landing a hit.. when the cut scene for reverse controls comes up swipe backwards as soon as it ends.. This lands a hit and normal controls.. As soon as you swipe forwards to avoid the second fireball (sp2) swipe backwards (9 out of 10 times this will land a hit and give normal controls) key point is don't be afraid of him his sp is an explotable opening.. Use it!..

    He doesn't stand next to you after the cut scene..
    With him standing next to you, plus death touch.. Sounds like he's just used sp3.. as soon as the animation ends start swinging and get your 5 hits in.. then it comes down to who you're using.. you either intercept or if you're using GP you avoid him and let him build his sp3 rinse and repeat..
  • EnderDraco58EnderDraco58 Member Posts: 957 ★★
    There are only 2 things I don't like:
    The fact that the cutscene can happen in the middle of my combo
    The fact that his sp3 leaves me right next to him when it ends, causing him to finish me off with a light attack with Deathtouch the second it finishes.
  • IOSJasoNIOSJasoN Member Posts: 649 ★★★
    There are only 2 things I don't like:
    The fact that the cutscene can happen in the middle of my combo
    The fact that his sp3 leaves me right next to him when it ends, causing him to finish me off with a light attack with Deathtouch the second it finishes.

    You need to get used to beating him to it mate.. You can literally start hitting him as soon as it ends.. The only painful thing I found about the cut scenes is when they happen in the middle of your special attack.. the rest of your sp does no damage.. (although it was funny with KP instead of thanos flexing his glove the cut scene just had a close up of him dazed with his head swinging side to side lol)
  • JRock808JRock808 Member Posts: 1,149 ★★★★
    Spam light attack immediately after Thanos2 Sp3 and you will get the hit first. After the combo.. well, that's on you.
  • RayRayRayRay Member Posts: 4
    I personally really enjoyed this fight..first several attempts i got my butt handed to me. The reverse controls was by far the hardest mode to get used to. Watched a couple of videos and practiced some more and managed to do it with a few boosts and a single revive. Good challenge imo...made me think a lot more but in the end was a much better feeling than grinding the same map 6 or 7 times
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,402 Guardian
    Isman1998 wrote: »
    My first problem is the cutscenes that play in the middle of the fight. YOU DO NOT PUT CUTSCENES IN THE MIDDLE OF A MATCH IN A FIGHTING GAME!!!!! I can't count the amount of times I got screwed over by the dang cutscenes of Thanos flexing his infinity gauntlet and I died because I thought I was blocking put rather the game ate my input because of the cutscene. Next time please use an ANIMATION not a cutscene. If you're going to do cutscenes only put them at the beginning and end of a fight. No where in the middle.

    The cutscenes are there because the activation of the infinity stones alters the nature of the fight. The cutscenes reset the fight to a relatively safe state: if they were not there and you were in the middle of executing a combo when they activated you'd stand a good chance of dying. When you say "YOU DO NOT PUT CUTSCENES IN THE MIDDLE OF A MATCH IN A FIGHTING GAME" you say that like that's some rule everyone should know, but in fact there's no such rule. The more important rule is if you're going to alter the way combat works you should never do that in the middle of a fight without giving the players an opportunity to notice and adjust to the change. The cut scenes serve that purpose. If they were not there, I'd be asking the developers to put them there.

  • Super_Mitch_83Super_Mitch_83 Member Posts: 89
    All about milking those whales this month going for the 5* gem in the dust store. Not a surprising move.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,402 Guardian
    Isman1998 wrote: »
    gohard123 wrote: »
    wah wah wah

    I guess I cant give constructive criticism huh?

    I'm not sure I would call it especially constructive. Your post basically comes down to saying a) cutscenes are bad in the middle of the fight, b) the special three leaves you vulnerable to being unavoidably killed by death touch, and c) reverse controls mechanic is bad because the controls are buggy to begin with.

    The problem is that for the most part, no one else is seeing (a) or (b), and while many people have complained about buggy controls that has nothing directly to do with the Thanos fight. If you're saying your controls are completely unreliable, I don't know how reversing them would even hurt you. You mostly seem to be venting, and while that's your right, there's nothing specifically constructive to apply to the Thanos fight from a vent.
  • Dexman1349Dexman1349 Member Posts: 3,060 ★★★★★
    A few things I would like to have seen adjusted:

    1) Thanos should only be able to activate his 95/60/30% cut-scenes as if it was a SP3 after those thresholds are crossed. This allows you to finish your combo, special attack, etc. He should not be able to activate a stone if he's getting punched in the face. An exploit to this would be chain-stunning from the beginning, but I'm sure Kabam can create a one-off buff to prevent that.

    2)10 seconds between specials is not enough time. We end up spending the majority of the fight simply evading.

    3) Master Thanos was way too passive. If the buff requires you to intercept in order to get safeguard, then he needs to actually dash attack so we can intercept. Too often he would block his way to the next special attack.

    4) There needs to be a way to get completion without the full explore of this map. Perhaps grant completion if you beat the first one, then grant exploration if you beat both (in the same session).
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,402 Guardian
    Dexman1349 wrote: »
    4) There needs to be a way to get completion without the full explore of this map.

    Why? To put it another way, suppose there was just one Thanos, and killing him granted both completion and exploration. Would you be advocating adding another Thanos to ensure that you did not get completion and exploration at the same time? Alternatively, would you be okay with Kabam requiring you to complete the map twice, once for completion and once for exploration? Both of those satisfy the requirement that completion and exploration aren't awarded at the same time.

    No matter how strong he is, I'm not sure if it is reasonable to expect the completion rewards for both the map and the entire difficulty run to hinge on only a single fight. I look at it as getting completion for fighting two fights, and getting exploration automatically. From that perspective, I don't need anything added to extend full exploration beyond that.
  • OrdalcaOrdalca Member Posts: 543 ★★★
    For death touch, he does use his light attack quickly, but it's only instant if you are holding block when the cutscene ends. Just don't hold the block and you'll have a window of time to hit him or back away.
  • Dexman1349Dexman1349 Member Posts: 3,060 ★★★★★
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    Dexman1349 wrote: »
    4) There needs to be a way to get completion without the full explore of this map.

    Why? To put it another way, suppose there was just one Thanos, and killing him granted both completion and exploration. Would you be advocating adding another Thanos to ensure that you did not get completion and exploration at the same time? Alternatively, would you be okay with Kabam requiring you to complete the map twice, once for completion and once for exploration? Both of those satisfy the requirement that completion and exploration aren't awarded at the same time.

    No matter how strong he is, I'm not sure if it is reasonable to expect the completion rewards for both the map and the entire difficulty run to hinge on only a single fight. I look at it as getting completion for fighting two fights, and getting exploration automatically. From that perspective, I don't need anything added to extend full exploration beyond that.

    Except that as it sits now, it literally is an all-or-nothing reward system. You can 100% complete the rest of the EQ for minimal cost, but will only get the rewards for Chp 1&2 if you can't get past Thanos. And to be honest, those two fights in Uncollected are hands-down some of the hardest in the game outside of LOL. Even the Master version was a bit of a challenge.

    Last month, players were able to "cut their losses" against Guilly and only had to beat her once to get completion rewards. They then had the option to spend the additional cost/effort to go for full exploration or simply stop with completion.

    Now, we are forced to doing the full effort of exploration just to get completion rewards.

    For players well into their end-game period of their gameplay, this is a non-issue because they're going for 100% regardless. However, for those players who are newer to the game (or even recently Uncollected) and who are content with completion of an EQ are then put in a horrible position.
  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★
    This was one where you had to wait for videos to come out and do some study before you fought him, that death touch part is actually super easy once you work it out, as already explained don’t try m hit just tap light as soon as the animation ends and you get a free full combo, then just evade till l3 again and use an avenger or gwenpool so the l3 will take tons of times to kill you. Mike already explained that the animations were to help us as it was too hard to keep tracking his abilities if they switched mid combo, also the videos showed that most of the cutscenes give you an opening to rush and hit him when they finish, I was literally pausing my fight at the next section and watching the next part of the video so I didn’t have to remember too much, loved the fight, still cost me a handful of revives, keep practising and quitting if you aren’t goin well, it’s only 18 energy to do it again. Great concept
  • Earth_Rick_c137Earth_Rick_c137 Member Posts: 147
    He's better than ice Phoenix, now that was bs
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